CZ 1012 Semi Automatic Shotgun

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CZ 1012 Semi Automatic Shotgun

Post by Reddick » Tue Dec 21, 2021 2:02 pm

Hello My Dear Friends ,

I had came to know that CZ Co. of Czech Republic , Europe had tied up with Indian Arms Co. named Vinveli of Distt. Kancheepuram , Tamil Nadu to produce and sell Arms , Weapons and Ammunition for both defense personals and civilians in India.
However , I'm interested in their Semi Automatic Shotgun named as CZ 1012 and nowadays many Indian Arms License holders were talking and comparing the Semi Auto Shotguns. Some of them were even available to buy in market also.
But , why I'm interested in this very model only is because of it's working principle which makes it maintenance free and light in weight.
It is well known that , Semi Autos work on the principle of using the exhaust gases blown out from the ammunition for it's reloading which require the Shotgun to be maintained regularly due it's possible wear and tear of it's parts. This risk exceeds while using Indian made 12 bore ammunition.
And CZ is not that much at par with the today's available Semi Auto Shotguns. But , what makes it a bit superior than the other competitors , which I may think is, that this very gun works on the principle of inertia for it's reloading. Though I'm not as good in physics , but it somehow reduces the risks as already mentioned above and I think this may be the best Semi Auto in the coming days because CZ/Vinveli had not pushed their products in Indian market yet. They may do so within six months or more , I guess , but I'm convinced that after it's advent , it would be a break through in Semi Auto segment.
Moreover , the only concern of this product would be it's price which is hard to guess at this point.
One can browse the internet for more information and clarity. There were tons of videos uploaded on YouTube also.
So , please share your kind views on this topic and guide me that Is my future choice would be a good bargain or not?
Thanks for your patience :)
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Re: CZ 1012 Semi Automatic Shotgun

Post by Vineet » Tue Dec 21, 2021 3:07 pm

Reddick wrote:
Tue Dec 21, 2021 2:02 pm
Distt. Kancheepuram , Tamil Nadu to produce and sell Arms , Weapons and Ammunition for both defense personals and civilians in India.
Only god knows when factories from Tamil Nadu will start delivering. We are waiting for Glock from last four years. They also set up factory in Tamil Nadu.
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Re: CZ 1012 Semi Automatic Shotgun

Post by Reddick » Tue Dec 21, 2021 4:46 pm

Actually , I have one year of Purchasing Period as I have sold my PAG recently. And , in total , one can have one and a half year of PP where the PP may be extended beyond six months after the expiration of earlier PP span.
So I can comfortably wait for it.
Till then , I can enjoy with my IOF Revolver 😀
On the other hand , due to the possibility of Model Code of Conduct in Punjab due to the Legislative elections , today police called me to deposit my revolver at thana or to the dealer 😏

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Re: CZ 1012 Semi Automatic Shotgun

Post by sumbriavikramaditya » Tue Dec 21, 2021 4:59 pm

Reddick wrote:
Tue Dec 21, 2021 2:02 pm
Hello My Dear Friends ,

I had came to know that CZ Co. of Czech Republic , Europe had tied up with Indian Arms Co. named Vinveli of Distt. Kancheepuram , Tamil Nadu to produce and sell Arms , Weapons and Ammunition for both defense personals and civilians in India.
However , I'm interested in their Semi Automatic Shotgun named as CZ 1012 and nowadays many Indian Arms License holders were talking and comparing the Semi Auto Shotguns. Some of them were even available to buy in market also.
But , why I'm interested in this very model only is because of it's working principle which makes it maintenance free and light in weight.
It is well known that , Semi Autos work on the principle of using the exhaust gases blown out from the ammunition for it's reloading which require the Shotgun to be maintained regularly due it's possible wear and tear of it's parts. This risk exceeds while using Indian made 12 bore ammunition.
And CZ is not that much at par with the today's available Semi Auto Shotguns. But , what makes it a bit superior than the other competitors , which I may think is, that this very gun works on the principle of inertia for it's reloading. Though I'm not as good in physics , but it somehow reduces the risks as already mentioned above and I think this may be the best Semi Auto in the coming days because CZ/Vinveli had not pushed their products in Indian market yet. They may do so within six months or more , I guess , but I'm convinced that after it's advent , it would be a break through in Semi Auto segment.
Moreover , the only concern of this product would be it's price which is hard to guess at this point.
One can browse the internet for more information and clarity. There were tons of videos uploaded on YouTube also.
So , please share your kind views on this topic and guide me that Is my future choice would be a good bargain or not?
Thanks for your patience :)
Good topic to read on.


