Original Oberndorf Mauser Type A in .30-06

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Mack The Knife
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Re: Original Oberndorf Mauser Type A in .30-06

Post by Mack The Knife » Fri Jan 30, 2009 12:57 pm

kragiesardar";p="65830 wrote:Hi Raustam,
I can charge it to my credit card and have it shipped. You may want to talk to them first to make sure it is what you want. Will be in India in April and you can mail a check to my India office.
KS, another board member offered to do the same yesterday but I declined because if the big retail outlets aren't exporting by mail / courier then I assume there is some Federal law against this and could land him or you in a spot of bother with the authorities. I am not sure what U.S. law says about a person bringing a stock personally but I have a feeling that may be allowed but needs checking.

Many thanks for your offer.

Mack The Knife

P.S.: Thanks for your e-mail as well. Will get down to reading it shortly.

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Re: Original Oberndorf Mauser Type A in .30-06

Post by penpusher » Fri Jan 30, 2009 1:42 pm

Mack The Knife,

Do let us know what you ultimately do.

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Post by hrathod » Fri Jan 30, 2009 6:15 pm

That really is a gr8 and genuine piece

hard to find


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Post by kragiesardar » Fri Jan 30, 2009 9:20 pm

Hi Mack The Knife,
No US laws against exporting wooden stocks. Can buy and have shipped.

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Re: Original Oberndorf Mauser Type A in .30-06

Post by hamiclar01 » Sat Jan 31, 2009 2:05 am

Mack The Knife Bana";p="65838 wrote: if the big retail outlets aren't exporting by mail / courier then I assume there is some Federal law against this
since 9/11 , the u.s. , i am told, has stopped the export of gun accessories of all sorts. hence the possible reluctance. i experienced this when searching for a peep sight.
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Post by Shankar » Sat Jan 31, 2009 7:11 am

Congrats Mack The Knife, you still owe me the treat I asked for and am coming soon to lay my hands on it. Good luck with it and it is a once in a these days lifetime aquisition.........Shankar


Re: Original Oberndorf Mauser Type A in .30-06

Post by penpusher » Sat Jan 31, 2009 9:58 am

Shankar";p="65892 wrote: it is a once in a ...... lifetime aquisition.........Shankar
Why be so negative?You never know what you may find.A matched pair of Purdey's perhaps :wink: :lol:

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Post by marksman » Sat Jan 31, 2009 4:21 pm

Mack The Knife,
Any synthetic or wooden stock built for a large ring Mauser '98 rifle will be able to accommodate your rifle after a little modification carried out by an expert gunsmith and/or a Dremel tool.. You may at the most end up with a free floating barrel if at all you goof up on a barrel channel job. Just a two penny suggestion.
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Re: Original Oberndorf Mauser Type A in .30-06

Post by Mack The Knife » Thu Feb 12, 2009 9:11 pm

Hi Marksman and sorry for the delay in replying.

Despite Two Rivers' caution I too am of the opinion that there are quite a few stocks this action would fit into with minor inletting changes.

I have also found a system that would allow me to scope the rifle without drilling or tapping the receiver. It's pug ugly but it will do the job. Have a look at http://www.atigunstocks.com/products.as ... ge=1&id=41 and be sure to look at the 'View More Images' and the 'Installation Instructions'. At present I am considering a Boyd's JRS laminated stock to use with the ATI thingy but am still looking for other options. However, I will only consider a scope after my right peeper has healed completely and I have given the rifle a fair try in its original configuration. Personally, I love the way the rifle handles at the moment.

Incidentally, could you elaborate on the proof mark of the British Raj you mentioned earlier?


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Re: Original Oberndorf Mauser Type A in .30-06

Post by mundaire » Thu Feb 12, 2009 10:54 pm

Mack The Knife Bana wrote:I have also found a system that would allow me to scope the rifle without drilling or tapping the receiver. It's pug ugly but it will do the job. Have a look at http://www.atigunstocks.com/products.as ... ge=1&id=41 and be sure to look at the 'View More Images' and the 'Installation Instructions'. At present I am considering a Boyd's JRS laminated stock to use with the ATI thingy but am still looking for other options. However, I will only consider a scope after my right peeper has healed completely and I have given the rifle a fair try in its original configuration. Personally, I love the way the rifle handles at the moment.
You are right, it's not a pretty contraption! If I read the instructions correctly, to affix this one needs to bolt on a "base" (for the lack of a better word) on the barrel? Wouldn't this possibly mar the finish in that area? Just speculating here...

