I contacted LAX range over the weekend. They said that i had to take a class with them before they would allow me to shoot by myself. the class was a good deal, it involved a 1hr classroom session followed by an hour at the range.
When the instructor asked if i was 'in the market for a gun', i thought he meant that they were trying to sell a gun to me. When i mentioned 1911, he picked up a 1911 from the gun rack, put it in a box asked me to follow him. Honestly, i was not expecting a .45acp. i was expecting a .22 or a .32.
After an hrs session running over the basics, safety, aiming, stance etc we hit the range. the first shot came as a surprise. i was expecting much stronger recoil. it took me about 3 rounds to get used to the recoil. the next 15 rounds were inside 3 inches.
then it was fun time. i started taking head shots (of the dummy target), shots at the left end and the right end. overall it was a great experience, just waiting to get my hunting lic, then i will join the 1911 club.
could not take too many pics, got a couple of the gun and the target. will post pics in later today.
After the shoot, i had a good chat with the instructor. he is an ex marine , now a full time boxer and a full time firearm instructor. teaches everything about firearms, right from basics tp how to become a sniper.....he himself owns 3 1911s ...... not to mention the other firearms that he owns....
now i can go in and shoot whenever i want.......