Mr. Mack the knife,
The reason I did not respond to your schoolboy bully type challenges was to avoid having you lose face in your forum. It was quite easy for me to actually point out the contradictions in your own post as you had asked, and still can, but the purpose of that thread would seem even more lost then.
Obviously you do not have enough grey matter to understand the issue that was at hand- I'll repeat- to avoid threats and consequently enhance compliance to rules/change of track by the offender, and to avoid public humiliation even when a member has to go. Is that still too difficult to understand, or should I start a new thread on lessons for enhancing your IQ? I can speak your language, and better than you if it serves the purpose.
By the way, just to prove that there is validity in what I was after, here is a PM from a prominent member. If you like, I can ask his permission and you can contact him directly thereafter.
"Having said that, I am making contact with you only because I find you the sanest to discuss this with. I dont see any more objective in trying to correct someone who will not. There are ways to discuss with those who dont want to see the other side of the coin, and if both sides dont see, then it is a total waste of time and will only create more fiction.
I am no big peace maker, but want you to know that you have a valid point, but it is not always the best to hit the iron when it is hot Sometimes, when things cool down, people are more receptive. Its like two entangled hooks being pulled in opposite directions. The hooks will not break and will remain entangled. Sometimes, it is best to leave it free, and when they loosen their hold, a small nudge at the right time will free them both
I hope you understand ... "
Suggestion till my face turns blue- is that you quit trying to be a dictator and deriving sadistic pleasure. Grow up.