Dev's QB 78.

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Mack The Knife
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Dev's QB 78.

Post by Mack The Knife » Tue Sep 26, 2006 1:16 pm

Following is a user report and a couple of pics from Dev.

Finally got co2 filled in my 12oz bottle and began
shooting my QB on last sat evening. My gawd is it loud
or what? First I shot with them open sights and found
it easy to turn a fa deo bottle into perforated metal

Then on Sunday I mounted the scope on it. Got it
zeroed at about 7 yards for want of time to go to a
range. And you just can't miss. My 77 year old dad
said this was the best airgun i bought cause he could
hit the target just as easily.

And I 'll be using it a lot cause Co2 is really cool
out here. It cost me only Rs.100 to get the 12 oz
bottle filled. In other words I can shoot for two
weeks with what most of us pay for a single Co2
cartridge.The trigger is a bit creepy right now but
still crisp at the final pressure.

This thing is so scary, I shot a few shots at a can
with a wall as a backstop and found two pellets
embedded on the wall. So I quickly ran to build a
backstop. I am just waiting to run to the range and
put it through its paces.

Okay as far as power goes it shot a glass cold coffee
bottle to bits with three pellets. The pellets that i
used were stock Marvellous industries wad cutters or
your target air pistol ammo. The rifle swallows these
with ease.
But I wanted to see if the penetration went up with
round heads, so I took out some Mastershot round
heads. Bad idea they don't go into the loading port
well but are extremely accurate as I got both the
pellets to shoot into the same hole.

But I didn't take any more chances with them and
reverted to Marvellous industries stuff. On one load
of Co2 in my bulk chamber I got 60 high power shots. I
probably got 70 but the last ten barely penetrated the
Times Of India's Sunday Edition, folded into half its

I am attempting to insert images of the rifle and the
NIVEA Can but the target photograph didn't come out as
well. I will do more penetration tests and attach them
next week.

On the whole a very fun rifle. I think it can be used
for ten meter with the valve tuned to low power and
some trigger work. The only problem is that it is
quite heavy. It weighs more than my .22 rifle. So I
guess a sling will be required for field use.



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Post by dev » Tue Sep 26, 2006 2:56 pm

Thanks Mack The Knife,

I will email how it groups and the effects on the usual suspects like tins etc. as soon as I can.


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Post by mundaire » Tue Sep 26, 2006 3:18 pm

Sounds like a real beaut!! :)

On a lighter note, I see from the pictures that Dev is already in the year 2020!! Back to the future - eh? ;)


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Post by dev » Tue Sep 26, 2006 4:05 pm

Hi apologies for the future thingie on my camera, i don't know when the date gizmo slipped ;-). I will adjust it soon. And if anyone would like to experience it (the rifle not the camera) I am willing to meet up for a blast at the Siri Fort range.


mundaire";p="3736 wrote: Sounds like a real beaut!! :)

On a lighter note, I see from the pictures that Dev is already in the year 2020!! Back to the future - eh? ;)


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Post by mundaire » Tue Sep 26, 2006 4:49 pm

dev";p="3739 wrote:And if anyone would like to experience it (the rifle not the camera) I am willing to meet up for a blast at the Siri Fort range.

I might just take you up on the offer... :)

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Re: Dev's QB 78.

Post by dev » Tue Sep 26, 2006 5:35 pm

Looking forward to it Big Gun.


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Re: Dev's QB 78.

Post by jonahpach » Fri Sep 29, 2006 10:25 am

Dev great to hear that you are absolutely head over heals with your QB-78. I am looking forward to a beautiful 'hand me down' from you!
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Post by Mack The Knife » Fri Sep 29, 2006 11:32 am

LOL. Cheeky sod! :mrgreen:

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Re: Dev's QB 78.

Post by dev » Fri Sep 29, 2006 1:59 pm

Hah ha ha Jonah with all the toys that you have access to...but I will let you use it next time when you are around.


Dev :lol:
To ride, to speak up, to shoot straight.

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