Airgun import experiences - via post/ courier route
- archer
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Re: import of air guns
Hey sanjiv,
Yes my parcel was insured.... the shippin cost of 25 pounds included the insurance fee.....
Yes my parcel was insured.... the shippin cost of 25 pounds included the insurance fee.....
- archer
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Re: import of air guns
Sorry that was was sitar....sorry guys
- dev
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fate of jonah's air rifle
Okay while I was crowing about how enlightened Delhi Postal Customs is they have again revealed how negative they can be.
Jonah's sister first went to dig out the rifle and these smart guys decided to have some fun. Noticing that she didn't look like a North Indian and was demure and soft spoken here is the ploy they came up with.
They said that they couldn't tell it was an air rifle or a fire arm and decided that it was a firearm to be on the safe side and told her get an import permit etc. The Einsteins came to this conclusion without even opening the box. This is a violation of the procedure that they are supposed to follow and even the assistant commissioner sitting there did nothing different. Now, I have lost my healthy optimism to say that this only smacks of the Chinese proverb that a fish rots from the head.
As I got the story from Dr. Joy (Jonah's sister) I was convinced that the whole bunch had created the old toxic environment that existed in the year 2000. All the honest chaps were missing and even the assistant commissioner had changed. So the lovely lass who had so smitten me the last year was gone alas. Knowing that we were up against an evil bunch I got reinforcements.
Soon six feet tall six gun packing Ollie was by my side minus six gun but with his bulging forearms etc. He's a little like the phantom... soft spoken but rough on roughnecks. So we stepped into the building at 11.30 or so. The first rascal who had harassed Dr.Joy gave up the ghost the moment he saw us. He blathered, "Now, the rule has changed please go to Sushma madam and pick up your parcel."
Sushma madam was accompanied by a red haired thug who immediately asked us to return after lunch, it was by then just 12pm. So we did the old Delhi Punj minute trick where Ollie cajoled them into opening the parcel by stating that it would only take 2 minutes. The rascal gave in reluctantly when he sensed that we had some tricks up our sleeve.
With great reluctance the packet was opened and we showed the lady that it was indeed a .177 target rifle. She still kept insisting that we didn't have a valid invoice. So now I raised my voice alittle bit and explained that that is all the invoice it took to get my rifle in. Being a seasoned bribe taker she said," Go ahead get your file and we'll play..." Knowing fully well that I wouldn't be able to recall the chappie who had handled my case with honesty and sincererity this lot wouldn't learn in this lifetime.
In between we went down to meet the sahib with the file as she said it was incomplete. She had now noted down that it was a .177 etc. So we went down to meet sahib who is totally nwe to the job. He asked what the problem was and when we explained that a ldy shooter was being put thru hell he actually stepped into the fray. He looked thru the documents when anothet guy who seemed to know the procedure told him that he just had to slap on the duties and let it go.
Now we were on a different terrain Mr. Helpful stated that the price seemed to be under invoiced, we got the bright idea of checking it for him on the net. Jeepers, Pyramid Air had the same for $900, he was happy to slap duties on this amount till Dr. Joy told us that the seller was different, so we dashed up and got the original documents down from Mrs.'Bribe me now' and finally found the right price which was lower than on our invoice.
Now, Ms Sushma bribe my ##s has had a change of heart. She claims that she wanted the rifle without paying duties and therefore had insisted that the paper work was incomplete. We had started ignoring her by now anyway. Finally after some more intricacies of asst.commissioner not being present etc. Mr. Helpful agrees to add duties and send rifle on its way. We hope that that is the end of it but don't know what other twists and turns may spin out.
What is clear is that as long as you have a state rifle membership, a cpy of the gazette and also a page from the customs handbook section 93, your paper work is almost correct. We were often tempted to use other paper...the one with our nations leaders faces on it but I was adamant. Call me a masochist but I love ensuring that their grubby hands stay grubby.
After this we extracted lunch out of Dr. Joy so that she stays wary of us Delhi wallas. And we all left hoping that we will soon get to try out the mad Mizo's dream rifle till December. It really was worth facing those morons for.
Jonah's sister first went to dig out the rifle and these smart guys decided to have some fun. Noticing that she didn't look like a North Indian and was demure and soft spoken here is the ploy they came up with.
They said that they couldn't tell it was an air rifle or a fire arm and decided that it was a firearm to be on the safe side and told her get an import permit etc. The Einsteins came to this conclusion without even opening the box. This is a violation of the procedure that they are supposed to follow and even the assistant commissioner sitting there did nothing different. Now, I have lost my healthy optimism to say that this only smacks of the Chinese proverb that a fish rots from the head.
