National Rifle Association of India - NRAI

A list of shooting clubs & associations in India. This includes state associations as well as NRAI affiliated rifle clubs.
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Membership to NRAI

Post by sudhanshu » Fri Aug 03, 2007 5:59 pm


For a beginner to become a member and take interest in any of the sports is like to entering in a minefield.

I just read the membership form of the NRAI. They say that they want to promote Shooting as a Sports and like to encourage people to take up this Sports. But as there form says it need to be signed by two existing members of the NRAI. How they expect a beginner to find existing members to sign his form... that means they just want to remain exclusive to few ppl.

these comments may be very extreme but as a beginner one would think that way when you have to go with all these bureaucracy.

These associations should help out people rather than dissuade them.


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Post by mundaire » Fri Aug 03, 2007 6:15 pm


NRAI membership does not actually offer much in the way of benefits, except -

1) Ease of getting an "All India" permit on your arms license
2) Exemption from having to deposit your guns during election times etc.
3) Since it is a recognised body, membership also means that you can import an air-rifle/ air-pistol via post - but then this facility is open to members of state/ other recognised shooting associations/ clubs etc.
4) They stock and sell IOF made ammo to members and sometimes also allot IOF arms (.22 rifle/ .315 rifle) to their members at the factory approved rates - BUT ONLY from their shop at Defence Colony, New Delhi.
5) Occasionally they also have limited quantities of imported ammo available for members - but in recent years I have only seen them list .30-06 S&B imported ammo as being available with them for sale to members.

The NRAI DOES NOT have it's own shooting range/ shooting facilities (many State rifle associations do, though not all)

The NRAI DOES NOT own or rent out imported guns (or even Indian made ones for that matter) to it's members to use at any shooting range (many State rifle associations do, though not all)

As you can see membership of NRAI is neither a prerequisite NOR is it of much benefit if you wish to enter into shooting sports... However, if you wish to have your form seconded by a member and have an excess 15,000 Rupees to burn, send me a PM...

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Post by Mack The Knife » Fri Aug 03, 2007 6:27 pm

Sudhanshu does have a point.

When I first wanted to apply to the NRAI, I think it was 1996/7, the life membership fee was Rs.5,000.00. However, I was unable to get the signatures.

I think it was a year later, that I tried to reapply again but I still couldn't get the signatures. By this time the fee had risen to Rs.10,000.00

When I finally got to know a few NRAI life members, the fee had risen to Rs.15,000.00 so I did not bother joining them.

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Post by mundaire » Fri Aug 03, 2007 6:41 pm

Mack The Knife,

The idea is to only get new life members who will support the existing "situation"... if you know what I mean!

I recall reading in the NRAI newsletter about Dr. Rajpal Singh who had taken them to court as they have not had an election (for office bearers) in something like 20 years or something to the effect. The NRAI newsletter of course advised all members to be wary of the "disinformation campaign" being run by Dr. Singh.... I am not sure about the outcome of the case, but I don't recall receiving any formal notice from NRAI for elections - so I assume that either the case is still in judicial limbo OR that Dr. Singh lost the case...

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Post by mismisra » Mon Sep 17, 2007 8:07 pm

join the armed forces to hell with NRAI
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Post by mismisra » Mon Sep 17, 2007 8:10 pm

ask NRAI how are they promoting the sport we need another ICL here vikram why dont you start one(guys try smelling the cordite on a 23mm at 3500rpm you will never want to join NRAI)
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Post by snIPer » Tue Sep 18, 2007 9:27 am

Well like i read elsewhere it seems that this has almost become "Hereditary" just like in the times of the Rajas and Maharajas - out of reach of the common man.
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Re: Membership to NRAI

Post by ren_jith » Tue Sep 18, 2007 8:18 pm

I was going through the thread, Thanks Abhijeet for info. Few months back I thought of going for NRAI membership, but I could not find anybody to propose and second my membership request, finally I put it aside with disappointment. Sad part is membership request needs to be proposed by and seconded by two different NRAI members.

I will be really thankful if somebody can help me on this. Is there any members from Bangalore who can help me on this please???

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Re: Membership to NRAI

Post by ren_jith » Thu Sep 20, 2007 3:25 pm

Nobody to help a shooting sports enthusiast. !!! :(

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Post by mundaire » Thu Sep 20, 2007 4:07 pm

ren_jith";p="27180 wrote: Nobody to help a shooting sports enthusiast. !!! :(
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Post by Olly » Thu Jan 03, 2008 4:14 pm

The latest SHOCK is that NRAI has increased its Life Membership fee to Rs. 21,000/- from 15K, effective Jan 2008.... :shock:

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Post by OverUnderPump » Thu Jan 03, 2008 4:39 pm

:shock: OMFG.

I wouldnt mind paying if they provide some facilities, which are sadly lacking at this point. :(
A friend of mine from the US almost got down to equating the NRA with the NRAI :lol: and asked me why I wasnt a member. I simply told him to come over for a pleasure trip and enjoy the amazing facilities NRAI has to offer. :lol:
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National Rifle Association of India.

Post by Mack The Knife » Tue Feb 05, 2008 7:45 pm

Their new address and contact numbers are as follows:

NRAI House,
51-B, Institutional Area,
New Delhi - 110 062.

Tel.: 29964090 / 91 / 93.

Fax: 29964092.

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Post by Olly » Wed Feb 06, 2008 11:59 am

Thanks for the update, Mack The Knife.

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Post by Mack The Knife » Wed Feb 06, 2008 12:12 pm

You are most welcome, Anu darling...

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