Some info for the ISSF = Formula 1 crowd

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Some info for the ISSF = Formula 1 crowd

Post by mehulkamdar » Tue Jun 13, 2006 11:54 pm

Check this discussion out on the number 1 ISSF sports forum:
Formula 1 indeed! And from seasoned centerfire pistol sports participants!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

When ISSF becomes a religion, it becomes my job to inform it's followers in Madalyn O' Hair's immortal words that "one man's religion is another man's belly laugh."

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Post by Mack The Knife » Wed Jun 14, 2006 8:17 am

This does prompt the question, what in the name of heaven are you doing on TT? :shock:

Turn back from the darkside! :mrgreen:

Mack The Knife


Post by mehulkamdar » Wed Jun 14, 2006 11:44 pm

Mack The Knife,

My wife likes shooting but not hunting. Hence my quest for a target sport - if she does well it would pay the fees for her to do her MBA. :wink:

Benchrest and IPSC are very expensive - that leaves the ISSF crap as a cheap sport in terms of equipment and ammunition. Also, in the USA, there is little interest in this type of shooting sport and OLN has just one show dedicated to it. The Outdoor Channel has nothing. With the lack of interest in it, it would be easier for ehr to do well because of the lack of competition.

Hence my visits to the TT "house of ill repute." :lol: :lol: :lol:


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Post by Mack The Knife » Thu Jun 15, 2006 6:55 am

ISSF equipment is cheap? :shock:

Not if you include the monkey suit, boots, specs, underwear (I kid you not), etc.

Have her take up pistol shooting - 10 metre air-pistol and .22lr Sport pistol. Less stuff to lug around and cheaper as well.

What about trap or skeet?

What is OLN?

Mack The Knife


Post by mehulkamdar » Thu Jun 15, 2006 10:32 am

Mack The Knife,

Compared to benchrest or to IPSC, ISSF matches are budget priced. The guns, accessories, ammunition etc are way cheaper. To be competitive in trap or skeet costs a whole lot more - a top class trap gun costs as much as a deluxe car these days. With an Anschutz or Walther 22 lr rifle my wife could be shooting for a full investment under $ 3500 (Bleiker would cost about $ 1000 more) whereas it would not even cover the cost of a competitive gun alone for benchrest or a top of the line IPSC pistol. Also, 22 lr ammunition costs much less than say 6XC or 6x47 SM leave aside the cost of getting a high grade turret press and top of the line moly coated bullets and shooting something like 50,000 rounds a year in BR or 45 hard head cases and shooting an equal number of rounds in a pistol in IPSC a year. You need to change barrels every 6000 rounds or so, all of which costs a s**t load of money.

And last but not the least, don't underestimate the strength of the competition in BR or IPSC - it is not easy to come in the top 100 shooters leave alone the top 20 or so in the Glock Challenge for example. Unless my wife gets to score in the top 20 at least in this state, she would not stand much of a chance for a partial scholarship. ISSF sports being what they are, this is easily achievable.


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Post by Mack The Knife » Thu Jun 15, 2006 2:57 pm

Spoken like a typical Gujju! :mrgreen:

She doesn't need a race gun for .22lr Sports pistol or 10 metre air-rifle or for that matter a trap or skeet gun.

The only reason you want her to take up 50 metre .22lr rifle is so that you can get into a monkey suit again. Time to come out of the closet, Mehul. Go on, you know you want to. :mrgreen:

Seriously though, lugging all that rifle equipment to matches is a major pain in the backside. Pistol or shotgun events is what she should be looking at.

If getting a scholarship is a priority, go for the ISSF pistol events. At least that way poor Umang will have an ally at Chez Kamdar. :mrgreen:

As Scot Pilkington (owner of TT) once said to me, "the entire U.S. pistol squad could fit into the front seat of my van and there would still be space to spare."

Mack The Knife

P.S.: What is OLN?


Post by mehulkamdar » Thu Jun 15, 2006 9:20 pm

Mack The Knife,

Can't lose the blood that flows through my veins, can I? :lol:

OLN is one of two 24x7 hunting and shooting channels in the US. Both are extremely popular and have some fantastic shows. I wonder if the target shooting shows could be shown in India? There are some very nice ones that could help our shooters even if they are not ISSf specific.

