Tips on Pistol Shooting

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Re: Tips on Pistol Shooting

Post by tingriman » Wed Dec 16, 2009 2:47 pm

Thanks hvj1 for lesson no. 3, hope maximum benefit is taken by the members.


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Re: Tips on Pistol Shooting

Post by jitu sati » Wed Dec 16, 2009 6:32 pm

hey hvj
thx for the lesson. have earnestly started the figure 8 ex. the hand starts shaking after a few repetitions. i hope this is normal. but will continue. hve pasted the sight pictures all over the house. infact have the whole family laughing at me for this pasting. but your word is the last word. thx for the tip on range setup. range prepared.
will start shooting in the newly set up range tommorow

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Re: Tips on Pistol Shooting

Post by hvj1 » Wed Dec 16, 2009 9:51 pm

Hey Tingriman,
Good to see you here.

Dear Jitu Sati,
I can well imagine the scene in your house, they may be thinking that you have banged your head somewhere. That happens, I remember, pasting one at eye level in the toilet, (sitting on the throne). A guest once asked me very politely the meaning of the picture? ROTFL
There is much much more to it. Will dwell on it at greater length shortly.
Glad to see you persevering, make sure that the grip does not tighten.

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Re: Tips on Pistol Shooting

Post by jitu sati » Thu Dec 17, 2009 12:01 pm

will wait for the next lesson. till then will continue figure 8ing

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Re: Tips on Pistol Shooting

Post by dev » Sun Dec 20, 2009 3:28 pm

hvj1 wrote:Hello Dev,
Yes, for all types of pistol shooting (ISSF), the SAUER brand of shoes are quite popular, they are flat soled. However, there is a shoe maker in Mhow, who also takes orders for the same.The other person is Nilesh Rane in Mumbai his number is 09869005299. Shoes from Nilesh are pretty good and well within budget, only problem is you will have to chase him real hard.
By the way, ask a friend to stand behind you, say 10 ft and observe whether your head is tilted. If it is, then that is one of the reasons, you lose your balance.
Thanks hvj1,

I will act on your tips haven't been practicing for a while. Just been jumping hoops with our banks to place an order for the Steyr Lp 10. It will be almost a month or so before I get some practice in at this rate. Thanks for all the tips on the shoes. I will get a friend to check my head angle.

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Re: Tips on Pistol Shooting

Post by hvj1 » Mon Dec 21, 2009 12:26 pm

Lesson No.3 Sight Alignment.
Every Expert on shooting advices that the shooter must always look at the foresight. While this is correct in theory. It has its inherent problems, these are discussed below;
1. Focussing on the front sight tends to 'blur' the rear sight. At the time of the shot, the actual sight picture may be as shown in the attached file. As a result
the shot goes up or down.
2. When we shoot with both eyes open, sometimes the sights get distorted or we see double sights, hence most shooters wear eye patches.
3. As you may be aware, that the same image of the object we look at is transmitted by the left and right eye,to the brain. This helps the brain to judge
the 'depth'. In shooting we are not really interested in the distance or depth of the front sight and rear sights. We are only interested in the correct sight
4. That is why,you should TRAIN yourself to see the sight picture as a combined FLAT IMAGE and not two elements seperately (front and rear sights).
5. Training your mind and subconscious with the little sight picture cut outs, helps you to instinctively look for a FLAT sight picture.
6. This is especially important when your take part in duelling or rapid fire events, where the sight picture acquisition must be instantantaneous, correct and
from the sub conscious.
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Re: Tips on Pistol Shooting

Post by shadow » Tue Dec 22, 2009 12:02 pm

Hi hvj,

Thanks a ton for the lessons. Its just that whatever you post here, I need to do exactly the opposite as I am a left handed person. Will be enrolling myself in MRA this weekend and while practicing am sure will have enough and more doubts to be clarified and the passion that I have seen earlier, am sure you will be there to guide me throughout. Cheers!
BTW I wouldnt have really got curious about your identity if our friend here wouldnt have threatened to reveal the same. :D

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Re: Tips on Pistol Shooting

Post by hvj1 » Tue Dec 22, 2009 1:27 pm

Hello Shadow,
You are most welcome to raise any questions and doubts. Regarding my identity? Its not much of an issue, but somehow I enjoy the 'facelessness' since we can all interact without preconceived notions. You ask somebody about someone and ten guys will say that he is not worth interacting, the next ten guys will say, Wow what a nice guy? To me these things are quite trivial, you interact with me here on this site, without all the 'baggage', enables you to judge the information posted here on its own merit.
Looking forward to your queries.

