I just got my membership and was at the range at 9.00 am. Was fun

Let me know if anyone wants to join me next week.
No, it isnt free anymore. One has to shell out 3000 bucks for the PVC. However, students are allowed to get a PVC for Rs. 50 if they can get a bonafide certicate from their school/college.TenX";p="47068 wrote: In my understanding, Police verification should be free. Sometimes people drop in 50 or 100 INR for 'coffee' (the amount of coffee the cops drink!!! BAH)
I dont think new membership is in question. What may happen is a slight increase in the membership fees, since its remained at 5000 INR for life membership for too longantismuggler";p="53808 wrote: Hi Folks,
It is learnt that the KSRA AGM is scheduled to be held on 12th October, 2008 and that till completion of AGM, new membership is not being entertained.
I would request all forum members who are KSRA members to kindly attend the AGM and to vote for the motion to allow new membership when the point is raised in the Agenda. This would be the only way people like me who are eager to get a membership stand a chance to do so. So please.
with regards
I'm sure no one would have, since its day after tomorrowsnIPer";p="55985 wrote: Were any of the members able to attend this?