The sooner our pacifist bleeding heart types realize that gun restriction only works on the law abiding types the better. I hope they wake up from their fairy tale reverie and join the cause.

Wonder who these suppliers or manufacturers are.art_collector";p="60650 wrote:Yesterday in the news there was a story about the lack of proper bullet proof jackets . I was rather shocked to see the jacket that the ATS chief was given to wear . Not only our 303 rifles out dated our bullet proof jackets too are.
There are rules to be followed when purchases are made by the government departments /army.The lowest bidder wins . No thought is given to the quality.And the result is there for all of us to see that some of our best officers got killed because of the faulty jackets which would not even stop a 32 calibre bullet...AK 47 bullet is altogether a different story I often have people inquiring from us where bullet proof jackets can be had.A few years back we had a similar inquiry for jackets.Everyone had the same list which included 50000 tablets Disprin, kerosene stoves, blankets and air gun pellets. When I mentioned that the bullet proof jackets are not sold in the market...the man who had come to inquire about it said "Koi baat nahin banwaa lengee ...lohee kee chaddar per hara kapra hi to lagana hai"
When you have such suppliers & such quality control how can you expect our brave officers to be saved from bullets...The report said that a lot of jackets supplied in 2001 was found to be defective. The supplier changed it...and the lot replaced was also not upto the standard...and still the jackets were issued to the personnel for use.
Well thought out and written penpusher - hopefully this writeup will be noticed by those outside our fraternity. That is what is needed.penpusher";p="60714 wrote:Tried posting this at the NDTV forums but could not,so I will post it here.
The Indian Arms Act of 1887 was designed to disarm the Indian people in the wake of the uprising of 1857.Indian leaders had protested against this Act as being discriminatory.Our British masters included a set of stringent rules as riders and imposed a high import duty on arms while curbing or banning their import in India, with the sole objective of discouraging Indians from acquiring arms.The Indian Arms Act of 1959 is in fact just an amended version of the the Arms Act of 1887.
The Indian National Congress had included the Right to bear arms in the list of Fundamental Rights that it had said would be included in any future Constitution of India.However,once India gained independence,this was conveniently forgotten.
The Indian Arms(Amendment)Bill(No.49 of 1953) laid down the following as it's objectives:-
"The objects of the Bill are:
(a)To exclude knives,spears,bows and arrows from the definition of arms;
(b)to classify firearms and other prohibited weapons so as to ensure-
(i)that dangerous weapons of military patterns are not available to civilians,particularly the anti-social elements;
(ii)that weapons for self defence are available for all citizens under license unless their antecedents or propensities do not disentitle them from the privilege;and
(iii)that fire-arms required for training purposes and ordinary civilian use are made more easily available on permits;
(c)to co-ordinate the rights of citizens with the necessity of maintaining law and order and avoiding fifth column activity in the country;
(d)to recognize the right of the sate to requisition the services of every citizen in national emergencies.The licensee and permit holder for fire-arms,shikaris,target shooters and riflemen in general(in appropriate age-groups) will be of great service to the country in emergencies if the Government can properly mobilize and utilize them."
Now think about whether this has taken place.
This is an extract taken from the Minutes of Dissent of one of the Members of the Joint Committee.I think you will all recognize him-
(Shri Atal Bihari Vajapayee)
"The present bill seeks to repeal the Indian Arms Act enacted by the British rulers eighty years ago with a view to disarm the whole nation.Apart from the considerations of safeguarding the Empire,this policy of depriving the whole people of arms was motivated in the main by a sense of deep mistrust and an attitude of contempt towards the Indian people.I am sorry to note that even after twelve years of Independence,the present government have not been able to shake off completely the legacy of their predecessors.The present Bill as reported by the Joint Committee is an improvement on the original Bill no doubt,but traces of this distrust linger still,and restrain the Bill from going as far as it should.Hence this not of dissent."
"The right to bear and carry arms is the inviolable and sacred right of every free citizen and thought this has not been included in the list of fundamental rights enumerated in the Indian constitution,the right of self defence accepted and guaranteed by the Indian Penal Code implicitly acknowledges the right to possess arms.Since India is not in a position to run into a race of armaments with big Powers,or their satellites,surrounding our boundaries and having hostile and expansionist designs against us,the only course open for us is to arm our people and military training compulsory for all adult and able bodied citizens........"
"........The present Bill seeks to liberalize the licensing provisions,but the liberalization is very halting,the procedure of securing a license still remains irksome and dilatory,and the license seeker left to the whims and caprice of the bureaucracy......"New Delhi,The 8th August,1959.
