Whats in a Name

Posts that don't fit into any other category. If it's anything to do with guns, it probably doesn't belong here!
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Post by Sid_kapur30 » Wed Mar 26, 2008 7:39 pm

OverUnderPump";p="41066 wrote:
Sid_kapur30";p="41062 wrote: Hey mate the 30 refers to my date of birth considering too many Siddharth Kapurs with all of them taking up the decent usernames i had to settle in for this one :(

a beer on you if i tag along on with you on friday! Hmmm.

I look at it this way. if i bunk office on friday and that too a month before i go on a 10 day leave - I GET FIRED!
i get fired i dont save up money. i dont save up money i dont get to buy a good - new - beautiful air-rifle. i dont get a new air-rifle sometime soon. I'LL REQUIRE MORE THAN A FEW BOTTLES OF BEER :(

i got it all figured out 8). Hic..

Shucks bro, I was always under the impression that it denoted a weight class :lol:
As for the beer session, lets sit around on Saturday over a few chilled ones and talk a few things through(scope/mounts/dovetail/rifle et all).

Am in
lets talk to everyone else. Including the new daddy


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Re: Whats in a Name

Post by Grumpy » Wed Mar 26, 2008 10:26 pm

Being overweight IS `awful`.
A `Heavies` section ? No thanks - definitely don`t need more attention drawn to my flab !
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Re: Whats in a Name

Post by TwoRivers » Thu Mar 27, 2008 11:31 am

Hey Grumpy, ever since I joined this forum I've been puzzling who might be hiding behind your handle, and now the pieces of the puzzle are coming together. Ol' 'enry the VIIIth incarnate it's got to be! Anyone else thinks I might be on to something? Cheers.

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Post by eljefe » Thu Mar 27, 2008 12:09 pm

Two rivers
you got it wrong! its not the disney lot Grumps has as a doppleganger.More like Atilla! I can hear the whetstones singing across the halbred and the axe... :D :twisted:
''It dont mean a thing, if it aint got that zing!''

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Leif Runenritzer
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Post by Leif Runenritzer » Fri Apr 04, 2008 11:45 am

Leif is a norse name meaning descendant. I'm proud of where i came from: Celts, Finns, Germanics, heathens, Americans.

Runenritzer is German for rune-carver. I'm always scribbling down things in runes (Fuþorc, specifically) using an etymological and phonetic spelling.

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Post by Sujay » Fri Apr 04, 2008 8:54 pm

mundaire";p="40767 wrote::lol: Never realised that there was so much confusion about my handle!
Would it be proper if I ask Abhijeet the origins of " mundaire" ? After many Yes and No, I finally decided to search in Google; about a year ago. The closest I reached I can remember is something resembling " French Priest".

Good that that you finally clarified it.

As for ' what is in a name ' , it might matter sometime. There is a user by name ' Sniper' to whom I had to send an AirPistol.
He asked me to contact his friend who was to be in Hyderabad at that time. As I was unaware of Sniper's real name, I called his friend and began...." Sniper has asked me to contact you and deliver you an Air Pistol.......". He ( the friend) was so freaked out that he refused to reveal his name, questioned me extensively and refused to do the deal.

The deal is stuck till this day.
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Post by mundaire » Sat Apr 05, 2008 12:16 am

Sujay";p="41547 wrote:
mundaire";p="40767 wrote::lol: Never realised that there was so much confusion about my handle!
Would it be proper if I ask Abhijeet the origins of " mundaire" ? After many Yes and No, I finally decided to search in Google; about a year ago. The closest I reached I can remember is something resembling " French Priest".

Good that that you finally clarified it.
Well, I added an extra "e" at the end as when I first signed up on AOL in 1997 the handle "mundair" was already taken ;)
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Post by rhandle » Sat Apr 12, 2008 12:47 pm

For me I wanted to create a handle using my name. Damn Rahul is so common that I would not even get rahul 500 ...lol

I was like frustrated while it asked me to change my handle... so i just typed Rhandle out of desperation and it clicked and stayed on ;)
Sometimes when I reflect back on all the wine I drink I feel shame. Then I think about the workers in the vineyards and all of their hopes and dreams. If I didn’t drink this wine, they might be out of work and their dreams would be shattered. Then I say to myself, “It is better that I drink this wine and let their dreams come true than be selfish and worry about my liver.”
- Jack Handy

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