The Legendary Manurhin MR73 - a look at French excellence

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The Legendary Manurhin MR73 - a look at French excellence

Post by timmy » Tue Jan 03, 2023 1:02 pm

You probably won't see one of these in the flesh, much less be able to afford one, and I'm not likely to see one, either, and certainly won't be able to afford one!

But it's very interesting how Manurhin has improved and refined the basic S&W lockwork to achieve their legendary smoothness, and also their very interesting and clever way of using an offset spring setup to handle rimless 9mm in a revolver.

This Australian review of the Manurhin MR73 features a disassembly and discussion of how the lockwork works (do you ever wonder whether most reviews don't do this because they haven't the slightest idea about lockwork and how it operates?) and also, after shooting the revolver, you see the results of the shooting on target (again, something seldom seen in most reviews -- maybe because someone is ashamed at their marksmanship?).

Anyhow, an excellent review of an excellent revolver. Check it out! Then you, too, can drool, like I am!

BotR jumps on to the Manurhin MR73 love-fest bandwagon, well almost. Instead of gushing about the new production models now being distributed by Beretta, Chap will introduce his vintage original 80s 4” target model MR73 and reveal the most important feature of its lockwork, the key to the excellent double action that everyone waxes lyrical about. In addition we’ll take a closer look at the 9mm cylinder which was offered as an accessory back in the day and see what the performance is like when swapping cylinders at 25m and 50m.
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Re: The Legendary Manurhin MR73 - a look at French excellence

Post by eljefe » Tue Jan 03, 2023 3:13 pm

A fellow IFG member does some fantastic shooting with his Manhurins- in the plural.
Lets wait for some real life , man on the ground reports.
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