let my introduce myself

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let my introduce myself

Post by pwm » Thu Oct 05, 2006 1:09 am


I was in contakt with mehul kamdar for a long time in the nitro express forum and when I told him that go on a trek in india in november he recommand me to visit this forum.
I dont like the problems to bring a gun to india, if it allways was a great idea to have it, knowing that old times are gone. most of my guns are sold now. Only one airgun, one sidexside shotgun, one capegun, one mauser , one garden gun will be at home for an uncertain future.
If the authoritys are know how you can shoot with a tube and firecracker powder they wont sleep anymore.
I was a commercial reloader here in germany but the last batch of handload ammo will made this weekend.
My speciality was ammo for very old and obsolet calibers, also my interesting for old guns. See that you have a hard gunlaw, but remember the times with much harder one here. Is handloading of cartridges possible in india, what is with components like brass, primer , powder, bullets.
Remeber the post of an indian in the net some years ago when he was looking for 10,75x68 mauser ammo.
I am allways interestet to see hunting with speers , traps and old and homemade guns: muzzleloader and other.
I fly to Dehli on the 6. of november, plan is to walk over Luckow, Varanasi to Darjeeling.
Must see than what happens, the visa for india is now only 6 month's valid and you cant extend it in the country anymore, big problem. I can go to nepal and try there to get a new visa and I can try to get a visa for Tibet and make the walk to Lhasa, walk to the Kailasch mountain then will be also great.
This will be a pure trek, no mobil phone , no gps, only a map and a compass, ligth baggage. I have to walk and carry all the things I need.
I will be looking like a tramp because sleeping in the jungle when nessesary.
Mehul tells me that someone here will be on my route.

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Post by Kshatriya » Thu Oct 05, 2006 2:00 am

Hi pwm, welcome to IFG. I am based at Lucknow & would love to be of any help here, when u come visiting.
I am PMing u my email address & cell no.
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Re: let my introduce myself

Post by mehulkamdar » Thu Oct 05, 2006 4:50 am


Good to see my friend PWM here. He is an expert on historical German guns and especially on the Teschner-Collath guns. He is also a gunwriter and someone who loves India and trekking. We first corresponded when he wanted to know the Sanskrit word for one thousand - I hope he found a better person than me for an answer. :)

Now that you know the route he would be trekking on, I would happily recommend that anyone who is along that route meet him. People with his knowledge of guns and history are rare in the world.

Good to see one more friend here!


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Post by Vikram » Thu Oct 05, 2006 7:34 am

Welcome PWM, It is always good to see a new member joining us.It is even more of an honour when such a knowledgeable member such as you comes over. I wish you all the very best and I dearly hope you will enjoy you self greatly and carry good memories back home.

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Post by Kshatriya » Thu Oct 05, 2006 8:55 am

The sanskrit word for thousand is "sahasra".:-)
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Post by mundaire » Thu Oct 05, 2006 10:50 am

Welcome aboard PWM,

Look forward to you posting more often here.

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Re: let my introduce myself

Post by penpusher » Thu Oct 05, 2006 11:26 am

to walk over Luckow, Varanasi to Darjeeling.

What I understand is that you plan to walk from Varanasi to Darjeeling You will be walking through one of the most lawless parts of India(E UP,Bihar).Kidnapping is a cottage industry in these parts. Better get a machinegun :lol: Fly to Darjeeling and trek from there.Do visit Lucknow though.Lots of history and things to see.Just don't walk there.There are a lot of trekking trails in the Himalyas, find a safe area and do let somebody know where you are going and when you would be back.Be sensible, avoid areas that the locals do and you would have a lot of fun in India.When was the last time you visited India?

Some of the most beautiful parts of India according to me i) Ladakh area ii)Kerala (do visit Varkla) iii)Andaman and Nicobar iv)Lakshwadeep(if you are into diving) v)almost the entire North East.Just my personal view.

If you are in India,you could visit Bhutan.Beautiful country and very nice people.Expensive though.Don't try to get in through Phuntsoling, fly Delhi to Thimpu.Druk Air would be your only option.

Take care,

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Re: let my introduce myself

Post by pwm » Fri Oct 06, 2006 12:20 am

thank you gentleman

for your welcome and your warnings, mehul may hit my knowledge a little bit high. <The most interesting part of a gun was allways the chamber and to be true if it was possible to find everything printed in books I may never have start with my searching about old cartridges.
Dont remember for what and when I was looking for this sanskrit word, time is gone , but thank you Kshatriya.
Its now only 1 month that I am be still online so please dont count so much on me.
I see that you have a stupid gun law, stupid gun laws are everywhere, some are more stupid :!:

"What I understand is that you plan to walk from Varanasi to Darjeeling You will be walking through one of the most lawless parts of India(E UP,Bihar).Kidnapping is a cottage industry in these parts. "

I havnt heard of this problem till now, maybe its an argument for the kidnappers that havnt much money with me.
Have talk last time with friends , they planed a trek through russia, arabia to noth africa. Question was if its possible to carry a handgun on such a tour. Was saying: no way, but its a good idea if havnt money with you. He say: yes its god but we still have organ 's :cry:
I hope its not so criminal there. I will definetely not fly in india, if its clear that an area is a landscape full with criminals its the only chance to cross it with the railway.
If you have warnings I will still listen.

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Post by Sakobav » Fri Oct 06, 2006 5:36 am


Welcome to the board, I agree with penpusher's prudent advise and next best thing as you mentioned is Indian Railway. I would recommend having the iternary and tickets planned out.
All the best and kudos for doing this.


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