Thanks Dev, Doc, Vikram, timmy and Ram! I have more pictures but will have to find them. I have been a fan of the safari Movies (basically anything hunting,shooting related or wildlife especially dangerous game) and so the shot on the truck was almost "Safari"esque for me.
By the way Doc, "Sholay" happens to be one of my all time favourites, especially the shoot out on the bridge with Jai sending Veeru away with the flip of the coin!
Vikram,I had about as much fun in the USA as any "gun nut"(politically correct= firearms maniac?)

could have had! One of my best friends is a gunsmith and our conversations were endless. We used to relax on weekends by the barbeque, go to gunshows or to the range and our discussions were some of the most memorable ones I will ever have during this life!
The saddest part is that even a foreign government is willing to trust me with all these cool guns but not my own Government

.I gave away all my guns to my friend and came back with only one pistol.
(Wiping away tears)