If imports were opened today, what gun would you buy first?

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Post by mehulkamdar » Tue Jul 04, 2006 10:54 pm

All nice suggestions. What I am wondering is why just a few of us have posted? We do have 68 members...

Anyway, Mack The Knife, if you want to bring that K 95 to the US for a deer or boar hunt, it ccould be arranged. My invitation is always open - and yes, this is something I look forward to if you ever decide to give it a shot.


There is a company called Courteney Boots in Zimbabwe who make shoes out of hippo and elephant hide - would be a good addition to the sock-it-to-the-PETA-a-holes wardrobe. 8)

And, for you big bore bruiser buffs, the 600 NE was found to have penetration problems in it's time and, it was Purday working with the maharaja of Rewa who made an improvement on it - the 600-577 Rewa, a 600 NE case necked down to accomodate the 750 grain bullet from the 577 NE. Though the original rifle was a one off, the round has been reintroduced into service and several companies including Purdey, Holland and Holland and HArtman und Weiss have made guns for it. How about an Indian touch to a dream double rifle? 8)


A Purdey muzzleloading shotgun in 16 bore? AN unusual but interesting choice, nevertheless.

Cheers and please keep the posts coming!


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Post by Mack The Knife » Tue Jul 04, 2006 11:50 pm

mehulkamdar wrote:What I am wondering is why just a few of us have posted?
Probably due it being just an exercise in mental masturbation and some of the young 'uns would rather be doing the real thing? :mrgreen:

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Post by Grumpy » Wed Jul 05, 2006 3:16 am

Mack The Knife, that`s either a classic double entendre or a very clever smutty joke - either way it had me giggling like an idiot !
Young Tiger. The .577 NE developes some 600 ft lbs muzzle energy less than the .600 NE and over 2,600 ft lbs less than the .700 NE. As Asif said, it might be an idea to start bulking up now !
Scopes: I`ll always regret not buying a Docter 8x56 IR Aspheric and now, of course, Docter have ceased making it. I like my Schmidt & Bender 8x56 but think that my Meopta Artemis 2100 7x50 IR is a better scope - and amazing value for money. Some day I`ll have to try the Meopta 3000 7x56 IR which is reckoned to be superb.
Unlike Mehul I always shoot with a scope. I have one on all my rifles ...... including the doubles. I`m now looking for a very wide angle 4 power IR scope especially for the doubles.

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Post by axp817 » Wed Jul 05, 2006 5:18 am

I have been following this thread with great interest.
I guess its time I posted my choices.

I haven't been around firearms long enough (a couple of years in the US and a couple before that, in India) to have the knowledge and exposure (especially to long guns and calibres) as other senior members here which is why I was somewhat hesitant to post my list earlier, as there is a good chance that my top 6 firearms next year would be different from today.

Anyways, here goes.

1. SigArms/Sauer P220 DAK - This .45 ACP fits very well in my hand, is very well machined, powerful, and pretty darn accurate. "To hell and back" reliability as Sig says, I have been shooting one for a month now and can't have enough of it. If I was in India and imports were opened, this would be the first thing I would get.

2. Remington 870 synthetic 12 ga. Magnum home defense shotgun (pistol grip, folding stock, extended mag, short barrel, tactical light)

3. Rock River Arms AR-15 - Pro Series Elite (carbine with collapsible stock, tactical rail, Aimpoint Sights, Surefire grip light)

4. 1911 - Nighthawk, Ed Brown, Wilson Combat - one of these 3 (assuming I had the money), would take some time to decide which specific model.

5. An over under 12 ga. Trap gun - unsure on what model/manufacturer

6. Smith & Wesson medium frame (K, L?) revolver in .357 Magnum. I had my heart set on the 340 PD which is a J frame titanium/scandium revolver in .357 mag. but learned that it had an unimaginable amount of recoil and wasn't fun to shoot.

If full auto- weapons were allowed, I would have to replace one of the guns above with an HK MP-5.

