I asked Pran to come independtly as there was no space at the back in mine. We were to meet at the usual brakfast joint but there was no sign of P as he had already zipped off ahead and by the time he had realised something was wrong and reached the restaurant, we were already on our way out. He must have wolfed down the grub and scooted off because he still managed to reach well before us.
After tackling up P and T push off in the coracle whilst I experiment from the bank with an assortment of new lures. A few hours later we meet up at the car to find that none of us had managed to hook a fish. Lunch, for me atleast, was a bit of a disaster as ants had got to it first, so half a hot dog and chocolate brownie is all that I had to keep me going until I reached home at 1 a.m..
Post lunch, Pran fished from the bank and T and I toodled off in the coracle. Pran also fished at Headworks for an hour or so and he said that he was broken off by a big one even though he was using 20 lbs mono. After this he caught one but it was a tiddler. Pran then returned to Forbes, packed his gear and pushed off for home around 6 p.m..
Whilst Pran was away, I managed to catch five murral before heading off to the mahseer casting point. I had two unbeliveably strong bites and even had the fish on but in both instances, they were able to spit out the hook. I was really dying to catch one of these fighters but we were so low on ragi bait that we were literally picking up fallen bits of ragi off the coracle floor.
Last cast and another bite but its only a tiddler. Had we had enough bait I would have fished on for a couple of hours or at least until I had a good sized fish but this will have to wait until the next outing.