Great Sniper 'Vasily Zaytsev' And his Mosin Nagant Rifle

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Great Sniper 'Vasily Zaytsev' And his Mosin Nagant Rifle

Post by sudesh » Wed Jul 22, 2009 11:30 am

Great Sniper Vasily Zaytsev And his Mosin Nagant Rifle
Captain Vasily Grigorevich Zaytsev was a Soviet sniper during World War II, notable particularly for his activities between November 10 and December 17, 1942 during the Battle of Stalingrad. ... MwCX7ekCFA
He killed 225 soldiers and officers of the Wehrmacht and other Axis armies, including 11 enemy snipers. Prior to November 10, he had already killed 32 Axis soldiers with the standard-issue Mosin-Nagant rifle.
The Mosin-Nagant is a bolt-action, internal magazine fed, military rifle that was used by the armed forces of the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union and various other nations, most of them from Eastern bloc. Also known as the Three-Line Rifle , it was the first to use the 7.62x54mmR cartridge.

In 2001, a feature length movie, Enemy at the Gates, starring Jude Law as Zaytsev, was loosely based on the Battle of Stalingrad, most notably displaying an ongoing rivalry with a Nazi marksman, Major König.


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Re: Great Sniper 'Vasily Zaytsev' And his Mosin Nagant Rifle

Post by Vikram » Wed Jul 22, 2009 4:31 pm

Thanks for a very interesting post,Sudesh.

A few weeks back, I was watching a programme on Stalingrad and there was a lot of coverage on the Mosin-Nagant rifle and the advantages(?) it held over the Mauser 98. Apart from the mechanical aspects, the scope sights,it seems, could be zeroed faster, as quickly as by three shots, than the ones the Germans used.

''Enemy At the Gates'' was a very nice movie.

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Re: Great Sniper 'Vasily Zaytsev' And his Mosin Nagant Rifle

Post by sudesh » Thu Jul 23, 2009 9:19 am

Vasily's Mosin Nagant rifle is still kept in the Stalingrad Museum.


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Re: Great Sniper 'Vasily Zaytsev' And his Mosin Nagant Rifle

Post by Mack The Knife » Sun Jul 26, 2009 10:06 pm

The scopes don't match.

Frankly, Soviet propaganda being what it was, I'd take all this with a pinch of salt.

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Re: Great Sniper 'Vasily Zaytsev' And his Mosin Nagant Rifle

Post by sudesh » Mon Jul 27, 2009 8:50 am

Mack The Knife Bana wrote:The scopes don't match.

Frankly, Soviet propaganda being what it was, I'd take all this with a pinch of salt.

He might have changed the scope :wink:
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Re: Great Sniper 'Vasily Zaytsev' And his Mosin Nagant Rifle

Post by TwoRivers » Mon Jul 27, 2009 8:54 am

Amen to that, Rusty. No doubt the Soviets had effective snipers, but when you realize that the Finns had a total of seven tanks, French WWI Renaults, and the Russians reported destroying 200 Finnish tanks during that campaign, you start doubting their figures. Cheers.

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Re: Great Sniper 'Vasily Zaytsev' And his Mosin Nagant Rifle

Post by Mack The Knife » Mon Jul 27, 2009 12:58 pm

Hush now, Two Rivers. Do you want to be ridiculed for standing in the way of history as written by the victor and then further doctored by Hollywood?

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Re: Great Sniper 'Vasily Zaytsev' And his Mosin Nagant Rifle

Post by TwoRivers » Mon Jul 27, 2009 1:11 pm

Just thought you shouldn't be the only one to step outside the ranks and be ostracized, Rusty.

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Re: Great Sniper 'Vasily Zaytsev' And his Mosin Nagant Rifle

Post by MoA » Tue Jul 28, 2009 1:14 am

One of the advantages of the fall of the Soviet Union and Communism in general was the great flood of surplus weapons and ammo... :)

Up until about two years ago.. one could get a decent Nagant in the US for about $30, and in Europe for about a 100 euros...

Even can get a decent Nagant for about 300.. though not the finnish manufactured ones.

I dont have one, dont fancy one.

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