With Inder in Chicago and both of us temporary bachelors at the moment, I had a nice time yesterday. We visited the Naperville Shotgun club and they have offered Trap coaching next week - the club president also offered to stand as my sponsor for membership there on the 14th. We couldn;t shoot as I had an old gun that could not take steel shot, but the club has offered us the use of their guns next Sunday when we go for coaching. It was a warm and friendly crowd and Inder and I are sure to make some good friends in the days ahead.
I had a bad shoulder - a pulled muscle that still hurts terribly - but I also took Inder on a drive through downtown Chicago with the highlight being a drive on the city's famous Lakeshore Drive and past some of the most prominent attractions here. I worked hard on my sales pitch trying to persuade Inder to move to North America with his family

We also came home to my place for a little while and he checked out my guns - hopefully, we shall shoot them very soon, and, we might find some bargain guns at the next two gun shows on the 5th and the 12th. It does promise to be a good time ahead!
Now, the sales pitch continues