Firepower out,

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Post by eljefe » Wed Jul 05, 2006 11:05 am

Mack The Knife has given me a lot of material for the mental masturbation...cabella's catalogue...Saw a couple of Docter scopes-didnt know much about the company, seeing that I've been gun starved these past few years, a PM on capabilities would be appreciated.Bloody pricey though.Does IR in the designation stand for infra red? Schmidt and Bender is an old favourite.
Saw the write up on the 600/577 a long time ago-remembered it again when i went to Rewa somwe years later,to transport a patient. I believe the blue blood gave the company a blank cheque in to make it for him-tiger special!
Will keep track of Courtney-I think I still have a cousin or two in S.Africa.

Here's a toast to PETA:

http://www.consumerfreedom.com/article_ ... rticle/154

Naren-I join you in "always keep firepower superiority..." Would prefer the HK-93 in 5.56 w collapsible stock or a SIG in 5.56
Last edited by eljefe on Wed Jul 05, 2006 3:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Mack The Knife » Wed Jul 05, 2006 3:21 pm

eljefe wrote:Does IR in the designation stand for infra red?
In this case it stands for Illuminated Reticle.

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Post by Young Tiger » Wed Jul 05, 2006 6:19 pm


.577 Rewa or .577/600 Nitro Express Looks like a very interesting one.
Talking about Rewa ,I saw a .450 N.E Double rifle by C.G Bonehill ,owner claimed it to be maharajah of Rewa's personal rifle deep Big game engraving scene but barrels were not in a Great condition.

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Post by Grumpy » Wed Jul 05, 2006 9:30 pm

Asif, as Mack The Knife says, `IR` indicates `Illuminated Reticule`. In the case of the Meopta - which are made in the Czech Republic - it`s an illuminated dot in a 4A reticule - variable power. Schmidt & Benders` Hungarian made scopes are a pretty good deal as they use the same optics as the German made scopes but are assembled in Hungary. Docters` 8x56 IR Aspheric almost certainly had the best optics of any scope ever made.....but they have ceased production of it. Docter are now making a less expensive range that I don`t care for.
It took me a long time to buy an illuminated reticule scope but now I`ve got the Meopta I`ll never buy another scope that doesn`t have an IR. In poor light conditions with a scope that has high light gathering abilities it just makes life so much easier - shooting becomes much more instinctive as you don`t have to try and find the crosshairs. I`ve found no reason to use anything but the two lowest power settings of the dot.
I like my Artemis 2100 so much I`m about to buy another. Wonderful optics, beautifully made and great value for money compared to German made scopes.
I always use fixed power scopes because I`m an idiot - give me too many knobs to play with and I`ll mess up !
I also use a laser rangefinder - a Tasco labelled Bushnell. Something else that I consider essential - you`ll be surprised at just how poor we are at estimating range. I`ve had mine for some time and prices have dropped considerably since I bought it - the equivalent to my rangefinder now costs half what I paid for it ! I`m about to get another but with much longer range capabilities as, depending on conditions, effective range can be half that quoted. My current model is supposedly effective up to 450 yards................


Post by mehulkamdar » Wed Jul 05, 2006 9:56 pm


The Docters made in the former East Germany were, as John says, among the finest scopes in the world. When Zeiss took the company over after the reunification, they decided to phase the original Docter line out and they now sell low end Zeiss scopes under the Docter name - a shameful burial of a grand old name in optics. As far as Meopta were concerned, I don;t know if Ketan ever told you this but we were the agents for Metro Optical's ophthalmic lenses for India many years ago and we used to get their rough blanks for distribution to the optical trade before we took a Corning France agency. The Corning lenses were more expensive, inferior in quality etc but they had a brand that sold well...

