I took the train to Cambridge while Abhijeet, Shooter (Dev) and Dhiren drove from London. We met up at the range. With much ado and merriment, we proceeded to commence the shoot as there were hardly any other shooters on the Saturday afternoon.

Dhiren,Shooter (Dev),Abhijeet and Hamiclar

The arsenal included Hamiclar's Beretta 682,Spanish made Larranaga 20 bore SXS, Dev's Browning 525 and Classic Doubles O/Us.

We started with the DTL (Down the Line) Trap and proceeded to Sporting Clays. I will let the photos speak.

The Orange clay comes streaking from left to right

And Anand nails it dead centre.See keenly and you can spot the orange fragments flying

Anand takes on a pair

Abhijeet chasing a clay with the 20 Bore

Pass the ammo s'il vous plait!

Smoking aces! Abhijeet took great fancy to the 20 bore and used it mostly during the shoot and did extremely well with it.

Trying our hands at the driven pheasant stand.The tiny black speck zipping between the trees is what we were trying to shoot.I didn't get any.However, I can offer an excuse.There were these rabbits everywhere,hopping right in front of you distracting your concentration.The way these bunnies hide and run between the shots is a perfect example how intelligent and adaptive they can be.

Many of you might be aware of the Bagpiper whisky ad '' Koob jamegee rang jab mil baithenge theen yaar'' ( The day gets colourful when three friends meet). Well, there were five of us and without the said alcoholic beverage, we had a wonderful evening. It is such a pleasure to meet friends and spend some good time together. Our plans to sit at the local Hare & Hound and down a few pints of the best English bitters and lagers were dashed due to the married guys' need to attend to the call of TWMBO.LOL.
Reluctatntly, we had to shake hands and part with a vow to meet up soon either in UK or in India.And,just then the skies opened up with the rain gods who until then kindly remained truant suddenly deciding to remind us of the vagaries if English weather.We scampered to the cars to scoot.
Thank you for looking at this and hope you enjoyed the pics.