As I got the story from Dr. Joy (Jonah's sister) I was convinced that the whole bunch had created the old toxic environment that existed in the year 2000. All the honest chaps were missing and even the assistant commissioner had changed. So the lovely lass who had so smitten me the last year was gone alas. Knowing that we were up against an evil bunch I got reinforcements.
Soon six feet tall six gun packing Ollie was by my side minus six gun but with his bulging forearms etc. He's a little like the phantom... soft spoken but rough on roughnecks. So we stepped into the building at 11.30 or so. The first rascal who had harassed Dr.Joy gave up the ghost the moment he saw us. He blathered, "Now, the rule has changed please go to Sushma madam and pick up your parcel."
Sushma madam was accompanied by a red haired thug who immediately asked us to return after lunch, it was by then just 12pm. So we did the old Delhi Punj minute trick where Ollie cajoled them into opening the parcel by stating that it would only take 2 minutes. The rascal gave in reluctantly when he sensed that we had some tricks up our sleeve.
With great reluctance the packet was opened and we showed the lady that it was indeed a .177 target rifle. She still kept insisting that we didn't have a valid invoice. So now I raised my voice alittle bit and explained that that is all the invoice it took to get my rifle in. Being a seasoned bribe taker she said," Go ahead get your file and we'll play..." Knowing fully well that I wouldn't be able to recall the chappie who had handled my case with honesty and sincererity this lot wouldn't learn in this lifetime.
In between we went down to meet the sahib with the file as she said it was incomplete. She had now noted down that it was a .177 etc. So we went down to meet sahib who is totally nwe to the job. He asked what the problem was and when we explained that a ldy shooter was being put thru hell he actually stepped into the fray. He looked thru the documents when anothet guy who seemed to know the procedure told him that he just had to slap on the duties and let it go.
Now we were on a different terrain Mr. Helpful stated that the price seemed to be under invoiced, we got the bright idea of checking it for him on the net. Jeepers, Pyramid Air had the same for $900, he was happy to slap duties on this amount till Dr. Joy told us that the seller was different, so we dashed up and got the original documents down from Mrs.'Bribe me now' and finally found the right price which was lower than on our invoice.
Now, Ms Sushma bribe my ##s has had a change of heart. She claims that she wanted the rifle without paying duties and therefore had insisted that the paper work was incomplete. We had started ignoring her by now anyway. Finally after some more intricacies of asst.commissioner not being present etc. Mr. Helpful agrees to add duties and send rifle on its way. We hope that that is the end of it but don't know what other twists and turns may spin out.
What is clear is that as long as you have a state rifle membership, a cpy of the gazette and also a page from the customs handbook section 93, your paper work is almost correct. We were often tempted to use other paper...the one with our nations leaders faces on it but I was adamant. Call me a masochist but I love ensuring that their grubby hands stay grubby.
After this we extracted lunch out of Dr. Joy so that she stays wary of us Delhi wallas. And we all left hoping that we will soon get to try out the mad Mizo's dream rifle till December. It really was worth facing those morons for.
To ride, to speak up, to shoot straight.
- Olly
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It's an Air Arms, Multi Purpose Gun, S400 {hope i've got it right}....
Well, its to Dev's credit, knowledge and patience that probably made the day... i was but a bystander... but definitely the guys there were bewildered to see the burly two of us with the 2 ladies... guess it did make a difference...
Jonah was very kind to allow us to play with his gun, whenever it came in our hands...
Well, its to Dev's credit, knowledge and patience that probably made the day... i was but a bystander... but definitely the guys there were bewildered to see the burly two of us with the 2 ladies... guess it did make a difference...
Jonah was very kind to allow us to play with his gun, whenever it came in our hands...
- dev
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It's an Air Arms, Multi Purpose Gun, S400 {hope i've got it right}....
Well, its to Dev's credit, knowledge and patience that probably made the day... i was but a bystander...
Udder nonsense I say
And who was the one with the typical Northern skill of blending dadagiri with Gandhigiri? Wasn't me mate.
Lets hope that it reaches Dr. Joy's place next week and then we shall try it out at the range. I've got a feeling Dr. Joy may just get attached to the rifle as its a true beauty and she liked the feel of it. Go for it girl, my sympathies Jonah
It's an Air Arms, Multi Purpose Gun, S400 {hope i've got it right}....
