Werke Mauser 7.92x57mm 1936 make.what price?

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Re: Amjad karim from Jammu

Post by Sakobav » Tue Dec 29, 2009 6:20 am

Welcome aboard Ajmad
7.92mm werke mauser 1936 - Thats a great find - surprised every day on type of guns that can still be found in India. May be other members can better advise on the gun cost typically cost is dependent on ammo availability and whether this bore is NPB. If such an ammo is hard to find and its NPB then you shouldnt pay too much premium.

Good luck

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Re: Amjad karim from Jammu

Post by amjadkarim16 » Tue Dec 29, 2009 8:28 am

Hello all,
Thanks for welcoming me aboard.i was having problems with staying logged in here that is couldn't post anything.just now i figured out with hit and trial and am online from my mobile device.
Mr pandeymitul,i didnt say that i own 7.92mm mauser but i was asking that i am getting a mauser 7.92mm in exxcellent condition so shall i buy it or not.your advice suits seller and not me.
Mr ngrewal,thanks for replying.regarding the said rifle ,it is NP Bore in excellent condition.it is not available in market but one of my distant relatives grandfather had fought world war 2 in europe and when thay contingent came back they were given these guns alongwith licence.
I own a .315 but 7.92mm is abeauty.it looks 10 year old.very good finish.barell condition excellent.markins of Nazis and mauser engravings are a treat to eyes.even if i have to keep it as a collection i will.thanks to pandeymitul for going for this gun as this is somethings what collectors keep.
I am at my worksite and i want a macro lens to send some good pics to you.
Keep in touch.
Honestly speaking i feel like as if i am among friends.
Thanks IFGians
Regards amjad

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Re: Amjad karim from Jammu

Post by Vikram » Tue Dec 29, 2009 11:00 am

Amjad Karim,

Hopefully someone should be able to answer your question.The rifle may be in good nick.But, is the ammo for 7.92 easily available in India?Also, how old is the ammo you will be getting? What will you do if no fresh ammo is available? What price are you quoted for this rifle? Is it a sporter/civilian version or a straight jacket military surplus rifle? Please remember that the 7.92X57 is also known as 8X57IS( 8.2 mm or.323 inches) ). Make sure you are not given the .315 IOF cartridges which is also an 8mm (8.25 mm).It would really help if you can post a few photos of the rifle and the ammo(especially markings).Otherwise, it's a pointless exercise.

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Re: Price of the rifle.

Post by amjadkarim16 » Tue Dec 29, 2009 11:59 am

.i am purchesing 1936 werke mauser 7.62mmx57.obensdroft.what price shall i pay for this.40 cartridges are with seller and more can be arranged at bit higher cost.gun is in excellent condition.bolt and barrel are in excell.condition.Mr vikram.ammo of this gun is original FN.will check again.the said rifle i will get for around 1lac.
It takes 5 round clip and magazine is amalgamated in the wood stock means from outer look u cant make out that it will be having magazine
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Re: Price of the rifle.

Post by MoA » Tue Dec 29, 2009 3:42 pm

From the sounds of it you're getting a K-98. Which around here would be the equivalent of about Rs 20K. In India I would guess about 10 times that.
The FN ammo would be belgian, and in all likelyhood quite old.
Also the gun should have Nazi markings on the barrel and action. But those could have been removed post WWII depending on the original source of the rifle.
The K-98 is an excellent weapon, and quite rugged and accurate. I personally prefer it over the Springfield 1903 and the Lee Enfield. Do post pics.

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Re: Price of the rifle.

Post by amjadkarim16 » Tue Dec 29, 2009 7:26 pm

Thanks dear for such valuable info.barrel as well as bolt has nazi markings and a beautiful mauser marking.will surely post pics.i have lot of friends so i see lot of automatic weapons NPB.But everyone gets stunned upon seeing this rifle.it is so well maintained.it has flawless insertion of cartridges and ejection.
Keep in touch.
Regards amjad

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Re: Price of the rifle.

Post by Grumpy » Tue Dec 29, 2009 8:25 pm

`K-98` is a military designation - `K` being an abbreviation for `Kurz` ( `Short` ) ... a carbine in other words. The K-98 was adopted as the German standard military rifle in 1935.
A 1936 7x57 isn`t going to be a German military rifle as the German military used the 8mm ( 7.92x57 ) .........UNLESS it has been rebarrelled.
Nazi markings don`t usually appear on Mauser commercial sporting rifles.
If the rifle is stamped `1936` it`s probably a FMM Model 1936 Mexican military contract - which WAS chambered for the 7x57.
Pictures - of the rifle and markings - are necessary to determine what the rifle is and to give some idea of value. Could be something very nice.....could be a sporterised military model......could be a cobble-up

Vikram, I`ve just realised that the `deader` horse is, in fact, a deader donkey......or possibly/probably a deader mule.
The Smiley standing below has an arrow pointing to the donkey/mule saying `I Agree` .... So that`s two of us that think the animal is a deader mule.

