I had came to know that CZ Co. of Czech Republic , Europe had tied up with Indian Arms Co. named Vinveli of Distt. Kancheepuram , Tamil Nadu to produce and sell Arms , Weapons and Ammunition for both defense personals and civilians in India.
However , I'm interested in their Semi Automatic Shotgun named as CZ 1012 and nowadays many Indian Arms License holders were talking and comparing the Semi Auto Shotguns. Some of them were even available to buy in market also.
But , why I'm interested in this very model only is because of it's working principle which makes it maintenance free and light in weight.
It is well known that , Semi Autos work on the principle of using the exhaust gases blown out from the ammunition for it's reloading which require the Shotgun to be maintained regularly due it's possible wear and tear of it's parts. This risk exceeds while using Indian made 12 bore ammunition.
And CZ is not that much at par with the today's available Semi Auto Shotguns. But , what makes it a bit superior than the other competitors , which I may think is, that this very gun works on the principle of inertia for it's reloading. Though I'm not as good in physics , but it somehow reduces the risks as already mentioned above and I think this may be the best Semi Auto in the coming days because CZ/Vinveli had not pushed their products in Indian market yet. They may do so within six months or more , I guess , but I'm convinced that after it's advent , it would be a break through in Semi Auto segment.
Moreover , the only concern of this product would be it's price which is hard to guess at this point.
One can browse the internet for more information and clarity. There were tons of videos uploaded on YouTube also.
So , please share your kind views on this topic and guide me that Is my future choice would be a good bargain or not?
Thanks for your patience