Well, its to Dev's credit, knowledge and patience that probably made the day... i was but a bystander...
Udder nonsense I say

Lets hope that it reaches Dr. Joy's place next week and then we shall try it out at the range. I've got a feeling Dr. Joy may just get attached to the rifle as its a true beauty and she liked the feel of it. Go for it girl, my sympathies Jonah

To ride, to speak up, to shoot straight.
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I recently brought in a Soft-air gun from the US, which is very much a look-alike of the real Smith & Wesson 4506. I only mentioned this during Check in to the Singapore Airline personnel, and she made a note of this after verifying the bill. I had no probs at all.
I am unsure if an air gun (with compressed cylenders et al) can have the same trip.
I am unsure if an air gun (with compressed cylenders et al) can have the same trip.
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Getting an airgun thro courier
Wanted to add my bit to the thread. This is about a RWS 54 in .177 which I had picked up in the USA and was using for a couple of years. On my way back I checked it into baggage and was able to get it till LA. From LA to Singapore via Tokyo, I had to travel by Singapore airlines. I was told at the last moment that I needed to have a transit permit to travel through Singapore though the airgun being in baggage all the time. No account of my not having a permit, the 54 was shipped back to my friend in the US courtesy Singapore airlines for which I was not charged. The 54 was shipped back by my friend though Lufthansa air cargo on Feb 12th 2006. I promptly went and collected the papers and approached the customs guys. I was initially told that I needed to bring them a NOC from the Police Commissioner's office stating that no license was needed to possess an airgun and also the guys wished me luck stating that getting a NOC was next to impossible. On the contrary to what I was told, I succeeded in getting the NOC within three days without having to pay anything at all. Infact, the police officials told me that all these were tricks being played by the customs guys.
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Getting an airgun thro courier
Continuing from where I left off. With the NOC in hand, went and met the AC but had to listen to a lot of ****. I was indirectly told that the AC was expecting around 25k to clear the airgun. Left the matter at that. Finallly in Jan, came to know that the same AC had been shunted out on account of corruption ( had a lil hand in that). I began to feel hopeful again. Went and met the new AC and appraised him of the matter. He asked me for a week's time, held a personal hearing with some routine questions and cleared my airgun with a penalty of 2k and a duty of 1500/-. The demurrage by now had totalled around 47k for the 11 months it was in storage. But the CEO of the Joint Air Cargo complex, waived off 95% of the demurrage when I wrote to him and the refund reached me promptly. These were my experiences over a period of a year.........
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Dev, this one is for you-
Im planning to buy a Baikal IZH 46M (.177) air pistol. I had mailed and they replied in the negative (mail enclosed in the end). Please let me know whom to contact and how to go about this????
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mary Parson <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, Feb 18, 2008 at 11:31 PM
Subject: RE: Enquiry - Baikal IZH 46M purchase
To: Mahesh Swamy <[email protected]>
We do not currently have the IZH in stock, but looking at the restrictions for shipping to India ( it doesn’t look as if we can ship to you. As it would exceed the 100 Rupees allowed.
Mary Lee
Pilkington Competition
"Quality has no regrets"
354 Little Trees Ramble
Monteagle, TN 37356
931-924-2489 (fax)
Dev, this one is for you-
Im planning to buy a Baikal IZH 46M (.177) air pistol. I had mailed and they replied in the negative (mail enclosed in the end). Please let me know whom to contact and how to go about this????
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mary Parson <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, Feb 18, 2008 at 11:31 PM
Subject: RE: Enquiry - Baikal IZH 46M purchase
To: Mahesh Swamy <[email protected]>
We do not currently have the IZH in stock, but looking at the restrictions for shipping to India ( it doesn’t look as if we can ship to you. As it would exceed the 100 Rupees allowed.
Mary Lee
Pilkington Competition
"Quality has no regrets"
354 Little Trees Ramble
Monteagle, TN 37356
931-924-2489 (fax)
- dev
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Re: Airgun import experiences - via post/ courier route
Pilkguns generally will not ship to India and they don't need an excuse not to. Okay I also tried to get one thru Tim but none are available at the moment. Seems like the manufacturers don't give a damn. Guess they'd rather sell us the A.K. 100 EH?
I too am a bit flummoxed at the moment but may try to get a Tau Brno Match 7 pistol from Tim but right now I don't have the dough maybe by next month, unless I go for a powder burner. Will you try writing to [email protected] and see if he has the Tau for you. It is about a hundred $ or so more but might be less tiring to shoot in a match.