-- Tue Dec 29, 2009 3:01 pm --

Ah, so I can get away with commenting on prices if something isn`t in the `For Sale` section ?
Is there something ridiculously over-priced currently being offered for sale that I can make a rude comment about just to see the RSMs face turn purple ? He`s so cute when he`s angry. LMAO.....ROFL !!!!!
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Werke Mauser 7.92x57mm 1936 make.what price?

Post by amjadkarim16 » Tue Dec 29, 2009 10:54 pm

Hello all,
Am buying werke mauser 7.92x57mm rifle tomorrow.Excellent condition.40 FN cartridges.
Want to know what price shall i pay?is it worth buying.It is civilian with concealed magazine chamber taking 5 cartridges.Barrel,grooves,bolt,wooden butt in excellent shape.
What is the threshold price for this.
Thanka Amjad.

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Re: Werke Mauser 7.92x57mm 1936 make.what price?

Post by goodboy_mentor » Wed Dec 30, 2009 12:15 am

Hi Amjad,

Welcome to IFG. If I would have been in your place, I would have preferred to go for IOF 30-06 for the following reasons:
1)It would be a brand new product.
2)The ammunition or future repair of the rifle would not be a problem
3)Ballistics of 30-06 are similar or probably better than 7.92*57
4)Fixed price by IOF
5)Resale would not likely be a problem

I would not have preferred to go for 7.92.57 for the following reasons:
1)It is an old product, though it might look to be in good condition, there is no sure way to know how many times it has been repaired. Good gunsmiths can do very good repair job that does not show up.
2)Ammunition availability and price can be a problem, similarly the repair of rifle can be a problem
3)No fixed price, price arrived at by negotiation by buyer and seller is the price.
4)Resale can likely be a problem

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Re: Werke Mauser 7.92x57mm 1936 make.what price?

Post by amjadkarim16 » Wed Dec 30, 2009 7:15 am

[quote="goodboy_mentor"]Hi Amjad,

Welcome to IFG. If I would have been in your place, I would have preferred to go for IOF 30-06 for the following reasons:::::::::::::Hello,
Thanks for suggestion.i have IOF .315 and I feel that IOF doesn't care much about quality..315 is wrought weapon so i dont know how 30.06 will.As I am new to this site and browse via my mobile device so i posted my question here and there.please have a look in welcom and intro page about details of this gun.
Frankly speaking in J&K you dont have shooting ranges and people here keep weapons for pure passion but not shooting.People have masterpieces here but they haven't put a single shot through it in 25 yrs.During militancy era all licenced weapons were got deposited in govt. Armoury.So i assure u this rifle hasnt fired a shot in 30 years but is well greased .  I have got it thoroughly checked up my my fathers friend who makes best under over .keep posting.regards

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Re: Werke Mauser 7.92x57mm 1936 make.what price?

Post by The Doc » Wed Dec 30, 2009 8:04 am

amjadkarim16 wrote:I have got it thoroughly checked up my my fathers friend who makes best under over
Whom are you referring to ? Is that Ms.Khairuddin & Sons ?


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Re: Werke Mauser 7.92x57mm 1936 make.what price?

Post by Amit357 » Wed Dec 30, 2009 1:13 pm

Hi goodboy may i say a cpl of things pro 30-06,
1.The Ballistics are much better then the Mauser,8mm are one of the most eratic shooting rifles for 100 mtrs + the 7.92 is not an exception to the rule,cause i feel there should be a max of a 1" variation on the group at 100-150 mtrs and 2"-3" at 150-200 mtrs,beyond that one is either plain lucky or one has a scope with a dropsite adjuster.With the 8mm its really impossible to get that kind of grouping.
2.The ammo advantage of the 30.06.One can get hold of amazing ammo for the 30-06,from the 55 grn accelrators,the 96,125 grn etc etc,with the 7.92 one can just get the S & B 256 + grn Ctg.
Though the 7.92 has the Mauser Tag with it still i agree with you 100 % :agree:


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Re: Werke Mauser 7.92x57mm 1936 make.what price?

