IFG-Kala Teeter outing

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Post by eljefe » Tue Feb 06, 2007 4:22 pm

And the 1st IFG two gun fun shooting Rally-Only for Indian made revolvers and shotguns.
Good excuse for all the IOF owners to come out of the closets and enjoy them selves ...and not be branded politically incorrect for owning guns.
Indian arms- because we may as well start sometime;)
Me ? i'm very serious-Why do we need NRAI all the time? Why medals? Lets have a LEGAL, fun outing and come out of the closet.

''It dont mean a thing, if it aint got that zing!''

"...Oh but if I went 'round sayin' I was Emperor, just because some moistened bint lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away..."

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Post by Olly » Tue Feb 06, 2007 7:37 pm

Sure thing... and a great idea...
Someone is speaking for the IOF owners... !!


Re: IFG-Kala Teeter outing

Post by mehulkamdar » Tue Feb 06, 2007 7:50 pm


This is going pleasantly off topic but I had suggested a "speed shooting" air rifle match based on the Big Game Rifle Club big bore rifle matches for open sighted Indian manufactured air rifles. The match could be set up in any large garden and if the IFG woulc like to conduct a match where many new shooters could participate, it would be great fun. Do ask Mack The Knife - he has tried it. :D

Now, if only the journos in our group would help publicise this and the IFG, we might have something big going. A match that thousands of Indians could afford to participate in, one that could be set up in virtually any little town in India and a sport where the sheer numbers of shooters would be a big middle finger shown to the NRAI.

Do try it out - believe me, it would be great fun.


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Post by dev » Tue Feb 06, 2007 10:22 pm

Dear All,

First of all you can't find a better place to socialise. A whole bunch of guys who share the same interest. Secondly, a very humble forum owner who is generous with his time also, plus the less said the better of a guy who masquerades as a Doc...;-). I don't know how Asif does it man he works days and days in a row and then has the time to make flies, lures and what cha ma call it for those lucky to be in his company. The day had begun badly for dad cause his squaw had been on the warpath as he was lingering over the nine o 'clock deadline that I had set and then turned up at 9.45. So when I went to pick him up he was boiling mad and as usual he sulked in the back of the jeep. But as soon as we picked up the good Doc he was chirping away and the good Doc made things even better by springing for coffee at the radisson while we waited for Danish and Zafar. So he had smiled by now and was soon making like one of the guys with hearty quips about a good break from women etc. When we reached Najafgarh Asif hit an Octave as he quivered..'what has happened to the water?" I saw loads of water and kept my stupidity to myself. According to Asif this place had streams like in New Zealand till some time back anuyway I was conditioned by the toxic swamp anyway...but we set up and Danish begin some real earnest casts with prawn and then a smart aleck came by and advised us to go further North. So we drag everything uphill and find another spot. As we settle in among the thorns, Abhijeet lets a dozen kala teetar out and we sip and glug away as Danish and Henry work away. By now Dad has had about two bottles and he is added some scottish to the normal english, his hair has settled a lttle across his forehead. He is almost ready to adopt Abhijeet by now but I stop him out of jealousy. Now is when abhijeet takes him along to get lunch...Dad grins like a cheshire cat. I haven't seen that sloppy grin for a while. So by now the good doctor has made more pals, he lets go with his hard earned cash (eighteen hour shifts buddy) and we have VIP access. Now Asif is getting really serious man he pulls out stuff that's like a mini fish feeder at the end of his line. But how can you get fish when there are none around? So its almost 4.30 by now and Dad's good humour is wearing off, I think he was missing tea with squaw. So we pack up and all when we hear about another great spot??? So who wants to go home???? We all reach this fun spot and watch a ton of cat fish being pulled out of the fishery, I try to reason about taking photographs with these trophies but no one bites. So we cast for another hour...hery screams fish to your right, then fish to your left...so I cast accordingly, short of casting on top of them I tried everything but no bites. By now we have all had lots of a good thing and we load up in cars again. This had been a day so filled with so much promise and it was fun just to look and travel to the spot. Lets hope that we can do it again.
But I think I'll try not to forghet my coffee maker again...apologies to you Asif again for messing it up but next time we lite up your stove and do real strong coffees. Wish that more guys would turn up and enjoy the good life.


