Availability of drilling of combination gun

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Availability of drilling of combination gun

Post by Devasheeshgarbyal » Mon Oct 16, 2023 8:19 am

I was wondering and considering to buy a drilling or combination gun . Is it availaible in India or does any gun shop has it ? Chambered in 12 gauge and 3006 most likely

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Re: Availability of drilling of combination gun

Post by timmy » Thu Oct 19, 2023 3:37 am

Regarding a drilling, here are some comments about your desire/search, but I can't give you hard and fast information about availability or cost:

A drilling is more or less a custom gun, due to the fact that, not only must the two shotgun barrels be regulated to shoot to the same point at a given range, so also must the rifle barrel be regulated to the two shotgun barrels, because it has to use the same sighting planes.

One can get drillings nowadays, but they are very expensive custom guns. If you search through the posts of member Buckstix and examine his custom double barrel rifles, you will get an idea of what kind of work I'm speaking of here, and maybe a sense of the cost for a modern gun.

Remember that a drilling is heavier than a conventional SxS shotgun, as the extra rifled barrel is heavier than a single shotgun barrel due to the thickness of metal required by rifle pressures.

You want a 12 gauge x 12 gauge x 30-06, and this will most likely be a modern gun. Older drillings used rifle cartridges meant for drillings or often used cartridges, such as 7 x 72: bottlenecked cartridges require larger diameter barrels, which weigh more than those for a straight sided cartridge in the same caliber, and they are longer, which makes the action more bulky.

Good luck on your search and let us know if you find something suitable.
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Re: Availability of drilling of combination gun

Post by eljefe » Sat Oct 21, 2023 2:26 pm

Savage is one American maker which offers shotgun rifle combo. Over and under

Common calibers are .22/.410 which would not be legal for India due to .410
Other calibers I have read of are .22 mag/20 or 16 ga.
The drilling or ‘Dreiling’ were quality guns offered by European makers, notably from Ferlach.
My father owned a 9.3x74/16x16ga. Childhood memories only, but wood,metal,finish were drool worthy.

The 12/30-06 would be a dream gun for India. But you will have to get very lucky to unearth one there.
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Re: Availability of drilling of combination gun

Post by Vikram » Sat Oct 21, 2023 2:36 pm

There must be one or two hiding somewhere as a lot were shipped out of India. Going to be very difficult and the price is what the seller wants.
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Re: Availability of drilling of combination gun

Post by willyson » Fri Dec 01, 2023 5:51 pm

Did you find anything so far?

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Re: Availability of drilling of combination gun

Post by to_saptarshi » Wed Dec 20, 2023 9:19 pm

Vikram wrote:
Sat Oct 21, 2023 2:36 pm
There must be one or two hiding somewhere as a lot were shipped out of India. Going to be very difficult and the price is what the seller wants.
Yes , Saw one up for sale with a dealer in Kolkata but for 12 ga/405 combination , per my understanding .405 WCF availability in India pretty much non existent , so buyer will be using it as 12 bore DBBL only :D
Thanks and Regards,

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