Dealers feedback on import policy

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Dealers feedback on import policy

Post by james » Tue Jul 08, 2008 10:21 pm

Taking feedback from various authorised arms dealers in India , referring air gun import policy , The view is clear that this import ban on firearms would never be lifted as used foreign weapon market is huge and higly profitable , airgun was totally different ballgame. WHAT guys in this forum predict , ARE we going to taste those real good stuff in INDIA in our life time. JUST THINKING....James.......

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Post by mundaire » Tue Jul 08, 2008 11:03 pm

james";p="46949 wrote: Taking feedback from various authorised arms dealers in India , referring air gun import policy , The view is clear that this import ban on firearms would never be lifted as used foreign weapon market is huge and higly profitable , airgun was totally different ballgame. WHAT guys in this forum predict , ARE we going to taste those real good stuff in INDIA in our life time. JUST THINKING....James.......
Since this is a democracy there are really only two ways that this could happen:

a) Interest of the masses: Put together a large enough constituency of people interested in moving things in a certain direction and you can basically "force" a change in policy. But since access to guns is limited, exposure is limited and consequently the number of enthusiasts is automatically limited - so practically speaking this route is closed, at least for the foreseeable future.

b) Indifference of the masses: Funnily enough indifference on the part of the masses can be an advantage in certain circumstances as well! If the vast majority of people are not affected by this change and therefore indifferent, it is relatively easy for one/ more interested parties in office to slide in changes without any resulting hue cry. This of course depends entirely on someone in the corridors of power taking a personal interest in the matter. This route (albeit difficult) is still within the realm of possibility.

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Post by nagarifle » Tue Jul 08, 2008 11:06 pm

so the next question is what or how does one get the ball rolling to change the policy?

if you say it can not be done, then you are right, for you, it can not be done.

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Post by mundaire » Tue Jul 08, 2008 11:17 pm

BTW - did I forget to mention that the very thought of imports being reopened would give most dealers nightmares... after all they'd loose tons of money overnight!
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Re: Dealers feedback on import policy

Post by TenX » Wed Jul 09, 2008 1:04 am

I guess that if aware ness and a senseible demand rises enough, with facilities to match in parallel, everything is possible :) .. at least I will live with hopes!
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Re: Dealers feedback on import policy

Post by james » Thu Jul 10, 2008 12:15 am

THE practical scenario is clear , the loby that is benifitted is too strong and they will never allow the system to be free import type , lets face the reality , just thinking of a friend who bought 12 lac pistol of barreta , 12 shot . If import is allowed , he will not get 1lac for that .cheers JAMES....

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Re: Dealers feedback on import policy

Post by art_collector » Thu Jul 10, 2008 12:48 am

You have fools of every shape and size available in India ....12 lacs for a Baretta...99% chance is that when the need would be there he might not even be able to fire one single shot straight ...forget the remaining 11 shots...(1% chance is that he might have practiced and would do just fine...) but such buyers are every dealers dream come let both the buyer and seller have fun

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Re: Dealers feedback on import policy

Post by art_collector » Thu Jul 10, 2008 12:53 am


No lobby is that strong enough to stop imports of firearms. The only lobby that can manage that is The ordanance Factories.Who will buy their stuff if the imports are allowed. Think if S& W is availble at 30,000/- will you agree to pay 75000/- for the IOF revolver.


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Post by nagarifle » Thu Jul 10, 2008 12:54 am

end of the day it does not matter (if you look at it from today point of view and price etc)

if the lobbying makes a change in the right direction and its not about the dealers but the customers.

any change in the right direction would be most welcome by all customers.

if you say it can not be done, then you are right, for you, it can not be done.

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Re: Dealers feedback on import policy

Post by Risala » Thu Jul 10, 2008 1:02 am

james";p="47027 wrote: the loby that is benifitted is too strong and they will never allow the system to be free import type , lets face the reality , just thinking of a friend who bought 12 lac pistol of barreta , 12 shot . cheers JAMES....
Is your friend a politician,12 L for a hand gun is outrageous.
Saw a Minister from the North East pick up 3 weapons in less than
10 mins from an individual seller in Delhi.
Fire arms picked up were FN Browning in .32 for 4 L
Baby Browning in .25 for 3 L & a .275 Cal Krupps Rifle for 4 L.
All the weapons were in mint condition.

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Re: Dealers feedback on import policy

Post by TenX » Thu Jul 10, 2008 1:03 am

How will we rake the demand and requirement of free trade when we dont pay the hugh price for them and procure/use them in India. This is what creates the demand.
And how can we buy at horrible prices and expect the prices to go down. Maybe we should all vote for Mundaire to be PM for a few hours atleast :)
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Post by nagarifle » Thu Jul 10, 2008 1:06 am

TenX";p="47038 wrote: Maybe we should all vote for Mundaire to be PM for a few hours atleast :)
hear hear, well said TenX only if he gives us a free cigar and hw45 each :lol:

if you say it can not be done, then you are right, for you, it can not be done.

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Post by Risala » Thu Jul 10, 2008 1:08 am

nagarifle";p="47032 wrote:end of the day it does not matter (if you look at it from today point of view and price etc)

if the lobbying makes a change in the right direction and its not about the dealers but the customers.

any change in the right direction would be most welcome by all customers.
Just for the record,per a 07 report at 46 Million India has the second highest no of licenced fire arms in the world after the US.
It is unlikely things will change,esp with the IOF story thrown in & the prevaling law and order situation in the country.


Re: Dealers feedback on import policy

Post by penpusher » Thu Jul 10, 2008 1:55 am


That figure was an 'estimate' of firearms in civilian hands in India.It was based on the assumption that for one firearm recovered there are a certain no. which are not.Generally 3-5 times that no. or what ever took the fancy of the person/s preparing the report.So the estimate was based on the recoveries of illegal arms made in India as a whole.Not surprisingly, the majority was from areas where insurgency is rife J&K and the NE and now you can take in the Maoist affected areas as well.

The Arms Act empowers the GOI to undertake a census of the licensed firearms int eh country.However none has taken place till date.

As a result of the methodology adopted by those who prepared the report,all law abiding citizens with legally held firearms have been clubbed with the Naxalites and the Jihadi's.

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Re: Dealers feedback on import policy

Post by james » Sat Jul 12, 2008 11:37 pm

art_collector ,YOU WROTE ,99% chance is that when the need would be there he might not even be able to fire one single shot straight ...forget the remaining 11 shots...(1% chance is that he might have practiced and would do just fine...) but such buyers are every dealers dream come let both the buyer and seller have fun.

Your are very true in saying above , I strongly told this busniness man not to even go for pistol , S&W 2 inche snubby would be best for him, practice is out of question , he is even finding hard to cock this pistol as the spring is hard but the pistol is having double stack magazine and in excellent condiction . Strongly adviced him not to carry and practice atleast once in a week atlest 12 shots otherwise some will snatch and runaway this status symbol. James....

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