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Re: Original Oberndorf Mauser Type A in .30-06

Post by penpusher » Fri Feb 13, 2009 1:54 am

Mack The Knife,

Would not life had been simpler had you not fallen to the charms of this firang and bought a .315 instead :lol:

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Re: Original Oberndorf Mauser Type A in .30-06

Post by timmy » Fri Feb 13, 2009 2:07 am

Mack The Knife: I would question just how the clamping would affect your blued finish. I would be concerned about scratching or marring it in some way. ATI makes a lot of accessories and stocks for surplus weapons and they are pretty commonly seen here. For instance, I have seen a person with that full stock setup, where the scope mounts to the stock rather than the action. He also had the bolt-on bolt handle. The whole business was incredibly ugly and the bolt-on bolt handle concept does not seem to be a very robust solution (tho this would not affect you).

I have an ATI stock for a Mosin Nagant rifle. I'm not particularly thrilled with it. The whole concept of bedding an action seems to be lost on these people.

In general, I must say that I don't view their products very highly, based on these observations.

B-Square makes generally better solutions, but for M98s, all they have is a "scout mount" for a scope that uses a military rear sight, which of course is quite different from what you have.

I think that one of the problems you are facing is that your bolt handle is turned down for an open sight application. If you check out the later FN or Browning bolt action M98s intended for scope use, you will see that the bolt handle, in the area where it attaches to the bolt body, is considerably slimmer. This allows the scope to be mounted at a "conventional" height. Your bolt handle will require a scope to be mounted considerably higher, and even with those lace-on leather cheek pieces on top of the Boyds stock raised comb, I would guess that your cheekbone would be very much above the stock comb with such a high scope.

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Re: Original Oberndorf Mauser Type A in .30-06

Post by Mack The Knife » Fri Feb 13, 2009 7:14 am

You are right, it's not a pretty contraption! If I read the instructions correctly, to affix this one needs to bolt on a "base" (for the lack of a better word) on the barrel? Wouldn't this possibly mar the finish in that area? Just speculating here...
Yes, one needs to bolt the base around the barrel but it shouldn't mar the finish if done properly. Do scope tubes get marred when mounted correctly?
Would not life had been simpler had you not fallen to the charms of this firang and bought a .315 instead?
PP, an IOF .315 would have required a lot of work and when it comes to guns that is something I genuinely enjoy. The Mauser on the other hand does not require any work to make it work properly. I am merely looking for a suitable way of scoping it in case I really need to. If you recall my earlier posts, I enjoy using open sights but so far these have been at airgun ranges and I am yet to see if I can make the grade with the Mauser at extended ranges.

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Re: Original Oberndorf Mauser Type A in .30-06

Post by Mack The Knife » Fri Feb 13, 2009 7:52 am

Timmy, I am convinced that the base would not mar the barrel as it cannot move under recoil.

I found the B-Square solution the same day I found ATI's solution to the problem but by then I had already made a few drawings of my own contraptions, one of which is similar to B-Square's. However, with all due respect to Jeff Cooper, turning this particular rifle into a scout rifle leaves me cold.

More than the thickness of the bolt handle, it is the Mauser safety that determines the height of the scope and even when cleared, it is still a pain to operate quickly due the scopes ocular box above. I could replace this with a 3-position safety from NECG, Recknagel, etc. but they are expensive. So to avoid this expense, I came up with another solution, viz. the use of a shotgun / pistol scope with an eye relief of 6". This puts the ocular box ahead of the safety catch. The drawback is that I have only found three scopes that meet this requirement.

If someone could tell me how to post an AutoCAD drawing on the forum, I will do the needful.

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Re: Original Oberndorf Mauser Type A in .30-06

Post by timmy » Fri Feb 13, 2009 8:50 am

Mack The Knife: The safety issue was one that plagued scope installations on Mausers from the beginning. Many years ago, Buehler made a low-profile replacement for the stock Mauser safety that does not alter any part of the bolt assembly. The "wing" part of the Buehler design attaches to the shaft section by means of a screw.

I have used these myself and besides allowing a low mount scope right over the bolt sleeve, they are much handier than the original Mauser safety, which was intended to block the sight plane when the safety was applied. At least, they are handier if you are right handed.

Here is a link to the Buehler safety and several others, from the Brownells catalog. (If you are not familiar with Brownell's, then give the whole site a look-over. They have lots of good stuff!)

http://www.brownells.com/aspx/ns/store/ ... 146&p=4816

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