I wanted to leave at 4 a.m. so as to catch the early morning action but I finally dropped off to sleep around 3'ish. Anyway, I was out of the house by 5:55 a.m. and spinning away from the coracle by 9 a.m..
Here's fishy number one...

The next one was a first of sorts because it happened to be a tilapia on a Mepps Agila No.4

Followed by a few more murrel...

The old banger back in action...

This pic is dedicated to Grumpy.

Did a couple of hours of ledgering for rohu but just did not get a bite even though I saw them all over Forbes.
The last session was for mahseer. They were in a real feeding frenzy today and even though I cocked up innumerable times, I still managed to catch four of them.

Left the place at 9:45 p.m. and had a thoroughly enjoyable drive back with Led Zep belting away on the stereo - I needed something stronger than just a coffee to stay awake on the road.