I too am a bit flummoxed at the moment but may try to get a Tau Brno Match 7 pistol from Tim but right now I don't have the dough maybe by next month, unless I go for a powder burner. Will you try writing to [email protected] and see if he has the Tau for you. It is about a hundred $ or so more but might be less tiring to shoot in a match.
To ride, to speak up, to shoot straight.
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I had mailed BAR. This is what Lloyd has replied-
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: B.A.R <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, Feb 19, 2008 at 3:40 PM
Subject: Re: Enquiry - Purchase of Baikal IZH 46 M
To: Mahesh Swamy <[email protected]>
Dear Mahesh
I am sorry but we don't stock the Baikal range of airguns, we will not deal with the Uk distributor due to many problems with them.
Blackpool Air Rifles Ltd
103-105 Elizabeth Street
Fy1 3lz
Telephone sales 0870 4430 264
sales/enquiries 0870 4430 267
International sales 00 44 1253 627720
Fax 01253 622890
E-mail [email protected]
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: B.A.R <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, Feb 19, 2008 at 3:40 PM
Subject: Re: Enquiry - Purchase of Baikal IZH 46 M
To: Mahesh Swamy <[email protected]>
Dear Mahesh
I am sorry but we don't stock the Baikal range of airguns, we will not deal with the Uk distributor due to many problems with them.
Blackpool Air Rifles Ltd
103-105 Elizabeth Street
Fy1 3lz
Telephone sales 0870 4430 264
sales/enquiries 0870 4430 267
International sales 00 44 1253 627720
Fax 01253 622890
E-mail [email protected]
- Fresh on the boat
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I had also mailed Gunmark. Their reply-
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Gunmark <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, Feb 19, 2008 at 10:29 AM
Subject: Re: Enquiry: Baikal IZH 46M air pistol - purchase
To: Mahesh Swamy <[email protected]>
Dear Sir,
Thanks for the mail. Sir right now for the past 1 year the availability of the Baikal air weapons is not possible due to some reasons in the company.
Instead of this we recommend Morini which can be used for practise and competition also. the price will be 80000/-
You will have to send me 2 forms duly filled and signed from the club which i will send you. As soon as i receive the forms your import procedure will start.
Please confirm and reply.
Best regards
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Gunmark <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, Feb 19, 2008 at 10:29 AM
Subject: Re: Enquiry: Baikal IZH 46M air pistol - purchase
To: Mahesh Swamy <[email protected]>
Dear Sir,
Thanks for the mail. Sir right now for the past 1 year the availability of the Baikal air weapons is not possible due to some reasons in the company.
Instead of this we recommend Morini which can be used for practise and competition also. the price will be 80000/-
You will have to send me 2 forms duly filled and signed from the club which i will send you. As soon as i receive the forms your import procedure will start.
Please confirm and reply.
Best regards
- Fresh on the boat
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Hi Dev,
I can mail Tim and find out about Tau Brno 7. However, Im new to CO2 pistols, wont we have additional costs involved with CO2? I mean everytime we get the gas container filled? Do we get a pressurised cylinder to fill the container along with the package? How long will that last and what would be the cost of getting new cylinders everytime? Are they available easily here in India?
I can mail Tim and find out about Tau Brno 7. However, Im new to CO2 pistols, wont we have additional costs involved with CO2? I mean everytime we get the gas container filled? Do we get a pressurised cylinder to fill the container along with the package? How long will that last and what would be the cost of getting new cylinders everytime? Are they available easily here in India?
- Fresh on the boat
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I checked Pyramydair for the cost of Tau Brno 7. Its says "discontinued". I check another website "" and its says the cost is $600, and Im assuming thats excluding custom duty, shipping and other applicable charges. Thats quite high for my budget.
I checked Pyramydair for the cost of Tau Brno 7. Its says "discontinued". I check another website "" and its says the cost is $600, and Im assuming thats excluding custom duty, shipping and other applicable charges. Thats quite high for my budget.
- Almost at nirvana
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Max, shows that they should have the IZH-46 in stock by this month end. ... stol.shtml
They will ship to India provided you pay using Paypal.
If you are on a tight budget check out the Avantis in the reviews below. ... art-2.html ... arget.html ... stol.shtml
They will ship to India provided you pay using Paypal.
If you are on a tight budget check out the Avantis in the reviews below. ... art-2.html ... arget.html