S*S Vs O/U

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Post by mehulkamdar » Mon Jan 15, 2007 2:54 am

Satpal_S";p="10191 wrote:Kanwar76:

The Pundits having laid down their fancy theories.

and yadda, yadda, yadda....on to infinity :lol:

Think and meditate, Yogis/Sufis(Practitioners) go to heaven, Pandits/Mullahs only know their holy books(Theory) and fight with each other!!!

Good luck shooting!!

So says the pundit who tried talking about the superiority of monoblock construction over all else, the superiority of Berettas over every other berand of shotgun made all learned from meditating on the power of his fourth IPO. :lol:

I wonder whose guns Inder shoots and whose guns he would be shooting when he returns to the US in a couple of months? :lol:

Of yes, I am responding to advice from someone who bested George Digweed, Mike Yardley and Ahmed bin Hasher AL Maktoum! :mrgreen:

Masterji - please note what inspired my response! :lol:

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Re: S*S Vs O/U

Post by Grumpy » Mon Jan 15, 2007 3:53 am

The O/U DOESN`T `rule` in the USA - semi autos and pumps do. A matter of cost more than anything else. The O/U `rules` in competition everywhere. The US market for guns of all kinds is huge compared to other countries but far more O/Us are sold in European countries - percentage wise - than in the US.....and by a factor of hundreds of percent - including in the UK. Total sales of O/U guns as a whole in Europe far exceed the number sold in the US.
The biggest market for SxS guns conversely IS the US.
Americans have begun to realise that in terms of handling the SxS is superior to the O/U for wing shooting. Some O/Us compete quite favourably - especially 20-Bores.....but that isn`t comparing like with like as a good 12-Bore O/U still doesn`t handle as well as a good 12-Bore SxS. Galazan/CSMG have introduced their RBL SxS as a 20-bore only to cater for the general trend towards 20-Bores in both the US and Europe. Ruger have their Gold Label SxS and can`t keep up with the demand. Remington have their ( CSMG built ) Parker SxS and Galazan/CSMG produce Winchester 21, A.H.Fox and Parker copies - as well as the RBL.
The Remington 870 handles like a truck. To say otherwise is ridiculous. Older models were at least quite well made but recent issues with quality control suggest that is no longer the case. The Winchester Model 12 was both better made and handled better than the 870......but like so many quality Winchester and Remington products was dropped on the grounds of manufacturing cost.

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Post by Satpal_S » Mon Jan 15, 2007 3:59 am

Say what you may please,

It don't matter the least.

Right now, it's 2:20 Pm nice, sunny, California day.

Spend the Morning, Offroading and driving my Dirt-Bike. Life is Great!!! No shotguns were used, either kind. Have Washed my 4Runner and Dirt Bike too, so no more work to be done.

Going on to enjoy great Veal Parm+Philly cheesesteak+Rigatoni with some deliciously Dry California Extra dry Cabernet.(Updated at 2:50, 1/3 Bottle of Cabernet Gone, happiness coming big-times, now time for the food!!)

Then put my sun shades and do nothing and Relax in the warm Sun. Tomorrow is MLK Jr day, a day off!! 8)


So say what you may nothing matters today, I am too relaxed and happy to worry about people on the net!!

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Re: S*S Vs O/U

Post by Grumpy » Mon Jan 15, 2007 4:22 am

Tra la la......What is this - a list of personal possessions ? Can`t compete with Cali weather ( though you had frosts forecast for this weekend ) but went out in one of our Jeep Grand Cherokees ( yes, we have two ) for a little shooting this morning. Chucked my William Ford 12-Bore 2" lightweight and a .17HMR that I`m checking out in the back. Bagged a dozen Woodies and a couple of buns. Nice day - sunny and no wind ( or rain - for a change.) Came back and put some CDs in the Bose and chilled listening to music. Cooked dinner and glugged on a bottle of Pouilly Fuisse.
Next Friday I have an invite to take a Fallow buck so I`ll take the .243 Zoli because it hasn`t been `blooded` yet. Providing it doesn`t rain......
Saturday we`ll go down to the New Forest where we keep a caravan.
Tra la la.
( ???????? )

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Post by Satpal_S » Mon Jan 15, 2007 6:42 am

California frosts????

Not in my Zip-code, 58 F and sunny, Nice sunning lying on the patio, No wind today.

Yes good food and wine is a nice list of possessions, something to be relished and cherished.

Something to be done again and again, can never have enough!!

OH!! BTW the food was Italian this weekend, a co-incidence, Beretta is Italian too. Next weekend it will be Chinese with German Beer.

Have fun!!


PS:Will make a mention of you to my dad, a big fan of English SXS's and the Belgian Superposed.

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Post by Sakobav » Mon Jan 15, 2007 9:21 am

Getting an used gun or a good one has lot to do where one is located, envy Mehul, Sharief, satpal because nice gun stores are so accessible in Midwest and West..not near my fair city.
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Post by Sakobav » Mon Jan 15, 2007 9:23 am


Northern CA especially Bay, NAPA and north of Sacremento area once place I would love to relocate to .. other than Boise ID.

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Post by eljefe » Mon Jan 15, 2007 9:57 am

Guys, I'd love to relocate to anyplace where I can earn enough to walk into a gun shop and buy a relatively close choice of a gun i want!
Lucky YOU ALL, veal parmesan and knocking buns with the 17HMR and and Fallow next week-me? fallow next rebirth, if such a thing were possible! The wine? M/s Indage will do rigt here in India, as long as the other stuff is 'OK'!
''It dont mean a thing, if it aint got that zing!''

