The trip is still not final but if all goes well, then Mark and I shall definitely be comingtogether. I have access to a very large collection of big bore rifles and am thinking of borrowing something like a 505 Gibbs to bring there if all goes well. The gentleman also has a 600 OK but it has a muzzle break and that would take the punch out of shooting it.
I am trying to figure out what the regulations are - if there is going to be a legal hassle I don't want to try this. Who knows? The idiots in government may decide that I am out to poach elephants or end civilization as we know it.

The rifle also is a very valuable one belonging to someone else. Hence my caution.
Mumbai, Bangalore, Delhi and Chennai would be on the cards. With 15 days total and four of those taken away in travelling, I shall be able to spend approximately two days in each place. I am familiar with transporting guns by air - all I need to know is what the laws are in India, whom I have to apply to for permissions etc. And that, if it is possible.
I would appreciate any advice on this. Also, please let me know how many rounds of ammunition I could bring along. Will need to work how many each person could shoot. If we are shooting at a public range, it would have to allow big bores. At private ranges, of course, all that would be needed would be a big enough backstop.
This would be an opportunity to meet friends on IFG and also for members in India to get a feel of shooting something really big. I'm just not sure whether this is possible or not.