if get bored with the clients u can play the game as well. multi purpose hard hitting fun for all.

its cheap easy to use, single action swing.etc

I think I may have told this story before as well... anyhow here goes:james";p="47225 wrote:Your are very true in saying above , I strongly told this busniness man not to even go for pistol , S&W 2 inche snubby would be best for him, practice is out of question , he is even finding hard to cock this pistol as the spring is hard but the pistol is having double stack magazine and in excellent condiction . Strongly adviced him not to carry and practice atleast once in a week atlest 12 shots otherwise some will snatch and runaway this status symbol. James....
penpusher my guess is that even if imports are opened (which is unlikely)penpusher";p="47228 wrote:I feel that dealers would also benefit from the import of firearms being allowed again.Instead of making a huge profit from sale of one or two firearms,they would be able to make the same sort of profit from increased sales.The incentive for hanky panky would also disappear.
IOFB will then be able to concentrate on making arms for the armed forces
Sanjay - I could be mistaken, but AFAIK the Browning BDM was chambered for the 9mm parabellum cartridge which is of course a PB calibre... came with a 15 shot magazine in that format, unless it was bought in USA during the high cap magazine ban, in which case it would be limited to a 10 round mag. What calibre was this one?Sanjay";p="47231 wrote:penpusher my guess is that even if imports are opened (which is unlikely)the prices of those arms will be atleast 2 to 3 x of the IOF ones,and at those prices there is a very small market,the dealer would rather sell one or two a month these days and make a massive profit.This afternoon Dev & I saw a 12 shot Browning BDM for sale,NIB imported by a Sr Govt officer on TR in 2005 on sale for 16.5 Lakhs.
It wont stick around for too long,will find it's way in the hand of some politician or businessman.
What can I say - except forSanjay";p="47233 wrote:.32 ACP,can you imagine a $ 1 K hand gun going for $ 40 K,the dealer probably paid around $ 20 to 25 K tops.
The Beretta I have was going for around 4.5 L,and mine came for INR 200/-the same in .380 was for 4.75 L,the condition was very good.
With such profit margins the anti imports lobby is having a blast,dont think they will lift the ban,cos of the vested intrests.