Post by MoA » Wed Dec 30, 2009 4:00 pm


A few points to clear up:

1. The 8MM mauser is accurate. Anyone who says otherwise really doesnt know the caliber or its variants. People are getting 1000 meter hits with the rifle, though the trajectory is more of a parrabola than a straight line.
2. The majority of the shooting population will not get a 2 inch or 3 inch group with any rifle at 150 meters with open sights.
3. With a scoped 8mm rifle with a good barrel, a 2 inch group at 100 meters is more than possible. Might not be the case with most K-98's but with the 8mm definetely.
4. What on earth is a dropsite adjuster?
5. Ammo: There are a wide variety of loads available, with a wide variety of bullets. Everything from 125 grain to 200+. Commercial ammo is available from Norma, RWS et al. If you want you could load sabots as well. Moreover the 8x57 duplicates and exceeds most .30-06 loads. For example the Federal .30-06 loaded with the Barnes 180 grain bullet is stated to achieve a velocity of 2700 FPS with 2915 ft lbs of energy, versus the 180 grain Barnes 8x57 which has 2730 fps and 2997 ft lbs.

The .30-06 is popular, but it isnt the end all of calibers. I personally dont know where you the get erratic shooting caliber of all time from. I personally have competed against several other service calibers, including the .30-06 and .303 and have the experience and wins to testify that the 8mm is nothing to be sneered at.

Grumpy: I always thought the K in K-98 stood for Karabiner. Learn something everyday... :cheers:

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Re: Werke Mauser 7.92x57mm 1936 make.what price?

Post by amjadkarim16 » Wed Dec 30, 2009 4:43 pm


Whom are you referring to ? Is that Ms.Khairuddin & Sons ?



wow doc.u r bang on target.bulls eye.
regards amjad.

-- Wed Dec 30, 2009 5:55 pm --


A few points to clear up:

1. The 8MM mauser is accurate. Anyone who says otherwise really doesnt know the caliber or its variants.
got nice and informative feedback from your discussion.
well am at DMs office and I AM OWNER OF 7.9mm werke mauser.so happy.plz keep posting.will be sending detailed pics soon.will always need suggestions and guidance of all of you great guys at IFG to be a good and responsible owner.
thanks all of you.wish we had a shooting range.
regards amjad

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Re: Werke Mauser 7.92x57mm 1936 make.what price?

Post by darwinmauser » Mon Jan 04, 2010 11:07 am

Amit357 wrote:Hi goodboy may i say a cpl of things pro 30-06,
1.The Ballistics are much better then the Mauser,8mm are one of the most eratic shooting rifles for 100 mtrs + the 7.92 is not an exception to the rule,cause i feel there should be a max of a 1" variation on the group at 100-150 mtrs and 2"-3" at 150-200 mtrs,beyond that one is either plain lucky or one has a scope with a dropsite adjuster.With the 8mm its really impossible to get that kind of grouping.
2.The ammo advantage of the 30.06.One can get hold of amazing ammo for the 30-06,from the 55 grn accelrators,the 96,125 grn etc etc,with the 7.92 one can just get the S & B 256 + grn Ctg.
Though the 7.92 has the Mauser Tag with it still i agree with you 100 % :agree:

Well ...there you go , I'm not sure where you got your information from Amit but I'm going to have to disagree with you on most of what you have written. In my experience the 3006 and the 8x57 are about as good as each other in terms of accuracy and terminal ballistics. There are 2 main reasons for erratic performance from a bullet ,poor quality ammunition ,or the barrel is not stabilizing the projectile properly .As the Germans are a very particular people and their engineers were and are some of the best in the world , I think we can assume they know what the optimum twist rate for an 8 millimetre 197 grain bullet is . This leaves the ammunition which could be anything ,if it's old military ammunition it won't give you the finest accuracy but then neither will old military 3006 ammunition ,ditto if the cartridges have been poorly stored, you will see erratic groups .
Now I don't know whats available in India as far as rifles and ammunition goes but I do know these old Mausers are a lot of fun to own and shoot ,a good one will hold it's own with most any modern day rifle . The biggest problem with the old service rifles is the sights which are normally less than great ,the exception to this is the British #4 Lee Enfield which has a very good peep sight .Please remember that all the major players in WW2 used sniper rifles made from service rifles specially selected for their accuracy when tested at the factory, this included the German 8x57 K98 ,they would not have used it if it was an intrinsically inaccurate cartridge .

Happy new year

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