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Re: CZ 1012 Semi Automatic Shotgun

Post by eljefe » Tue Dec 21, 2021 5:59 pm

Ive used both. A Browning A5 was wonderful with its all to familiar ker chunk cyclical, and a Remington 1100, the very epitome of a gas gun.
Both with KF. Not a hitch with either.
As a gun owner, you must know one principle- keep your guns clean.
Yes, the gas tap off on a gas gun will need to be cleaned, and often. But it should be muscle memory for a gun owner.
The inertia shotguns are, to use a crude allegory, the blow back version of a shotgun. Yes, you will need to clean the mechanism too.
One point to know about any inertia shotgun is: They need a hard surface to recoil on. So the perceived recoil may not be as soft as a gas gun.
The gas from a fired cartridge in a gas gun is bled off and used to drive back a piston on a return spring which does the eject, reload cycle.
While in an inertia gun, the same gas is used to , for the lack of a better term, directly disengage the locked bolt and drive it back against a return spring, for the eject - reload cycle.
Anytime the gas is used for cycling the action, expect crud and coating. This is dependant in how clean burning the powder is.
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Re: CZ 1012 Semi Automatic Shotgun

Post by Reddick » Wed Dec 22, 2021 10:07 am

That's great to know ,in detail , about the working of the Semi Auto and the comparison between an inertia and the gas gun 🤓
Thanks a lot for your elaboration ☺️

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Re: CZ 1012 Semi Automatic Shotgun

Post by Reddick » Sat Dec 25, 2021 11:35 am

One more thing I want to know is that Is is wise to buy a Browning A5 currently if I may find it in good condition?
Please elaborate it's plus and minus and what may be the comfortable price of it?
Thanks Again 🙏

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Re: CZ 1012 Semi Automatic Shotgun

Post by Reddick » Sun Dec 26, 2021 12:34 pm

Please guys , I need some help regarding my asked question.
So , please do reply to my query.
Thank You 🙂

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Re: CZ 1012 Semi Automatic Shotgun

Post by timmy » Sun Dec 26, 2021 2:19 pm

A lot of having a particular gun is one's preference, if a choice exists. Some people would be willing to put up with soe downsides to have a particular gun. For instance, some people may be willing to put up with the limitations of an older Colt Single Action design because they feel that would be "true" to what they want or think is best, where as others may prefer a Ruger version because it is stronger and a true "6 shooter."

My 12 gauge is an old L C Smith double, and I'm not much of a shotgun person, so I think I'm covered in that department. However, if I was to buy a shotgun (every now and then I feel the hankering for one) it would most definitely be a Browning A5. I wouldn't particularly care for a Remington Model 11 or a Savage 720, not because those guns are "no good," but because I would want the "real" Browning with the magazine cutoff. I wouldn't care about 3" chambers -- 2 3/4" would be more than fine for me.

I like the A5's looks. I very much like the John M Browning design, because I like most anything that Browning designed, for various reasons. Also, the A5 was the the first "big" gun I ever shot (meaning something other than a 22). I think Browning designs are "pure." I like "old school" stuff. But each person has their own likes and I cannot answer such questions for you. You have to decide what you like, which directs you to what you want.

The A5 is a "long recoil" action. Shooting it is like holding a miniature version of a farmer's hay baler in your hands. That's part of the fun of it, I think. You might not think that way after you try it. Or, you might like it, too. They are a piece of history, even the later ones made in the 70s, part of a grand legacy of firearm design, as they were the first successful semi-automatic shotgun.

There are other kinds of shotguns, as you know: pumps, gas operated semi-autos, inertia operated semi-autos, and various single and double barrel break open shotguns. Then, there's the Darne, a curious and interesting French design I wouldn't mind having either, if I could afford one (which I can't).

