Cool Collectors

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Cool Collectors

Post by art_collector » Sun Oct 14, 2007 10:12 am

Cool collectors-2
14 Oct 2007, Meenakshi Sinha,TNN

It's a hobby that has made many a person turn obsessive. Nonetheless, people who collect quaint objects are quite admired, not just for the effort they put in but also for the attachment they have for their collections, no matter how strange they are.

"Whenever I sit down and caress them, I feel I am with my friends," says Delhi-based Anupam Kamal, in a tone throbbing with deep passion. But what he's talking about is his fascination for knives. In fact, ever since he was a kid, Kamal has had a fixation for all things sharp-edged like bows, arrows, axes and darts. "My eyes would invariably focus on anything that could cut, light a fire or fly. There are times when I talk to my knives and also listen to them talk back.''

Years ago, Anupam's parents were stunned when their 5-year-old son pleaded for a set of bow and arrows from a Meghalaya stall at Asia 1972. An elderly gentleman told his parents then, "Take the kid to a holy place; he must be a disturbed soul.'' However, this 40-year-old data processing professional has not only nurtured his hobby well but also widened its scope. In the process, he has unabashedly befriended strangers and accosted relatives alike.

Once Anupam even stalked a foreigner who was carrying a fancy pocket knife. "One look at the knife and I was hooked. It was quite embarrassing to ask him for it, but I was passion-struck.'' Don't get him wrong; he didn't proposition the gentleman or hurt him. Instead, it took Kamal 40 minutes to persuade the foreigner to part with the knife for Rs 4,200.
So what's so special about the knife? "It's a Gerber knife that has a blade made of titanium which is laser serrated at the lower end,'' says Kamal proudly.

Another of his prized possessions is a Jim Frost knife, which is a 21-inch long half sword. This angular beauty was picked up from an exhibition that was 'only for display'. Here too Anupam won over the owner of the stall - one Mr Chaddha, a Pakistani Muslim - by tracing some maternal links to Pakistan from Partition days. Needless to say, Chaddha succumbed to Kamal's enticements and sold the piece. Today, Anupam's knife collection boasts of different kinds, make and places of origin. Some are antique, others are unique or purely for self-protection. "I haven't really counted them all, but they are in scores,'' says Anupam.

From simple pocket knives, Thai punch-dagger, Kashmiri 'chhuri', hunting arrows from Meghalaya, Chinese axes and sickle to Bhutanese and Canadian darts, Nepali khukris, swords and kirpans, Anupam hasn't even spared serrated-edged spoons from National Stainless of Korea and Sheffield, England.

Legally, anyone who possesses a knife more than 9 inches long and 2 inches wide needs to have a licence. Only select swords and kirpans are exempt from the law due to religious considerations. But Anupam needn't worry for he holds licences for both knives and guns. His gun collection comprises two air rifles - one Indian and one German - and a 7.62 mm six-shot revolver along with some replica guns that fire plastic pellets.


Dr Asif Ali from Fortis Hospital in Noida also holds licences for guns and knives. Ironically, when this 42-year-old emergency physician is not busy saving lives, he's taking care of his guns. For Asif, owning a fine piece of walnut and blue steel, finished as a firearm, is mankind's finest manifestation of engineering. "It's something akin to a Maserati or Bentley in cars or Mont Blanc writing instruments and Patek Philippe watches,'' he says.

Asif inherited his first gun, a hammerless double rifle from his father. "Earlier, firearm licensing was easy where applicants were not branded as criminals.'' Later, Asif got himself a pistol, a Walther ppk/s of .22 calibre. It's one of the guns used by James Bond and costs about Rs 7 lakh today. While Ali doesn't disclose much about his collection, he treats them as special possessions. "Any gun in India is special today as the gun laws are one of a kind, if not the most repressive in the world,'' he says.

This physician feels those who possess guns stand apart from other mortals. No wonder he takes great pride in his licence and guns. "Any person who is lucky enough to qualify for an arms licence in this day and age, is a veritable pillar of society,'' he says tongue-firmly-in-cheek.


