Dear folks
just an insight into those "gas bags" or plinkers or whatever you may want to call them ...
please read this article :
and just in case your wondering about the reference to the "napoleonic wars" you may like to know that the typical air rifle used in those wars were used by "snipers" to pick off senior officers ... infact they proved to be so silent and deadly that the french in "fear" passed laws banning them.
Any soldier caught with an air rifle .. would be summararily tried as a spy and hung/shot.
As for prostrating excercises ... i dont its too uncomfortable, just try shooting a score of 540/600 (thats the Minimum Qualifying score to just attend the nationals and you will get a whole new perspective on the art of concentration/hold/aim/trigger release).... unlike high powered weapons where the bullet leaves the barrel before u can react, try shooting an air pistol to realise how perfect your shooting techniques need to be to hold on aim and release smoothely through the shot ... cause that pellet is way slower and its still inside the barrel even when the shots gone off ... now try an imagine the world record being 593/600... with a 10 ring so small u cant see it.
makes you think huh

... those little plinkers.
PS: dont drink beer ... need to lose weight

ill take the toffee instead

cheers guys !!!
With regards,
And he lifted his pistol as the crowds cheered ... the sights sharpened ... the target blurred ... the finger squeezed ... DAMN !!! forgot to load the silly thing again

... The crowd now looks the other way ... I wake up from my Nightmare !!!