So, to your questions:

1. Is it wise? There's a legal aspect about this that I can't address. I also can't say how locally available ammunition works in one. Nor do I know what you really want to use it for, or whether you just want to have one (which is a good enough reason to have one also). So I can't tell you if it is wise for you to buy an A5.

1a. As far as buying one in good condition, I would suggest you should always buy any gun in good condition. If you get one that isn't, you will either pay more in the long run to get it working (gun smiths aren't cheap) or you will have something that is more or less a paper weight.

2. An A5 is historical and mechanically really interesting. It can do what most other guns can do pretty well. Some people don't like the looks of them and some prefer a gas operated gun that recoils less. I am saying that what may be a plus to you in what you really like and want may be a negative to me, and vice versa. I think an A5 is a great gun and I tend to admire the taste of people that get one. But you can't be satisfied with my approval for more than 5 minutes, so plusses and minuses have to be something you judge for yourself from your own perspective.

3. I can't tell you anything about what a good price might be.

Well, you asked, so I said what I thought about your questions. Good luck and let us know what you ultimately end up getting.
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Re: CZ 1012 Semi Automatic Shotgun

Post by Reddick » Sun Dec 26, 2021 2:33 pm

That's a great explanation!
Day by day I'm inclining towards Browning A5 ☺️
However , I came to know from some of my friends that a good condition A5 Gun may costs around ₹3.5 to ₹4 lakhs.
And I think that ₹3 lakhs is a justified amount where , nowadays , Indian made Semi Auto Shotguns costs nearly ₹1.80 lakhs 🤔
Anyways , Bahut Bahut Shukriya for Answering 🤓

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Re: CZ 1012 Semi Automatic Shotgun

Post by ckkalyan » Wed Dec 29, 2021 2:42 am

Excellent thoughts there timmy!

Reddick - here is an article that you might like from Field & Stream Classic Guns: The Original Browning Auto-5 Will Never Go Out of Style

In production for more than 90 years, the sales numbers speak for themselves: more than 2.7 million made and sold. Production ceased in 1998, but Browning revived the gun less than a decade ago.

The modern Browning Auto-5 shares the original’s silhouette but operates differently. The company goes on to say that, “the iconic humpback-shaped receiver is the only thing this new Browning autoloader shares with its legendary namesake. The all-new Browning A5 is built to be the most reliable, fastest cycling, best performing, and softest shooting recoil-operated (yes, recoil-operated) autoloader on the planet.”
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Re: CZ 1012 Semi Automatic Shotgun

Post by Woods » Wed Dec 29, 2021 2:42 pm

Reddick wrote:
Sun Dec 26, 2021 2:33 pm
That's a great explanation!
Day by day I'm inclining towards Browning A5 ☺️
However , I came to know from some of my friends that a good condition A5 Gun may costs around ₹3.5 to ₹4 lakhs.
And I think that ₹3 lakhs is a justified amount where , nowadays , Indian made Semi Auto Shotguns costs nearly ₹1.80 lakhs 🤔
Anyways , Bahut Bahut Shukriya for Answering 🤓
Would you mind sharing where and in what condition did you find a Browning A5 ? What's the representation of the dealer about it ? Did you examine it closely ? What has been the lineage of ownership ?? Etc . It would be very helpful for a prospective buyer in future .
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Re: CZ 1012 Semi Automatic Shotgun

Post by Reddick » Wed Dec 29, 2021 5:15 pm

Hello ,
I have not seen the gun in reality.
The dealer had sent me the pics of it and suggests that one may visit his shop to get a closer look.
And I had confirm the news from other dealers that 'that very' dealer has the genuine A5 and also in good condition.
I am also in touch with other dealers , so I will plan accordingly and will visit two-three dealers once the price and the news may got confirmed 🤔
One more thing is that one of my friend had suggested me the Baikal Semi Auto Gun to which he had earlier possessed with.
So , now I'm confused between the two 😏
Would any member may clarify the doubts between both of them?
Thanks in Advance 🙂

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