Customising the IOF 315 (was "help needed")

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Customising the IOF 315 (was "help needed")

Post by bullshitwalks » Thu Oct 01, 2009 8:58 pm

dear esteemed members,
i need help regarding the customisation of my iof 315 rifle. i have two one with a holding butt and other in original factory form. i saw a post few months back of an iof 315 customised to the core and looked like an imported one.
anyways i tried finding the post in all the categories in the board index , but failed to do so.
plz suggest me the best customisation options with practical implications.
guys i need this bad.

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Re: help needed

Post by Vikram » Thu Oct 01, 2009 9:44 pm

Please contact Bobby Sidhu.He is a member here and his contact details are also given elsewhere.Also

(Hope he doesn't mind me doing this) Z375 is another member who has quite a bit of hands on experience.All the best.

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Re: help needed

Post by Risala » Thu Oct 01, 2009 10:43 pm

bullshitwalks wrote: dear esteemed members,
i saw a post few months back of an iof 315 customised to the core and looked like an imported one.
anyways i tried finding the post in all the categories in the board index , but failed to do so.
guys i need this bad
The work you saw was done by Bobby Sidhu who is based out of Patiala,a gunsmith probably the best in our parts.
He is expensive and takes time,but it's worth it...

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Re: help needed

Post by bullshitwalks » Fri Oct 02, 2009 10:48 am

thanx a tonne sanjay and vikram. plz post me the link to the post where a 315 iof rifle was cutomised by him.
i tried looking but still not ble to finnd out.
thanx in advance.

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Re: help needed

Post by mundaire » Fri Oct 02, 2009 11:43 am

bullshitwalks wrote:thanx a tonne sanjay and vikram. plz post me the link to the post where a 315 iof rifle was cutomised by him.
i tried looking but still not ble to finnd out.
thanx in advance.
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Re: help needed

Post by z375 » Fri Oct 02, 2009 11:47 pm

Vikram wrote:(Hope he doesn't mind me doing this) Z375 is another member who has quite a bit of hands on experience.All the best.

Not at all Vikram! Glad to be of assistance where possible..:mrgreen: A friend of mine had his IOF .315 dolled-up from a stockmaker in Kolhapur who did a pretty awesome job on the rifle, infact it was so good that at first glance or from the left side of the rifle one would guess it was a pricey .30-06 or some other high-end rifle, till you took a peek on the right side and saw the tell-tale bolt. From what I remember, the original sights were discarded and a front ramp with a bead was installed, the rear was a wide "V" adjustable for windage and elevation it was soldered on an island base, the rifle was scoped and had Weaver-type bases crafted by the stockmaker, the set-up was solid. The stock had a roll-over comb and felt very comfortable to shoulder, the real kicker here was that this guy (the gunsmith) had machined away the butt socket and welded a threaded tang-like extension behind the receiver and behind the trigger guard. The result was quite pleasing, a one-piece stock that now had two guard screws and one lug screw under the barrel!

I wish I had taken some pictures of that rifle, just for reference...
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