Hope every one read the TOI today....

WOW we have our own dear Anupam there staring at us on the front page.Well I am really impressed but I am feeling jealous too. Wish I too had some interesting hobbies like that and why forget the second collector Dr Asif..........what a great feeling to be treated by a DOC who loves guns.......for one great thing about gun lovers is that they are the most passionate people you come across....caring for your firearms just like your own kids.....where could you find a better and a more caring doc..

The list of cool collectors would be endless ....
Admiring a small knive or a beautiful dinky car or a piece of family history being passed from your grand dad or sharing a beautiful hat with some one you never knew.......these guys are impressive as are their amazing hobbies.
Last edited by art_collector on Sun Oct 14, 2007 7:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Cool Collectors

Post by hamiclar01 » Sun Oct 14, 2007 1:07 pm

good one indeed! ... 2346956828

for the diaspora whose paperwala limits himself to sun and the new york (or khaleeja)times...
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Re: Cool Collectors

Post by Pran » Sun Oct 14, 2007 6:37 pm

Please post pics of your knives.

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Post by mundaire » Sun Oct 14, 2007 10:04 pm

Congratulations Anupam & Asif! :) Good to see your names in print... was particularly impressed with the fact that "El Jefe" didn't miss this opportunity to convey the difficulties faced by us enthusiasts here! ;)


Look forward to many more like this, cheers!
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Re: Cool Collectors

Post by art_collector » Sun Oct 14, 2007 10:29 pm

Guruji please change this picture of urs..........

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Re: Cool Collectors

Post by Lenny » Mon Oct 15, 2007 8:41 am

Good show Guys

It appeared in the Bangalore edition too

I remember seeing only a few of Anupam's knives in our gallery.

Please add some more

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Re: Cool Collectors

Post by cottage cheese » Mon Oct 15, 2007 9:18 am

Hey, very, very nice collections Anupam and Asif. Fascinating stuff.

Appreciate the exposition of a gun owner's difficulties in the the country.

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Re: Cool Collectors

Post by Risala » Mon Oct 15, 2007 1:13 pm

Congrats Anupam,Asif nice collection and a great write up.

Keep on doin it guy's :)



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Post by mundaire » Mon Oct 15, 2007 1:36 pm

art_collector";p="29000 wrote: Guruji please change this picture of urs..........
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Post by snIPer » Mon Oct 15, 2007 2:37 pm

This pic looks cool - please leave it be :-)
No polls on this one - hhaha
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Post by Olly » Mon Oct 15, 2007 2:53 pm

Hi Guys,

Many thanks for the kind words.... i wud have loved to see the Doc's picture there too... but there is always a next time; Doc was too busy during these couple of weeks...

A small craze has suddenly become a 'collection' !!!!

My wife is in hosp. and thus i've not been able to post for the last 2 days... but i promise to start again from tomorrow or day after...

Thanks once again... and sure the pics will come too...


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Post by Pran » Mon Oct 15, 2007 3:38 pm

Olly";p="29041 wrote: A small craze has suddenly become a 'collection' !!!!

Thanks once again... and sure the pics will come too...
Anupam, when'd you change your display name..Was wondering who olly was.
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Post by Mack The Knife » Mon Oct 15, 2007 5:17 pm

Olly is the name of his disturbed soul - ... 456171.cms Whilst Polly is what he calls his....

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Re: Cool Collectors

Post by Vikram » Mon Oct 15, 2007 5:46 pm

Good going Anupam and Jefe.Anupam, hope your Mrs gets well soon.

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Post by Pran » Mon Oct 15, 2007 5:59 pm

Mack The Knife Bana";p="29045 wrote:Olly is the name of his disturbed soul - ... 456171.cms Whilst Polly is what he calls his....
"A gun is a tool, Marian. No better, no worse than any other tool. An axe, a shovel, or anything. A gun is as good or as bad as the man using it."

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