Dear friends,
If any item is classified as restricted and not mention any exceptions by DGFT and if you wanted to import those items you have to have an IEC (Import Export Code) getting an IEC is essay, but then you have to submit a detailed application to DGFT and it has to be approved by the Export Import Facilitation Committee (EFC) for you to import.
that is my understanding on this subject.
Please find one of such meeting's minutes (It is available as a public document in DGFT web site)
look at the 29th entry ( I made it in Bold)
Meeting of EFC No.12/AM08 (import) of Exim Facilitation Committee (EFC), (Import) held on 20.02.2008 under the Chairmanship of Dr. Shyam Agrawal, IAS, Additional Director General of Foreign Trade.
2. The list of officers present is at Annexure – I.
3. 129 cases were considered and following decisions were taken.
(i) 45 cases were approved (Annexure – II).
(ii) 19 cases were rejected (Annexure – III).
(iii) 3 Ex post facto cases (Annexure – IV)
(iv) 6 cases to be examined on file (Annexure – V).
(v) 56 cases were deferred for consideration in the next (Annexure – VI).
Annexure - I
List of Officers who attended EFC meeting held on 20.02.2008
S.No. Name & Designation of the Officer Organisation
1. Shri Anil Agarwal, Jt.DGFT DGFT
2. Shri T.M. Skaria, DDG DGFT
3. Shri A.S. Sandhoo, Addl. Director D/o IT
4. Shri Deepak C. Suri, Addl. IA DHI
5. Shri V.K. Tyagi, Dy. IA D/o, C&PC
6. Shri Ramesh Chander, US MHA
7. Shri R.K. Saxena, Dy. WA WPC
8. Shri S.K. Jain, DO DIPP
9. Shri A.K. Pradhan, TO (Drug) DGHS
Minutes of Exim Facilitation Committee meeting No.12/AM08 held on 20.02.2008 under the Chairmanship of Dr. Shyam Agrawal, IAS, Addl.DGFT.
Case No. Name of the Firm/File No. Date of receipt of application Item of import CIF Value. Remarks
13 42 General Motors India P. Ltd., Gujarat. 01/53/8/472/AM08/G-36 15.11.2007 30000 Ltr. Diesel as per Euro IV specification. Rs.4003740/- Euro.70800/- Allowed subject to testing purpose.
14 43 Pratap Dube, New Delhi. 01/53/8/448/AM08/P-52 10/31/2007 one Antique Matchlock and one antiquie indian katar Rs.331296/- GBP4080/-
15 44 Indian Institute of Technology, kanpur. 01/53/162/1497/AM08/I-25 11/6/2007 30 Nos. Mice ( Male & Female) as detailed in the application. Rs.1185/- US$30/-
16 48 Gunmark Armoury, Pune. 01/53/162/1320/AM08/G-38 11/26/2007 Sports equipments Rs.178988/- Euro.3086/-
17 50 Gunmark Armoury, Pune. 01/53/162/1334/AM08/G-39 11/28/2007 Rs.367140/- Euro.6330/-
18 51 Bose Corporation India P. Ltd., New Delhi. 01/53/8/500/AM08/B-33 11/30/2007 37 Nos. Crestron (Details as per list in the application). Rs.1920497/- US$48012/- Item is free as er details in ANF.
19 53 Gunmark Armoury, Pune. 01/53/162/1350/AM08/G-40 12/4/2007 Sports equipments Rs.164082/ Euro.2829/-
20 54 Gunmark Armoury, Pune. 01/53/162/1351/AM08/G-41 12/4/2007 Sports equipments Rs.43268/- Euro.746/-
21 55 Gunmark Armoury, Pune. 01/53/162/1354/AM08/G-43 12/4/2007 Sports equipments Rs.284084/- Euro.4898/-
22 58 Alpha Stud and Farms P. Ltd., Mumbai. 01/53/8/511/AM08/A-92 12/7/2007 1 No. Broodmare Rs.2500000/- Euro.45000/-
23 59 RCC Laboratories India P. Ltd., Hyderabad. 01/53/8/480/AM08/R-66 12/11/2007 3800 Nos. laboratories animals ( As mentioned in the application.) Rs.3576374.41 Euro.62931.10
24 60 Hindustan Aviation Academy, Bangalore, 01/53/162/1383/AM08/H-37 12/11/2007 One second hand Cessna 172 Aircraft ( not fit for flying), Accessories, second hand aircraft engines & spares. Rs.2400000/- $57990/-
25 69 International Insititute of Biotechnology and Toxicology (IIBAT), Padappai, Kancheepuram Distt. (T.N.) 01/53/8/546/AM08/I-24 12/19/2007 500 Nos. of Wistor Rats male and 500 Nos. of Wistor rats Female. Rs.808540/ US$20213.50/-
29 82 National Rifle Association of India, New Delhi. 01/53/162/102/AM08/N-24 10/4/2007 250000 Nos. of .22 LR ammunition, 5000000 Nos. of 4.5mm/.177 Air Pellets and 12 Pcs of .22 Target Rifle LR. Rs.5417000/- Euro.91806.58
30 89 Suzuki Powertrain India Ltd., New Delhi. 01/53/8/568/AM08/S-128 1/11/2008 440000 Kgs. (528211 Ltrs.) CEC legislkative Fuel CEC - RF-06-03. Rs.62568000/- Euro1056000/-
31 90 Industrial Foams P. ltd., New Delhi 01/53/8/570/AM08/I-27 1/11/2008 160mt HCFC-141 B Rs.11200000/- US$280000/-
32 92 National Remote Sensing agency (NRSA), Hyderabad. 01/53/8/581/AM08/N-33 1/17/2008 1 No. of Weather Radar Indicator. Rs.491533/- US$11431/-
if want more of these please find the following links ... c_0110.htm ... c_1209.htm