POP Quiz

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POP Quiz

Post by jonahpach » Sat Sep 23, 2006 11:13 am

Ok y'all gun buffs I had a great chance to blast off with some prohibited bore weapons of the Mizoram Police during their annual jungle training. Can anybody identify these weapons?

All correct answers get to drink a beer on me! :lol:



No prize for this one though!
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Re: POP Quiz

Post by dev » Sat Sep 23, 2006 11:55 am

The first one seems like a scorpion sub machine gun.

The handgun is S&W detectives special, i think it is a five shooter that uses 38 specials and is hammerless version. I have shot a similar piece long ago it belonged to a top cop called Rattan Saigal.

The last thunder stick...hmmmm :roll:

I have no idea... is it the sharps 50 :lol:


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Re: POP Quiz

Post by mehulkamdar » Sat Sep 23, 2006 12:07 pm


You owe me the beer.

CZ Skorpion 7.62mm subgun
Smith and Wesson 38 Special pocket pistol with a 2" barrel and enclosed hammer

Kalashnikov - the AKM model with stamped receiver. I would venture to say that this is either a Romanian or Bulgarian version because of the swing under stock and plastic furniture on it.



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Post by eljefe » Sat Sep 23, 2006 1:27 pm

Easy Jonah, just send the crate to Mehul. :P
CZ skorpion-did it have the wooden stock ?
Yeah , lots of senior cops were issued that enclosed hammer 38 spl.Issued ammo was nickel plated brass, quite different loking from normal brass-fired it a couple of times.Did you get to shoot the nickel plated ammo?

The last one...um..lets see, 3 band tower musket? Bulgarian I'd guess, though most of the Romanian stuff had firniture which was almost reddish!Definitely not a 'Maadi', egyptian version
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Re: POP Quiz

Post by axp817 » Sat Sep 23, 2006 2:00 pm


http://www.smith-wesson.com/webapp/wcs/ ... sFirearm=Y

Bodyguard frame .38 special S&W revolver, hammer shrouded and not completely enclosed as in the centennial model. The hammer is also visible in Jonah's picture on careful observation.

Doug just got himself a .38SPecial+P J frame revolve (642) with an enclosed hammer.

He will post the pics here once he gets the speed strips for it.



Re: POP Quiz

Post by penpusher » Sat Sep 23, 2006 2:01 pm

1.CZ Scorpion

2.Colt detective,enclosed hammer,5 shot .38 special

3.Bulgarian AK clone in 7.62

Mehul,I don't think the Scorpion was ever made in 7.62 caliber.The original caliber was .32ACP(CZ 61).It was also made in .380(CZ64),9mm Makarov(CZ65) and in 9mm para(CZ68).The latter being somewhat bigger in size.

Jonahpach,did you fire the Scorpion from the hip :lol: I think its in 9mm para.

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Post by mundaire » Sat Sep 23, 2006 2:28 pm

penpusher";p="3408 wrote:
2.Colt detective,enclosed hammer,5 shot .38 special

And what of the Smith & Wesson logo visible in the picture (albeit fuzzy, but discernible all the same)? ;) :mrgreen:

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Re: POP Quiz

Post by penpusher » Sat Sep 23, 2006 4:42 pm

Old age catching up.It is a S&W. :oops:

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Re: POP Quiz

Post by Vikram » Sat Sep 23, 2006 5:19 pm

The .32 is often marked as 7.65 x 17 in Europe.
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Re: POP Quiz

Post by mehulkamdar » Sat Sep 23, 2006 11:10 pm


That's a stupid typo - comes from typing at 1 in the morning. :oops: But, this is not an excuse - I concede! :lol:

The bulk of the Skorpions (VZ not CZ) were in this round though they later modified the design to fire more effective stopping ammunition and eventually discarded the guns completely. It was not basically a submachine gun despite the shape. It was the most recent attempt at prpoducing a machine pistol until the Glock 18 came out.

I have fired the Skorpion as well as several different AKs including the AKS 74. :wink: Don't enjoy shooting full autos, though. Point and squirt is fine for a bottle of wine after winning a grand prix. With a gun it is a silly waste of ammunition for us non military types IMHO. :)

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Re: POP Quiz

Post by jonahpach » Sat Sep 23, 2006 11:10 pm

Grrrrr.... @#%$&** :evil:

Just wait untill my next pop quiz next week folks! :P (By the way I am hoping to be able to try out a 7.62 russian dragunov and our very own Indian INSAS next week. Dev.. I can see you turn green with envy)

eljefe is right about the second one. It is a S&Wesson .38 special. Ugly but shoots damn well though! Maybe i was lucky but everybody (including me) was amazed at my 3 shots at 9 points grouped together no bigger than a 50p coin at 15 yards! The other two were 5 inches away.

The first one is a Cz make vz61 in 7.65 cal. .32 cal. is also right but it uses .32 cal. bullets similar to the chinese M-20 which is a copy of the russian Tokarev. Too bad ammo was scarce and I was allowed only two shots on this one.

The Ak... Man! at 50 yards 10 shots were on target (nowhere near the 10 pointer though) I used up the remaining ammo at full auto.... (Less said about the results on full auto the better) Also i was getting distracted by the sepoy holding a huge hat near the ejector as they were very finicky about the spent cartridges flying everywhere.
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Re: POP Quiz

Post by eljefe » Sat Sep 23, 2006 11:47 pm

Good show and keep on doin it buddy!
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Re: POP Quiz

Post by penpusher » Sat Sep 23, 2006 11:59 pm

Mehul wrote
(VZ not CZ)
have fired the Skorpion
Next time fire it from the hip :D :twisted:

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Re: POP Quiz

Post by eljefe » Sun Sep 24, 2006 1:32 am

Read somewhere that the skorpion was initially made forUSSR tank crews and non combatants, found its way to the former USSR supported European anti govt organisations, was a fav of the Baeder -Meinhof gang and... Carlos the Jackal...Thats some history! Wonder where the Mizo Police skorpion came from? :roll:
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Re: POP Quiz

Post by jonahpach » Sun Sep 24, 2006 10:59 am

Nobody here seems to know where they came from. They belong to the Special Security staff of the Chiefminister. They could also be MNF surrendered weapons. Mehul as i gather vz stands for version in Czech.

Quote : "The vz.61 Skorpion (vz. means "vzor" in Chech, or model in English) submachine gun was designed as a dual purpose weapon, intended to be used as an close combat assault weapon as well as a personal defence weapon, instead of the pistols. Small size makes this weapon wery suitable for concealed carry or for use in confined space, such as cars or aircrafts, so this gun became popular among both police, security and counter-terror units, as well as among some terroristic groups."
Ref. : http://world.guns.ru/smg/smg26-e.htm
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