hunters tale

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hunters tale

Post by marksman » Sun Jun 08, 2008 11:11 pm

Hey guys,
thought I must narrate this interesting incidence that happened a couple of decades ago. I went to a gun dealer friend's shop who are in business for last 80 yrs. The son of the old man introduced me to a guy who made friends with me. While generally inquiring with the young dealer after his departure I was informed that he was a very keen Hunter, a crack shot and a gun enthusiast. I also learnt during further conversation that he had bought a NIB Krico 30-06 rifle with a Leupold Variable High Power scope, a Brno Side lock 12 bore shotgun and a NIB Beretta model 81 pistol (.32 ACP with 13 Shot Mag) at the asking price from the same dealer. Anyways, the expert renewed my acquaintance and claimed he had shot a running animal at 300 yards in the head at his farm and very humbly blamed the accuracy of the Krico 30-06 rifle for it. I didn't disbelieve him.. Sure enough some months later I was invited to his farm for lunch. I asked if I could try out the accuracy of this Krico rifle to which he readily agreed. To cut a long story short, I missed the 2'x2' target by miles at 100 yds. Same result at 25 yds on the same target. The gun was shooting 7.5 yds at 11 o'clock at 25 yds . I can imagine how unlucky that animal must have been who got the slug in the head at 300 yds. My crack shot friend had no argument on this issue and to be fair to him as he looked after me well as a host, I restrained asking further questions on the topic to save his embarrassment. Later on same day I learnt from his old farm hand that he would regularly lend his 12 bore shotgun to him to shoot some pork at night while he tanked up and slept. So much for a crack shot.

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Post by b.baracho » Mon Jun 09, 2008 10:11 am

hey thats funny.
Hunting is not a sport. In a sport, both sides should know they're in the game. -P.Rod-

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Post by marksman » Mon Jun 09, 2008 10:58 am

The same Crack Shot took me home for dinner and proudly showed off the Bear skin that he claimed he had shot. When identified as a North American Black Bear. he sheepishly agreed and said he was actually testing me out . The possession of this skin may have been possible for him as he was into shipping business. he also showed me his Pirhannas that he kept as pets. They fortunately happened to be Pirhannas after all. I have still maintained contacts with him as he attempts tirelessly to impress me with his tales, even today .
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Given that there are far more good guys than bad guys, what would happen if all good guys and all bad guys were armed???......Simple, isn't it ?---Jeff Cooper

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Re: hunters tale

Post by b.baracho » Mon Jun 09, 2008 2:05 pm

hi marksman,this man is different so are all of us some should be treated how we say "with a little pinch of salt" the very fact he took you home for dinner means he likes you and sounds like a good guy .By the way i have seen Pirhannas for sale at a pet shop here( Goa )

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Post by marksman » Mon Jun 09, 2008 9:40 pm

I totally agree with you on that one,Baracho!! I never said he was a shady guy. In fact its fun having a Sun Downer with him.
Exercise in Logic:
Given that there are far more good guys than bad guys, what would happen if all good guys and all bad guys were armed???......Simple, isn't it ?---Jeff Cooper

"Our Country won't go on forever, if we stay soft as we are now. There won't
be any India because some foreign soldiery will invade us and take our
women and breed a hardier race!"


Post by shahid » Tue Jun 10, 2008 1:00 am

DOnt be so harsh to hunters. Most of them are mighty good blokes. Who knows the guy might have sighted his rifle and knows the compensation.

But guns and drink don't go together, when on a high better listen to the tales only.

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Post by eljefe » Thu Jun 12, 2008 12:54 am

there are a lot of piranha 'look alike' species being offered as the 'real thing' by unscruplous dealers here in India.
AFAIK, this is by illegal trade.
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Post by shahid » Thu Jun 12, 2008 3:39 pm

What is Pirhana, a handgun ?

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Post by b.baracho » Thu Jun 12, 2008 4:38 pm

shahid wrote:What is Pirhana, a handgun ?
hi, shahid, Piranha is a fish found in the waters of Brazil.



Post by shahid » Thu Jun 12, 2008 5:56 pm

Oh that Phirana. Yes from the Adventures of Tintin in South America.
Never seen one myself.

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Post by snIPer » Thu Jun 19, 2008 7:35 pm

They are even available in local fish shops here.
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Post by cottage cheese » Thu Jun 19, 2008 9:52 pm

snIPer";p="45980 wrote:They are even available in local fish shops here.
Do they taste good? :mrgreen:
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Post by Pran » Thu Jun 19, 2008 10:01 pm

eljefe";p="45524 wrote:there are a lot of piranha 'look alike' species being offered as the 'real thing' by unscruplous dealers here in India.
Red Bellied Piranhas are pretty common here. They're easy to identify and not that hard to breed.

Here's an interesting piranha forum you might like to see-

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Post by Pran » Thu Jun 19, 2008 10:03 pm

cottage cheese";p="45994 wrote:
Do they taste good?
They may, if they haven't eaten your fingers when you're cleaning your aquarium :mrgreen:
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Post by cottage cheese » Thu Jun 19, 2008 11:36 pm

Pran";p="45997 wrote:
cottage cheese";p="45994 wrote:
Do they taste good?
They may, if they haven't eaten your fingers when you're cleaning your aquarium :mrgreen: I hear they actually don't... lot of misconceptions.

Obviously a whole shoal to produce the 'Piranha effect' wont fit in a home aquarium :mrgreen:

anyway it's going OT I think...
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