Any entrepreneur ready to take this up? :D


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Post by Mack The Knife » Thu Jun 15, 2006 9:56 pm

mehulkamdar wrote:OLN is one of two 24x7 hunting and shooting channels in the US. Both are extremely popular and have some fantastic shows.
Good thing there is no such thing here - I'd never get any work done.

Mack The Knife


Post by mehulkamdar » Fri Jun 16, 2006 9:16 pm

Mack The Knife Bana wrote:
Good thing there is no such thing here - I'd never get any work done.

Mack The Knife
Don't tell me I haven't gotten you started thiunking about moving to the US or Canada :lol: :lol:

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Post by Mack The Knife » Sat Jun 17, 2006 8:40 am

In that case I best make sure I have pots and pots of money before I make the move.

Just wishful thinking....but if ever something like that came to pass (please let it be NZ), I'd buy a house in the country and spend most of my waking hours in the field with gun, rod and a few good friends. Who needs the idiot box when the real thing is available.

Mack The Knife

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Post by eljefe » Mon Jun 19, 2006 12:16 pm

Mehul/Mack The Knife
Dark side, monkey suit, underwear!! You guys are pulling a fast one right?
Some one please explain to this slime that just evolved from beneath the rock of guns?
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Post by dev » Mon Jun 19, 2006 1:14 pm

Acchtung...the good doctor returns. Hey Asif are you back in town? What goodies did you pick up?

Monkey suit is how Mack The Knife affectionately refers to the jacket and trouser set you have to wear while rifle shooting. :lol:

He always plays on Mehul's great fondness for the ISSF sports :wink:
That I hope answers your query.

Come out of those rocks and lets do the siri fort thingie again.


To ride, to speak up, to shoot straight.


Post by mehulkamdar » Mon Jun 19, 2006 11:57 pm


Good to see you here.


Dev is right - I find the ISSF sports boring in the extreme - slightly better than watching milk curdle as a matter of fact. :lol:

That said, with a wife who likes shooting though not hunting, I thought (I agree with Mack The Knife that this is my Gujju blood talking) that an investment in her shooting ISSF matches would pay off in a scholarship at university here. :D

Hence this debate.

Mack The Knife,

Canada has every bit as much hunting as New Zealand and is a much bigger country. Residents also get to hunt much cheaper than non residents (read Americans)

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Post by eljefe » Tue Jun 20, 2006 11:41 am

Hey Dev,
Good to see you here.
Have changed tack, lots to talk, sure lets meet up on 25th.
Hokay, I understand the shooting jacket with the elbow patches and sling-used one myself quite a few times at the KSRA range in bangalore.Didnt know too much about the rest of the regulations etc A friend gifted me a US army shooting jacket made of some green 'table cloth pattern ' material, supposedly cant be seen by starlite scope-I promptly passed onto by bro who shoots 25m and hopefully he's still got it.Thats the limit of my exposure to the special clothing.

Well, Mehul, if the SWMBO wants to do MBA on a shooting scholarship, great that one has oppurtunities like that in the US.
-the prices you quoting about molycoated bullets and IPSC etc are a bit scary-thats a lot of serious money!
Good luck and keep us posted on her choice of weapons and shooting style
''It dont mean a thing, if it aint got that zing!''

"...Oh but if I went 'round sayin' I was Emperor, just because some moistened bint lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away..."


Post by mehulkamdar » Tue Jun 20, 2006 9:45 pm


Dave Schrank who coaches a number of Olympic shooters in different disciplines and who has coached some of India's finest tells me that he suggests 10m air rifle to high school students because it is cheaper overall than other shooting sports. Also, many students can have a 10 m range in their own gardens and you don;t need to worry about backstops etc as pellet collectors are cheap. Also, air rifles are not considered firearms and there is no restriction on firing them outside designated ranges as there is with guns.

I am looking at 50 m matches or, as Mack The Knife suggested, rapid fire pistol becaue the idea of plinking away at stationary targets at 30 feet seems ridiculous to me. I tend to prefer the rifle matches because I hope that she would overcome her disinterest in hunting and go out with me after some game or the other in the future. I would like her to shoot a pistol but again, 22 shorts in a hopelessly heavy monstrosity would not be representative of any real world shooting if she were to take up handgun hunting at some later stage.

Will keep you gentlemen posted as something works out.

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