kriko or bruno .22 lr

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kriko or bruno .22 lr

Post by colthead » Thu Oct 09, 2008 10:11 pm

friends i want to know out of the two kriko , bruno .22 lr which is better

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Post by marksman » Thu Oct 09, 2008 10:48 pm

Kricos are much costlier in Europe as compared to a Brno rifle but some how I do not like the looks of the Krico bolt because it resembles a common door bolt. Where as Brno rifles, especially built in 70s and before, is a very sleek looking rifle. As for accuracy, both are at par. You can find out the year of manufacture written on the front left receiver ring on a Brno. Even the bluing was at par with the Krico in those rifles. I have used both but have retained the 1972 Manufactured Brno bought brand new (NIB) in the same year, then I paid Rs.2,300/ for it along with a box of Winchester hollow point ammo and friends complained that I was spoiling the market for others.
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Re: kriko or bruno .22 lr

Post by Risala » Thu Oct 09, 2008 11:33 pm

2300/- was a lot of moolah in those days,had serious value in 72 ,am not surprised that your friends got onto your case :lol:
Strangely fire arms for some reason in our parts have always commanded a high price when compared to
other countries,never been able to figure that one out :?:

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Post by sitar » Thu Oct 09, 2008 11:45 pm

as far as accuracy is concern both are the best {{ but i am litttle biased towards bruno}}

as looks and action is concern bruno has some elitness in it

so prefer bruno

but kirko is also worth owning
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Re: kriko or bruno .22 lr

Post by Risala » Thu Oct 09, 2008 11:53 pm

Which one of them do you have :?:

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Post by sitar » Fri Oct 10, 2008 12:10 am

i dont have any

both are with friends :smile:
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Post by to_saptarshi » Fri Oct 10, 2008 1:00 am

Sitar you mean Brno ???

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Re: kriko or bruno .22 lr

Post by mashh1 » Fri Oct 10, 2008 1:26 am

colt head i think you should go for a Brno as it is more popular brand and accessories & parts will be more widely available than Kriko. i have happened to handle many brno rifles and they are very good rifles but i never see any Kriko in person. first i thought you mean Calico .22 Lr SMG but than i see you misspelled only Brno.

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Re: kriko or bruno .22 lr

Post by Mark » Fri Oct 10, 2008 1:59 am

Can't speak for India, but here in the states Brno is hands down over Krico.

Having said that, a lot just depends on the individual gun. A 22 in good condition will usually be preferred to one in not so good condition, regardless of the make, everything else being equal.
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Re: kriko or bruno .22 lr

Post by sitar » Fri Oct 10, 2008 2:03 am

to_saptarshi";p="55905 wrote: Sitar you mean Brno ???
yaaa brno

printing mistake :D
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Re: kriko or bruno .22 lr

Post by Mark » Fri Oct 10, 2008 2:22 am

Around my neck of the woods, BRNO is ponounced "bruno" and can also be spelled "Bruno" as a slang term and everyone knows what you are talking about.
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Re: kriko or bruno .22 lr

Post by z375 » Thu Jan 08, 2009 6:23 pm

I've used both, the Brno Mk II and a Krico, and they're both examples of well-built .22's, both are capable of incredible accuracy provided you're using good ammo, KF ammo also performed very well in both these rifles but the .22's are know to be very fickle when it come to different brands of ammunition.

I have a soft corner for the Kricos for as compared to the Brnos, the barrel profile is much more solid and the same goes for the receiver, bolt and sights, they are a pleasure to shoot offhand and the stock design allows comfortable use of open sights without having to bob your head up and down when a scope is mounted.
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Re: kriko or bruno .22 lr

Post by kragiesardar » Mon Jan 12, 2009 6:11 am

Brno. Have one that I have probably put over 20K rounds through, posted pictures today, never had an issue with it.

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