What does depositing a firearm mean?

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What does depositing a firearm mean?

Post by partheus » Mon Mar 22, 2021 12:25 pm

Hi guys,
A friend of mine asked a question about the definition of depositing firearms and I thought of posting it here. As per the 2019 legislation, people with three firearms must deposit one with the police. But, what does deposit here mean? Does it mean the police will purchase the firearm from the owner at a fixed, nominal rate?

Or, does it mean the license bearer will continue to own the firearm, but said firearm will only remain in the police's or a gun dealer's custody? If this is the case, then can the license holder still use the firearm from time to time and then redeposit it?


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Re: What does depositing a firearm mean?

Post by veeveeaar » Mon Mar 22, 2021 1:07 pm

Depositing a fire arm means handing over the Third weapon or "" Excess "' weapon to the police station or an arms dealer.Both will give you a deposit acnowledgement reciept. Still you are the legal owner of the firearm. In bothplaces you will not recieve any money or consideration or goodwill for obiediently complying with the law. As per law these deposited firearms will be in possession of either ( the police who they will shift it to their central armory ) or the licenced dealer . Within two years of your depositing of the excess weapon to the above places, if you become a '""'Aspiring Shooter "" or a renowned Shooter you can take it back or if anyone in your family gets a arms licence , you can sell or gift it to them . After the lapse of two years if nothing of the above has happenned, your arms will be auctioned for a pittance and you being the owner of that excess weapon will be given that money, after deduction af all charges etc.

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Re: What does depositing a firearm mean?

Post by KDS991213 » Mon Mar 22, 2021 2:01 pm

veeveeaar wrote:
Mon Mar 22, 2021 1:07 pm
Depositing a fire arm means handing over the Third weapon or "" Excess "' weapon to the police station or an arms dealer.Both will give you a deposit acnowledgement reciept. Still you are the legal owner of the firearm. In bothplaces you will not recieve any money or consideration or goodwill for obiediently complying with the law. As per law these deposited firearms will be in possession of either ( the police who they will shift it to their central armory ) or the licenced dealer . Within two years of your depositing of the excess weapon to the above places, if you become a '""'Aspiring Shooter "" or a renowned Shooter you can take it back or if anyone in your family gets a arms licence , you can sell or gift it to them . After the lapse of two years if nothing of the above has happenned, your arms will be auctioned for a pittance and you being the owner of that excess weapon will be given that money, after deduction af all charges etc.
But if no one buys my gun at the auction then what would happen to it?

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Re: What does depositing a firearm mean?

Post by partheus » Mon Mar 22, 2021 2:20 pm

veeveeaar wrote:
Mon Mar 22, 2021 1:07 pm
Depositing a fire arm means handing over the Third weapon or "" Excess "' weapon to the police station or an arms dealer.Both will give you a deposit acnowledgement reciept. Still you are the legal owner of the firearm. In bothplaces you will not recieve any money or consideration or goodwill for obiediently complying with the law. As per law these deposited firearms will be in possession of either ( the police who they will shift it to their central armory ) or the licenced dealer . Within two years of your depositing of the excess weapon to the above places, if you become a '""'Aspiring Shooter "" or a renowned Shooter you can take it back or if anyone in your family gets a arms licence , you can sell or gift it to them . After the lapse of two years if nothing of the above has happenned, your arms will be auctioned for a pittance and you being the owner of that excess weapon will be given that money, after deduction af all charges etc.
Thanks! That clears up a lot. So, can the firearm be retrieved by the license holder during the time it's with the police/gun dealer?

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Re: What does depositing a firearm mean?

Post by Vineet » Mon Mar 22, 2021 5:19 pm

partheus wrote:
Mon Mar 22, 2021 12:25 pm
Hi guys,
A friend of mine asked a question about the definition of depositing firearms and I thought of posting it here. As per the 2019 legislation, people with three firearms must deposit one with the police. But, what does deposit here mean? Does it mean the police will purchase the firearm from the owner at a fixed, nominal rate?

Or, does it mean the license bearer will continue to own the firearm, but said firearm will only remain in the police's or a gun dealer's custody? If this is the case, then can the license holder still use the firearm from time to time and then redeposit it?

The rule was that 3rd weapon had to be deposited with gun shops or police station till 12/12/2020. After that you will be given permission to sell it to any gun shop or individual license holder and the weapon will be deleted from your arms license.

The actual rule is below and it says that the weapon will be delicensed within ninety days and not two years.

3. In section 3 of the principal Act, in sub-section (2),—
(i) for the words "three firearms", the words "two firearm" shall be substituted; (ii) for the proviso, the following provisos shall be inserted, namely:—
"Provided that a person who has in his possession more firearms than two at the commencement of the Arms (Amendment) Act, 2019, may retain with him any two of such firearms and shall deposit, within one year from such commencement, the remaining firearm with the officer in charge of the nearest police station or, subject to the conditions prescribed for the purposes of sub-section (1) of section 21, with a licensed dealer or, where such person is a member of the armed forces of the Union, in a unit armoury referred to in that sub-section after which it shall be delicensed within ninety days from the date of expiry of aforesaid one year:
Provided further that while granting arms licence on inheritance or heirloom basis, the limit of two firearms shall not be exceeded."

Vineet Armoury
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