Mack The Knife/John,

Speaking of the young and their ways, you must have heard of the two bulls, one old and one young who came across a field full of cows. "Let's dash down and do one of them" said the young bull. "Let's walk down and do the lot," said the old one. :lol:


I personally know the German collector who led the revival of the 600-577 Rewa. He has two rifles made for him in this chambering, a Purdey double and a Hagn single shot, if I remember right. I might have the pictures somewhere but am not sure he would allow me to post them on a public forum - he is a very private individual with custom guns made for him by almost every major gunmaker in the world. That said, I am sure he would not object to my sending them to anyone who is interested provided they keep them out of the public eye - if I find them first.

Incidentally, an Arab businessman got Westley Richards to build two even bigger rounds than the Rewa - a 700-577 which fires a 900 grain bullet at 2300 fps and something called the 500 Rafiki, which is some other monster case necked down to the 500 calibre. N0ow, we hear rumours that Holland and Holland are planning an 800 Nitro Express and Joseph Hambrusch have started building 4 bore rifles which are even bigger. There is no shortage of nut cases in the world - one would think that game animals came out dressed in body armour. :roll:


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Post by hamiclar01 » Thu Jul 06, 2006 1:43 am

hmmmm, being a humble man :twisted: of limited resources, means and needs i would want one firearm of each category. hence i'd stick to

Rifle: a Remington 700, probably sps in 308 win, and customise the stock. 5 round magazine please

handgun: a Luger P 08 in 9mm

Shotgun: a Miroku MK38 gr 3, O/U in 30", with adjustable cheek piece, trap choked. or a beretta DT10, same configuration

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my three some

Post by dev » Thu Jul 06, 2006 12:41 pm

Marlin 39A in .22

Marlin 30.30 lever

Makarov pistol in .380
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Post by z375 » Thu Jul 06, 2006 5:11 pm

Probably due it being just an exercise in mental masturbation and some of the young 'uns would rather be doing the real thing? :mrgreen:

hahaha!! that's the best thing i've heard all day!! good lord! was laughing out loud in office! :lol:
"With solid bullets on heavy animals such as elephant, rhino and buffalo this power is quite apparent but is not so obvious as when soft-nose bullets are being used, say, lion, particularly when is a case of stopping a charge : the .404 will stop him all right, but will seldom crumple him quite so completely as will the .416" -- John Taylor, Big Game and Big Game Rifles, (Ch. IX)

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Post by axp817 » Thu Jul 06, 2006 8:38 pm

eljefe wrote:John,

Naren-I join you in "always keep firepower superiority..." Would prefer the HK-93 in 5.56 w collapsible stock or a SIG in 5.56
The HK-93 is a very nice gun, haven't shot it though, I only know it from pictures and movies.

The Sig 556 (in 5.56) is fairly new and there have been mixed reviews of it. I would definitely like to shoot it sometime though. I live less than an hour away from the SigArms US Headquarters/factory, will have to see if they have a weapon rental type arrangement there.

Rock River Arms has received excellent reviews for their rifles and parts kits (uppers, receivers, etc.). The RRA AR-15 I have in my top 6 list is the DEA's (Drug Enforcement Administration) chosen weapon.

I plan on getting an RRA AR-15 (The Entry Tactical AR1251X) which is the less fancy version of the Pro Series Elite. Should have it by September this year.


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Post by eljefe » Fri Jul 07, 2006 11:13 am

That HK 93 is one smooth slick piece-Last one I has a chance to try out, impressed the hell out of me-The owner was a bit worried at the rate I was going thru his ammo stock! (this was just post apartheid S.Africa and a good CZ 75 cost half an arm those days)
Scoped and on a bipod, it was a tack driver...If you do get a chance to check out the SIG series, do post, lots!
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Post by eljefe » Fri Jul 07, 2006 5:56 pm

- one would think that game animals came out dressed in body armour. :roll:

after reading about the 500 s&w , I' m amazed at the 700 gr bullets...any recorded kills so far?
I guess the AK has taken more game in Africa-via-poaching- then all the doubles made to date!

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