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Re: Tips on Pistol Shooting

Post by ravi.sharma » Tue Dec 22, 2009 1:55 pm

HAIL ..................................... HVJ1,

Fantastic lessons, man you can try to open a Online Shooting School.

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Re: Tips on Pistol Shooting

Post by hvj1 » Tue Dec 22, 2009 2:24 pm

Dear Ravi
As usual, we seem to be always on the same frequency and as YOU well KNOW, those are precisely my plans.

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Re: Tips on Pistol Shooting

Post by jitu sati » Tue Dec 22, 2009 7:30 pm

thx hvj. was infact going to ask you this doubt as when i concentrate on the foresight it tends to either get raised or dips. so the shots go up or low. will try more . effort will be put to gain this two dimensional approach

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Re: Tips on Pistol Shooting

Post by m24 » Tue Dec 22, 2009 7:40 pm

:clap: It's a commendable job you're doing here with these tips on Pistol shooting, hvj1. :cheering:

Jeff Cooper advocated four basic rules of gun safety:
1) All guns are always loaded. Even if they are not, treat them as if they are.
2) Never let the muzzle cover anything you are not willing to destroy.
3) Keep your finger off the trigger till your sights are on the target.
4) Identify your target, and what is behind it.

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Re: Tips on Pistol Shooting

Post by hvj1 » Tue Dec 22, 2009 8:01 pm

Thanks m24
And its the response that comes from you all that gets my adrenaline flowing!

-- Tue Dec 22, 2009 11:36 pm --

Lesson No.4 ‘Stance’
The position in which a shooter holds the body while attempting a shot. Ideally a good stance must incorporate the following elements;
(a)Stance must be stable and balanced.
(b)It must be relaxed
(c)Provide a steady platform which can be repeated from shot to shot.
To achieve the above the following points are recommended;
1.The feet should be so positioned that they have the same width as those of the shooter’s shoulders. This provides excellent stability and
2.The feet should be parallel to each other, this also greatly contributes to stability and balance
3.The position of the feet, hips and shoulders must be in the same plane (no twisting).
To be continued....

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Re: Tips on Pistol Shooting

Post by jitu sati » Thu Dec 24, 2009 12:13 pm

dear hvj
do highlight the stance required for a shooter shooting with cross dominant style

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Re: Tips on Pistol Shooting

Post by hvj1 » Thu Dec 24, 2009 12:23 pm

Lesson No.4 'Stance' (Contd..)
(a) Stance must be stable and balanced:
(b)It must be relaxed
(c)Provide a steady platform which can be repeated from shot to shot
- Every shooter tries to keep himself as still as possible while executing a shot, usually he/she concentrates intensely for a few seconds to maintain his sight
alignment as steady as possible, within the aiming area.
- This span of seconds is crucial, the human body CANNOT hold the sight DEAD STEADY, there will be movement, what the shooter tries to achieve is reduce
this movement to the minimum.
- This movement of the sights, within the aiming area is called as 'arc of movement'.
- Hence all good shooters,train themselves to release their shot,(without jerking the trigger) during the period, when their arc of movement is at its
- In order to REDUCE the arc of movement for a decent time span (counted in seconds), the body must be well balanced on a stable platform (two feet).
- Excessive tension in the body, will invariably translate into a increased arc of movement, the shooter tries even harder to reduce this movement thus
delaying his shot and decreases his chances of executing a good shot. Hence the stance must be relaxed.
- This stable, well balanced and relaxed stance must be repeated from shot to shot for better shot execution which contributes to the final result.
To be contd...

-- Thu Dec 24, 2009 1:24 pm --

Yes Jitu
I am gradually coming to it.

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