Also, another anti gun actor is due to find himself behind bars soon - Wesley Snipes. Interesting what backgrounds these anti gunners have, isn;t it?

Maybe we could sue him for character assasination??Trust an actor to be the ultimate hypocrite and slimebag. This SOB Daniel Craig is an anti gun activist.
John,Grumpy";p="6010 wrote: There are plenty of thoroughly decent people who are anti-gun, that doesn`t make them `slime bags`.
Let him try...Grumpy";p="6015 wrote:he isn`t calling gun owners `slimebags`or `swine`.
Oh, yes? Then why was the statement made in the presence of Hollytwood's most vocal anti gun clowns and reported by the Brady campaign the very next day with a picture of the scumbag beaming frome ar to ear?I see no indication that he is trying to take your guns away nor that he is using his `celebrity status` to do so.
And I see no reason why gun owners need to spend money on his films.He just said that he sees no reason for gun ownership.
Sure, if you read my earlier response to your post, he wants my guns taken away. I do not want his plans for a Monte Carlo pad subsidised by gun owners.He`s entitled to his opinion just as you are to yours
It is clear that you have not heard of Rosie O' Donnell and her public name calling of Charlton Heston, Clint Eastwood and others.I don`t see the anti-gun people calling them `slimebags ` `swine` or `scoundrels`.
Chicago University Law Professor Jack Lott has conducted several studies that even the anti gunners are unable to dispute. It is his crime figures that are used by the NRA, GoA, JPFO and other pro gun groups in the USA.Ken Coopers `estimate` that guns are used to prevent 1.5 million crimes per year is generally reckoned to be wildly over optimistic but however many the figure is there is no doubt that the number of instances in which guns are used during the commission of a crime far exceeds the number which are prevented by the use of guns. You can`t promote the ownership of guns by quoting figures that are, at best, optimistic and which are negated by the numbers in which guns are used in crime.
There is a saying that makes great sense, "If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck..."do object to the use of offensive name-calling which does nothing to benefit the cause of gun ownership. Such language is unreasonable and non-beneficial to the cause of gun ownership.
That's what Charlton Heston and Clint Eastwood, among two people who wanted to take a soft approach, tried when they agreed to talk to Rosie O'Donnell.Reasoned argument wins debates.