mundaire";p="11480 wrote: For the benefit of those not from this neck 'o the woods, kala = black and teeter = partridge, while one might have liked this topic to be referring to another type of field sport... :( Aisf in his post is alluding to my favourite local Haryana brew - Black Partridge beer... packs quite a kick! Now to the post at hand ;)

Dev, his dad, Asif, Henry and I hooked up with Danish and Zafar at the Radisson and from there we went on straight to Najafgarh. While the fishermen in our group fixed their baits and began making their casts, us fishing novices/ "hanger ons" ;) passed around the beers and generally made a nuisance of ourselves! :lol:

After a bit, as the weather warmed up... Uncle (Dev's dad), Zafar and I went off to see if we could source some grub... on our way out we gathered some local intelligence to the effect that we were fishing at the wrong spot. This piece of info was passed on to Danish/ Dev and while we left... the rest of the gang packed up, to move to the location which was "supposedly" happy hunting grounds...

When we got back with samosas, chips, mithai etc. (that's all we could get at the local basti) - Asif had already chatted up the water works/ irrigation department chap, given him "baksheesh" and generally ensured that all of us were very welcome at the new spot... :) Asif, Dev, Danish and Henry being the only earnest fishing folk amongst us... were hard at work casting/ reeling in/ and generally doing things that do not go bang ;)

Meanwhile I had a rather interesting conversation with Zafar about the kind of sport that used to be shot in their area before the ban on hunting came into effect... Another conversation with Henry revealed that he spent the first 25 odd years of his life in India and actually worked for the railways here... which in the 50's meant he got in a fair bit of sport as well... Some nice old time pictures were passed around :)

During all this, while there was not a single nibble to be had... more local info dribbles in.... apparently this is not a good spot either... there is a local pond/ lake off the road which is where the action is at... so we pack up and leave for this (from all de..scriptions) fishing heaven. On reaching there... while we see loads of waterfowl... we realise the lake/ pond of repute is a commercial fishery of sorts, and much worse - is in the process of being drained out! :P

So our earnest fisher folk cast in the adjoining pond and eventually, it is time to go home...

So no fish... but an excellent day out with friends! :) Got the opportunity to make the acquaintance of Henry and Zafar and also to finally meet up with Danish in person, all excellent gents! :)

Asif, Dev & Danish - please do add to this post... :)


P.S. - Will post the other camera's pictures tomorrow
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Re: IFG-Kala Teeter outing

Post by Mack The Knife » Tue Feb 06, 2007 10:37 pm

But how can you get fish when there are none around?
Now where have I heard that one before?

So, how much did he give you to say that? Be honest now! :mrgreen:
I don't know how Asif does it man he works days and days in a row and then has the time to make flies, lures and what cha ma call it for those lucky to be in his company.
Damned lies! Everytime he meets me he empties half my tackle box and now he's passing it off as his handiwork, eh? Anyway, now you know how he does it. ;) :mrgreen:

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Post by eljefe » Tue Feb 06, 2007 11:36 pm

That was the last 300 times Mack The Knife-I came back paying excess baggage for lures that you emptied into my tackle box!
Naaw, this time I have the scars on my fingers to prove I tied those lures myself! Whe I first started fishing, I wanted to use a needle holder to tie knots-Oh sheesh-smack my self on the forehead-smack smack smack! Now I do it handling a birdsnest ! smack-there it goes again...
Ok, while I'm not too OT, we can start with an IFG airgun match, invite Madame M to be chief guest and give it due media branding...maybe its a start of greater things to come?
But, the IFG 2 gun match, combat style -limited to IOFB handguns and Indian made 12 shotguns
-sbbl -is getting fixated-what did the man say? it aint over til its rocky?
Dev, next time we go to Bangalore for a trip with R and you'll be paying excess baggage for the lures and goodies too.
''It dont mean a thing, if it aint got that zing!''

"...Oh but if I went 'round sayin' I was Emperor, just because some moistened bint lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away..."

