About your idea of having a second stock to use for the field, I can only offer you information regarding what is available from the USA, FWIW.
Most of the wood stock makers have gone out of business here, driven out of business by synthetic stocks. The two famous ones were Reinhart Fajen and Bishop. (I believe Bishop was Fajen's son-in-law and the two didn't get along well...) Finally Fajen bought out Bishop and then Fajen sold out. Now stocks made under his name are only available for a limited number of rifles. It seems as if the company as it has been bought now works with wood flooring products, but the company that bought them still lists a laminated stock for M98s:
Fajen gunstocks
Boyd's Gunstocks used to buy cheaper Fajen products and sell them under their own name. On there site, I still see some M98 laminated products for sale:
Fred Wenig used to be Fajen's shop foreman. Now he is on his own and seems to come closest to offering what Fajen sold years back. Fajen had a style called "European Sporter" that came closest to matching the stock on your rifle. Wenig offers something called a "Classic" that is similar, and this is probably the closest thing that I know of to your M98. The catalog link is funny to use, just use the small icon at the bottom to go forward in the catalog.
Fred Wenig Custom Gunstocks
Richard's Microfit Gunstocks offers laminate products. They also have an "Old Classic" style that comes close to your current stock. You can get laminate that looks a lot like an all-natural product. It also has the advantage of being a lot less sensitive to weather changes and humidity, which would be in line with your accurizing project. The stocks are also pretty reasonable in cost, but as I hear, they require more hand work to finish than the old semi finished stocks we were used to years back. But then, I have not used one of Richard's products, I'm only passing along what I hear. Here is the link:
Richard's Microfit Gunstocks
edit: I see you have Richard's in your post, sorry!