"...Oh but if I went 'round sayin' I was Emperor, just because some moistened bint lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away..."


Re: S*S Vs O/U

Post by penpusher » Mon Jan 15, 2007 10:18 am

All of you are lucky to be where you are.I don't think that I need to remind you of what the Indian situation is :x .Here first you get a license and thenk start hunting around for a gun or as I do,spend a couple of years to find a gun at a price at which you don't feel that you have to sell a kidney and then get permission to buy a gun.Not many fine guns around and the ones that are there are not in a very good condition.Most of the good guns seem to have left the country.The way many good Indians have.


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Post by Sakobav » Mon Jan 15, 2007 11:31 am


Local grogg shop sells Indian wine Sola Nasik and Billimoria ( nonIndian stuff with Khukhri emblem). I liked the former wine wasnt bad... All the best

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Post by eljefe » Mon Jan 15, 2007 11:31 am

penpusher, price of kidneys is coming down...fine guns will cost more from 2008 :(
''It dont mean a thing, if it aint got that zing!''

"...Oh but if I went 'round sayin' I was Emperor, just because some moistened bint lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away..."

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Re: S*S Vs O/U

Post by Grumpy » Mon Jan 15, 2007 12:23 pm

Yeah, Northern California is nice......REAL N.California - Angelinos think N.Cali starts somewhere South of Monterey. Boise is a nice city but growing very fast - we`ve seen the difference just flying in from one year to the next......also it`s high desert around there......and Idaho hunting restrictions are pretty severe. It`s also a heck of a long way from anywhere else. Western Wyoming around the Wind River Range is glorious but the winters are very hard...and it`s even more remote than Boise. Maine is nice as well but you don`t get the huge sky that you do out West.
I`ve never been to Australia but would like to.....only problem is that the `Deer` look really weird and hop around ! S.Africa looks to be glorious in places but the cities are so dangerous. One of our doctors is S.African and said that he knew he had to leave when he realised that he couldn`t make home calls any more without a police escort.
Much of Scotland is pretty wonderful and there are almost as many deer as around here.....but mid-summer onwards the midges almost eat you to death !
And then there`s the point that my wife won`t move anyway because all the children and grandchildren are around here !
Asif and penpusher are right though, we have a lot to be thankful for - something that it`s easy to forget because we take it for granted.

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Post by Mack The Knife » Mon Jan 15, 2007 1:18 pm


Those Sula wines aren't too shabby. Well, from what little I have tried. May as well add that before Abhijeet and Asif mock me with sniggers. ;)

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Re: S*S Vs O/U

Post by kanwar76 » Mon Jan 15, 2007 1:23 pm

Started from hotel at 11. Cab got puncherd...changed cab on the highway...reached airport...excess baggage..paid $100...boarded luftansa..crappy food..crappy airhostesses....took a dump at a freakingly tight hole..reached frankfurt...next flight 5 hours...posting on ifg by paying 12 euro....

BEAT that....

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Post by Satpal_S » Mon Jan 15, 2007 9:31 pm


Read your post regarding desire to move to Northern California.

A decade too late!!!

Here is my take, California has gotten very crowded and expensive, especially the Bay area. Home prices have skyrocketed and quite a few young people are moving out. Salaries/Incomes have not kept pace with the real estate inflation. NAPA too being close to the Bay area has gone upscale (unaffordable) so is Sacramento. The really beautiful places are 100 miles+ north of Sacramento/Bay area. Very easily accessible by good roads. The Shasta region offers excellent Hiking, Fishing, Hunting, Boating, Mountain climbing, Camping and other enjoyments that thrill the soul. The Trinity Alps are magnificent. The bordering areas of Oregon are awesome too. Yet even here Real estate speculators have driven home prices beyond the reach of the average outdoors enthusiast. In Redding a small town in these areas, with no real jobs, a few years ago a nice basic home could be had for $90K now they want $200K+, all because of the Bay area real estate speculators.

Other than that well known places like Lake Tahoe and Yosemite are overrated "Tourist Traps". Especially Yosemite NP, the bloody place is so over crowded, lines to get in, traffic every where, even line to take a piss in the bathroom (sometimes no toilet paper or soap).

Lake Shasta and Lassen Volcanic NP are much less crowded and enjoyable.

San-Diego is nice in the off season, summers it gets filled with Tourists. Other areas South of LA are nice too.

Right now Texas seems to be a nice place to move to.

My Son has moved to Austin, Texas. The town is beautiful and very affordable, home prices are less than 40% of what they are in the Bay area and salaries almost the same. Texas though hot, is very green around Austin, lots of wild life, Butterflies so many they bother. Near my sons Townhome, there is a lake, and boy does it teem with fish. I have seen Armadillos on road sides etc.. Texas offers excellent hunting and is very Gun friendly too. Only problem seems to be insects, too many in Texas, in downtown Dallas there were so many Crickets, buggers were getting in my pants!!

Yet either of these places are better than NYC, unless you work in the Financial services sector (NYC Banks/Brokerages/Insurance etc. have excellent jobs hard to find elsewhere).

Have fun NG!!


PS: So given a choice, Texas is the place to be now, unless the Oil Boom continues to fizzle, then Texas economy could be in a slowdown.

Both California(Lots more than TX) and Texas offer tons of "Classy Punjabi/Desi Chandal chowkri and food", you will forget India!!!

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