colt 1911 with new grips

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colt 1911 with new grips

Post by colthead » Mon Oct 19, 2009 12:11 pm

friends happy diwali , some pics of my colt 1911 with new grips

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Re: colt 1911 with new grips

Post by mundaire » Mon Oct 19, 2009 2:37 pm

Nice grips and forestrap, which ones did you go for? If I am not mistaken there seems to be a largish gap between the slide and the rear sights, don't you worry about that snagging during a quick draw? Any particular reason why you opted for higher sights? How does she shoot? Hope she gives you pleasure for many years to come :)

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Re: colt 1911 with new grips

Post by colthead » Mon Oct 19, 2009 5:12 pm

Dear Abhijeet ,
i am using hogue alumina grip aluminium silver anodized , the forestrap is of wilson combat , regarding the sights you are correct they are high and do snag during quick draw , when i was abroad only LPA sights were available as drop in fit , i wanted to buy the meprolite night sights which are also drop in fit and they are low base sights and have a tang press fit for the front sight but they were out of stock ,
i have been using 230 gm fmj hungarian rounds , she shoots dead center flat and is the gun i dreamed of owning , i also have 2 pachmyrs and a laser sight , had to tinker with the sight to adjust the windage and elevation and have set it right , will change the sights once i get the meprolights ( god knows when ) , well using a .45 is a league in its own , we are lucky to have it on NPB in mumbai ( dont intend to start a debate on this again ) , i have seen on your posts earlier that you own one too , how often do you use it ? did you add something new to yours if so post some pics , i am a avid fan of the .45 caliber and have a few books on the colts too , have a few friends in mumbai who have .45 colts and do exchange views regularly on the same , have fired a few KIMBERS , DAN WESSON and SIGS in germany , they are eye candies for us indians , but no complains happy to be a mumbaikar and have graduated from a spanish .32 short to a webley .32 A series and about 1 year back to the .45 colt 1911 , mine is not a A1 , wish there were compititive sports in india like USPSA / IPSC in India too



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Re: colt 1911 with new grips

Post by marksman » Mon Oct 19, 2009 6:44 pm

I see you have an Magwell incorporated with the main Spring Housing as well. Looks like you are all prepared for IPSC in Mumbai. What about 18.5 lb recoil spring and matching FP spring set with Titanium FP. Congrets...
Marksman :wink:

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Re: colt 1911 with new grips

Post by colthead » Mon Oct 19, 2009 8:20 pm

Marksman ,

well every thing is possible but there is no IPSC ,

as it is we are allowed only 20 rounds for protection weapons at our range only on sundays ( sat / sun i am not very sure ) ,

i personally like to fire 2 or 3 sighters then load the magzines and go bang bang as fast as possible with the remaining 15 to 18 rounds , diwali is over less than 5 to 10 mins lol ,

wish we could empty 50 to 100 rounds each time we went to the range ,

i respect the range rules and abide by them religiously


-- Mon Oct 19, 2009 20:29 --

i forgot to post this pic earlier

Last edited by colthead on Mon Oct 19, 2009 9:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: colt 1911 with new grips

Post by mundaire » Mon Oct 19, 2009 8:40 pm

Colthead I'd posted a couple of pictures a while back at ... 3&start=30 .

You will notice the serial no. is obscured using a photo editing tool, and I'd really suggest you do that as well, the age of innocence on the net is over (if ever there was one) and all sorts of rogues populate cyberspace these days!

I've made a couple of further minor additions since then, but it still basically looks the same as in those photos. The sights I went in for were also "drop in" fits, but of the non-adjustable variety (works for me, but not everyone's choice).

The 1911 is indeed a fantastic platform, and that it can still be right up there as one of the top choices for modern handgunners is real testament to the pure genius of Mr. John Moses Browning!

To be entirely honest I'm not a very good pistol shot, and I always would end up making lame excuses about my pistol being an old hag... then someone at the range casually took my pistol and shot a group of under 7 inches at 50 meters! That day my excuses for poor pistol shooting kinda dried up :lol:

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Re: colt 1911 with new grips

Post by colthead » Mon Oct 19, 2009 9:50 pm

Dear Abhijeet ,
Thanks for your advise on deleting the serial nos and marks , ive done the same ,
well i am also not actually into pistol shooting compititivly but i love colts and the first time i fired a colt i just knew it that this is my kinda gun ,
im basically a shotgunner in the true spirit , ive taken up trap shooting seriously , basically i love action , seeing a clay disintegrate infront of your eyes , there is no HIGH better than this !!!!!!!
we are lucky to have a range in pune and its a 2 hr drive on sunday mornings , try to make it at least twice or thrice a month ,
using a perazzi MX 8 learning the tricks of the trade from the best of the best ,
had 1 lesson from the great master ,
was trying for the patiala mavlankar but as we dont have a state championship yet so couldnt get a authentic score ,
next year will be right up there giving a shot at all the compititons that i can possibily participate in
well you have a great colt too

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Re: colt 1911 with new grips

Post by amk » Tue Oct 20, 2009 6:08 pm

I used to go to the worli range and blast away and suddenly they came up with this 20 round rule. Doesn't really make sense to impose it when the range is empty.

Colthead we must meet up, at the range .... How is the range in Pune, can anyone just go there or do we need to be members there too?

BTW, discussing your NPB .45 here is not advisable :D
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Re: colt 1911 with new grips

Post by HydNawab » Tue Oct 20, 2009 9:00 pm

Nice 1911 Colthead!

Is the front strap removable? I would suggest a nice beavertail safety. Minor gunsmithing might be required but I guess you can get drop in BT safeties as well.


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Re: colt 1911 with new grips

Post by jaspalsandhu » Sat Oct 24, 2009 2:34 am

thing o' beauty :D

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Re: colt 1911 with new grips

Post by HydNawab » Tue Dec 01, 2009 8:25 pm

Here is my previously owned 1911. I am working on a project 1911 right now. Lets how how that turns out.






-- Tue Dec 01, 2009 20:32 --

Oops sorry for hijacking your post colthead!
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Re: colt 1911 with new grips

Post by saahil » Tue Dec 01, 2009 11:16 pm

ashar its a beautiful gun,but if im not mistaken is there are rust marks on the frame, or the bluing got dull.

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