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Re: IFG-Kala Teeter outing

Post by Mack The Knife » Wed Feb 07, 2007 8:16 am

That was the last 300 times Mack The Knife-I came back paying excess baggage for lures that you emptied into my tackle box!
You were supposed to dispute my claim not exaggerate it. :roll: Sheesh! One cannot even have a good scrap on this site... :mrgreen:

Seriously though, bring Dev along the next time you visit.

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Post by Sakobav » Wed Feb 07, 2007 8:24 am


SWBO and now Squaw..hehe nice one..

IOF gun competition nice idea..Asif is an ER doctor and he will be there and may be he can have some his eager beaver residents around..just in case desi guns + desi ammo no pun intended..go for it

BTW we used to have Turkey shoot out in Minnesota..post Thanksgiving day..throwing the stuffed or froze ones ( on sale) instead of clays..not safe with kala teetar or horse piss ...if weather is warm the damn things stink..

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Post by eljefe » Wed Feb 07, 2007 12:04 pm

Dev, pack your bags my man-we are going REAL fishing!Not this "honorary audit for state pollution control board" that we've been doing the past 6 months! :(
And a chance to raid Mack The Knife's and Prathap's tackle bins...

Navi- Sure, if we set up this IFG two gun meet, Delhi side, will give full med cover, no sweat.Will be a damn sight more interesting and eventful than the Secstate, former POTUS and mideast PM I've given cover to in the past
''It dont mean a thing, if it aint got that zing!''

"...Oh but if I went 'round sayin' I was Emperor, just because some moistened bint lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away..."

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Post by Mack The Knife » Wed Feb 07, 2007 1:27 pm


Started a new thread.


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Post by dev » Wed Feb 07, 2007 3:36 pm

And Mack The Knife I will have fisticuffs with you for sending me so many pellets that my right shoulder has gone outa alighnment for carrying all that lead to the range and back. ;-) thanks so much, just for that you get to pinch Asif first the next time we meet.

Yo Doc am really waiting to see some clean water with some fish in it. Next time I'll actually dig for earthworms...yes Mack The Knife you caught us but the damn place was so much comfortable to just keep casting from and complain about there being no fish. You know the old one about misery loving company but we had great company and Abhijeet's brand of firewater. So who's complaining anyway? ;-)

Salaams Dev.
Mack The Knife Bana";p="11702 wrote:
That was the last 300 times Mack The Knife-I came back paying excess baggage for lures that you emptied into my tackle box!
You were supposed to dispute my claim not exaggerate it. :roll: Sheesh! One cannot even have a good scrap on this site... :mrgreen:

Seriously though, bring Dev along the next time you visit.

Mack The Knife
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Re: IFG-Kala Teeter outing

Post by kanwar76 » Wed Feb 07, 2007 3:52 pm

Good idea to have IOF matches but what about people like us... :(

I think we should also go for airguns matches suggested my Mehul or HFT. Now we even have enough targets to make a small setup. We can use Indians made airguns for the start. IMHO HFT is a interesting,easy and relatively cheaper way to introduce more people to guns.

What ya say guys..

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Re: IFG-Kala Teeter outing

Post by shahid » Wed Feb 07, 2007 4:07 pm

Its a good idea and wish IFG all success to kick it off.

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Post by Mack The Knife » Wed Feb 07, 2007 4:13 pm

And Mack The Knife I will have fisticuffs with you for sending me so many pellets that my right shoulder has gone outa alighnment for carrying all that lead to the range and back. ;-)
And you'll get a smack on the hooter if you don't use them as mentioned in the letter. :mrgreen:

My pleasure, Dev. Let me know if one of the four types work and we will see what we can do to get more....assuming I don't have enough of the right pellet.

thanks so much, just for that you get to pinch Asif first the next time we meet.
I beg your bloody pardon?! I don't know what you two fairies get upto but keep me out of it. Please! :mrgreen:

On a serious note though and this is aimed at those who are new and may read this thread at a later date... I don't know how much booze was consumed but too much booze and fishing can be a dangerous combination.

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Re: IFG-Kala Teeter outing

Post by Mack The Knife » Wed Feb 07, 2007 4:17 pm

Now we even have enough targets to make a small setup.
How many?

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