For the benefit of those not from this neck 'o the woods, kala = black and teeter = partridge, while one might have liked this topic to be referring to another type of field sport...

Aisf in his post is alluding to my favourite local Haryana brew - Black Partridge beer... packs quite a kick! Now to the post at hand
Dev, his dad, Asif, Henry and I hooked up with Danish and Zafar at the Radisson and from there we went on straight to Najafgarh. While the fishermen in our group fixed their baits and began making their casts, us fishing novices/ "hanger ons"

passed around the beers and generally made a nuisance of ourselves!
After a bit, as the weather warmed up... Uncle (Dev's dad), Zafar and I went off to see if we could source some grub... on our way out we gathered some local intelligence to the effect that we were fishing at the wrong spot. This piece of info was passed on to Danish/ Dev and while we left... the rest of the gang packed up, to move to the location which was "supposedly" happy hunting grounds...
When we got back with samosas, chips, mithai etc. (that's all we could get at the local basti) - Asif had already chatted up the water works/ irrigation department chap, given him "baksheesh" and generally ensured that all of us were very welcome at the new spot...

Asif, Dev, Danish and Henry being the only earnest fishing folk amongst us... were hard at work casting/ reeling in/ and generally doing things that do not go bang
Meanwhile I had a rather interesting conversation with Zafar about the kind of sport that used to be shot in their area before the ban on hunting came into effect... Another conversation with Henry revealed that he spent the first 25 odd years of his life in India and actually worked for the railways here... which in the 50's meant he got in a fair bit of sport as well... Some nice old time pictures were passed around
During all this, while there was not a single nibble to be had... more local info dribbles in.... apparently this is not a good spot either... there is a local pond/ lake off the road which is where the action is at... so we pack up and leave for this (from all de.scriptions) fishing heaven. On reaching there... while we see loads of waterfowl... we realise the lake/ pond of repute is a commercial fishery of sorts, and much worse - is in the process of being drained out!
So our earnest fisher folk cast in the adjoining pond and eventually, it is time to go home...
So no fish... but an excellent day out with friends!

Got the opportunity to make the acquaintance of Henry and Zafar and also to finally meet up with Danish in person, all excellent gents!
Asif, Dev & Danish - please do add to this post...
P.S. - Will post the other camera's pictures tomorrow