Good job.saifdiwan wrote: So, with me, there are other 25+ folks who're joining.
Not quite, the show has just begun.saifdiwan wrote:Is it time to party?

Good job.saifdiwan wrote: So, with me, there are other 25+ folks who're joining.
Not quite, the show has just begun.saifdiwan wrote:Is it time to party?
I agree, this is just the beginning. In fact no end seems in sight. There is no tangible victory here and no set mission deadlines. One way or the other, loud or low, this thing will go on forever till there are those who want to control and those who can be controlled.Not quite, the show has just begun.
Welcome to IFG! You will enjoy this site.the love for guns attracted towards this community and the information about rights of arms seems to be very helpful.
Please send hard copy/copies by post, preferably speed post/registered post. You can collect all application forms, bundle them and send using single envelope.Can i fill And Send the Form Online to you or I have to Send my post
.goodboy_mentor wrote:Welcome to IFG! You will enjoy this site.the love for guns attracted towards this community and the information about rights of arms seems to be very helpful.
You can contribute your bit by joining NAGRI and getting more members
---My suggestion is NAGRI should make registration online rather than downloading, filling forms and sending to delhi, as it will be very convenient.
When do I get my membership details ?mundaire wrote:Been travelling, just got in last night - so online time has been very limited and my delay in responding to this thread. The applications are being handled by Amit's office staff, will ask him to send me the consolidated list with details so acknowledgements can be sent out to all.
Yes you just need to fill it up and send via speed post/registered post, avoid courier as sometimes if they do not have office near the given address they tend to return it with excuse that "address not found" etc.I have downloaded the form, taken a printout and filled it up. Now do I need to courier it to the address given on the instructions?
You may get email confirmation, probably once the volunteers fighting to get the draconian Arms Amendment Bill 2010 in its present form, stalled in Parliament and get some solution to the draconian notification by MHA dated 31.3.2010. NAGRI has just begun and is a non profit volunteer organization, with priority to fight for RKBA, I do not think it would be appropriate for any organization to spend money or resources at this stage for membership cards.How do I know if my membership is confirmed? (Enrollment Number, Membership card is being issued?)
Just filling up the form should be enough.Do I need to submit any documents supporting the details provided by me along with the form?