The successive govt.s have only made it harder for law abiding citizens to acquire firearms.After independence,dealers were no longer granted licenses to import firearms.There after the import of firearms by individuals through the Post Office was stopped.Then in 1986,the import of firearms by individual citizens was banned altogether.This has pushed up the price of all imported arms to a level where an ordinary citizen can't even think of buying one,even if he can manage a license in the first place.
Private manufacturers are allowed to manufacture only shotguns.They are of a very poor quality.The IOFB has a monopoly on the manufacture of rifled arms.These too are of a very poor quality besides being over priced.IOFB sells a .32 pistol(a copy of the Colt Pocket hammer-less,a 100 year old design with some changes mainly to the slide) for 70,000/- while a similar,in fact better made pistol is sold for about 25,000/- by makers like Bersa(Argentina) and Taurus(Brazil) and a cartridge for it at 40/- when it should not cost more than 8/- including profit.No person will call a .32 pistol or revolver a man stopper BTW.So it would be next to useless when confronting a terrorist.Mr.Bachchan please note.Get something better than the 50 year old .32 Webley you are probably keeping under your pillow.
Just think about this, had some of the guests at the Taj or the Trident or even the security guards there had arms,could not the outcome have been different.
It is nice to talk about giving the police the latest weapons but the cops at CST had arms.But the fact of the matter is that the police men chose to runs.Arm them with a better rifle and they still do the same,what do you do then.The Head Constable who shot at the terrorists at CST has been rewarded,good.At the same time punish those who ran away.
There is a lot of rubbish about the cops 303 rifles lacking 'range'.A Lee Enfield 303 rifle can hit a target beyond what an AK can reach out to.The Lee Enfield No 1 Mark3 that the cops are generally armed with,is a very old design and not suited to urban policing.It is long,clumsy and you would have a problem with over penetration.However the fact of the matter is that it also has the fastest actions of all the bolt action rifles.Considering the number of policemen there at CST,they could have easily got off more than the couple of shots that they did at the terrorists.Also if you hit something with a 303 round,it stays hit.Some had SLR rifles.That should have ensured a follow up shot at least.
The people around Nariman House threw rocks at the terrorists who stormed it.Now if only a couple of them had rifles?
You can not expect the police to guard each and every citizen.It is time we took the responsibility of guarding ourselves.Be vigilant and be armed.Ask the govt. to either direct the IOFB to produce better firearms at a reasonable price for the Indian public or to allow Indian's to import them.Licensed firearms are used in only a minuscule number firearm related crimes and almost never in terrorist attacks.Terrorists will never ask for an import permit or apply for an arms license.The ban in the import of firearms in 1986 has not made any difference in their ability to acquire whatever they wish to buy.It has only made it harder,if not impossible for the ordinary citizen to defend himself.
.. wonder where my post wentmundaire";p="60625 wrote: This from today's Times of India (Mumbai Edition) -
The initiative for doing this need not be limited to only a few here. Every member can do his/ her own bit, what's holding the rest of you back?Hunter";p="60715 wrote: Hi Abhijeet,
All praise to you for that article on page nine of the TOI,but I think we all need to strenghten our cause and push that article to page 1-with some hope that baburaj gets up and takes notice.
Warm Regards
Thank you penpusher , you put it together very well.penpusher";p="60714 wrote: Tried posting this at the NDTV forums but could not,so I will post it here.
The Indian Arms Act of 1887 was designed to disarm the Indian people in the wake of the uprising of 1857.Indian leaders had protested against this Act as being discriminatory.Our British masters included a set of stringent rules as riders and imposed a high import duty on arms while curbing or banning their import in India, with the sole objective of discouraging Indians from acquiring arms.The Indian Arms Act of 1959 is in fact just an amended version of the the Arms Act of 1887.
The Indian National Congress had included the Right to bear arms in the list of Fundamental Rights that it had said would be included in any future Constitution of India.However,once India gained independence,this was conveniently forgotten.
The Indian Arms(Amendment)Bill(No.49 of 1953) laid down the following as it's objectives:-
"The objects of the Bill are:
(a)To exclude knives,spears,bows and arrows from the definition of arms;
(b)to classify firearms and other prohibited weapons so as to ensure-
(i)that dangerous weapons of military patterns are not available to civilians,particularly the anti-social elements;
(ii)that weapons for self defence are available for all citizens under license unless their antecedents or propensities do not disentitle them from the privilege;and
(iii)that fire-arms required for training purposes and ordinary civilian use are made more easily available on permits;
(c)to co-ordinate the rights of citizens with the necessity of maintaining law and order and avoiding fifth column activity in the country;
(d)to recognize the right of the sate to requisition the services of every citizen in national emergencies.The licensee and permit holder for fire-arms,shikaris,target shooters and riflemen in general(in appropriate age-groups) will be of great service to the country in emergencies if the Government can properly mobilize and utilize them."
Now think about whether this has taken place.
This is an extract taken from the Minutes of Dissent of one of the Members of the Joint Committee.I think you will all recognize him-
(Shri Atal Bihari Vajapayee)
"The present bill seeks to repeal the Indian Arms Act enacted by the British rulers eighty years ago with a view to disarm the whole nation.Apart from the considerations of safeguarding the Empire,this policy of depriving the whole people of arms was motivated in the main by a sense of deep mistrust and an attitude of contempt towards the Indian people.I am sorry to note that even after twelve years of Independence,the present government have not been able to shake off completely the legacy of their predecessors.The present Bill as reported by the Joint Committee is an improvement on the original Bill no doubt,but traces of this distrust linger still,and restrain the Bill from going as far as it should.Hence this not of dissent."
"The right to bear and carry arms is the inviolable and sacred right of every free citizen and thought this has not been included in the list of fundamental rights enumerated in the Indian constitution,the right of self defence accepted and guaranteed by the Indian Penal Code implicitly acknowledges the right to possess arms.Since India is not in a position to run into a race of armaments with big Powers,or their satellites,surrounding our boundaries and having hostile and expansionist designs against us,the only course open for us is to arm our people and military training compulsory for all adult and able bodied citizens........"
"........The present Bill seeks to liberalize the licensing provisions,but the liberalization is very halting,the procedure of securing a license still remains irksome and dilatory,and the license seeker left to the whims and caprice of the bureaucracy......"New Delhi,The 8th August,1959.
The successive govt.s have only made it harder for law abiding citizens to acquire firearms.After independence,dealers were no longer granted licenses to import firearms.There after the import of firearms by individuals through the Post Office was stopped.Then in 1986,the import of firearms by individual citizens was banned altogether.This has pushed up the price of all imported arms to a level where an ordinary citizen can't even think of buying one,even if he can manage a license in the first place.
Private manufacturers are allowed to manufacture only shotguns.They are of a very poor quality.The IOFB has a monopoly on the manufacture of rifled arms.These too are of a very poor quality besides being over priced.IOFB sells a .32 pistol(a copy of the Colt Pocket hammer-less,a 100 year old design with some changes mainly to the slide) for 70,000/- while a similar,in fact better made pistol is sold for about 25,000/- by makers like Bersa(Argentina) and Taurus(Brazil) and a cartridge for it at 40/- when it should not cost more than 8/- including profit.No person will call a .32 pistol or revolver a man stopper BTW.So it would be next to useless when confronting a terrorist.Mr.Bachchan please note.Get something better than the 50 year old .32 Webley you are probably keeping under your pillow.
Just think about this, had some of the guests at the Taj or the Trident or even the security guards there had arms,could not the outcome have been different.
It is nice to talk about giving the police the latest weapons but the cops at CST had arms.But the fact of the matter is that the police men chose to runs.Arm them with a better rifle and they still do the same,what do you do then.The Head Constable who shot at the terrorists at CST has been rewarded,good.At the same time punish those who ran away.
There is a lot of rubbish about the cops 303 rifles lacking 'range'.A Lee Enfield 303 rifle can hit a target beyond what an AK can reach out to.The Lee Enfield No 1 Mark3 that the cops are generally armed with,is a very old design and not suited to urban policing.It is long,clumsy and you would have a problem with over penetration.However the fact of the matter is that it also has the fastest actions of all the bolt action rifles.Considering the number of policemen there at CST,they could have easily got off more than the couple of shots that they did at the terrorists.Also if you hit something with a 303 round,it stays hit.Some had SLR rifles.That should have ensured a follow up shot at least.
The people around Nariman House threw rocks at the terrorists who stormed it.Now if only a couple of them had rifles?
You can not expect the police to guard each and every citizen.It is time we took the responsibility of guarding ourselves.Be vigilant and be armed.Ask the govt. to either direct the IOFB to produce better firearms at a reasonable price for the Indian public or to allow Indian's to import them.Licensed firearms are used in only a minuscule number firearm related crimes and almost never in terrorist attacks.Terrorists will never ask for an import permit or apply for an arms license.The ban in the import of firearms in 1986 has not made any difference in their ability to acquire whatever they wish to buy.It has only made it harder,if not impossible for the ordinary citizen to defend himself.
Go ahead.kanwar76";p="60737 wrote: penpusher Bai,
I am going to post this article in one RKBA community in Orkut (With Due credits to you)
I hope you don't have any problem