New .32 Pistol Launched by SHEIKH ARMS

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Re: New .32 Pistol Launched by SHEIKH ARMS

Post by dsingh » Sun Jul 19, 2020 1:53 pm

I did not notice jam but if it is there then same problem . New IOF Pistol both mark 2 and RFI modified Pistol product have no jamming problem and is also cheaper .Similiarly new IOF revolver Nishank is very smooth and bullet crosses 50 meter mark no jamming at all if one goes by merit despite shortcoming these r better and cheaper. Glock India proposes 40 calibre and 380 calibre pistols where r cartridges with Indian companies these r infact clones of dumped models. Webley India products r in 32 category but r priced at very high rates.

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Re: New .32 Pistol Launched by SHEIKH ARMS

Post by Biren » Sun Jul 19, 2020 2:31 pm

GurnaniM wrote:
Sat Jul 18, 2020 12:39 am
factory visit and shooting review on youtube.

Its a poorly made video which left many questions rather answers.


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Re: New .32 Pistol Launched by SHEIKH ARMS

Post by Gowrishankar » Sat Jul 25, 2020 5:17 pm

Now tell me the best Iof or this sheik arms pistol .or do I have a choice. any user in sheik arms pistols

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Re: New .32 Pistol Launched by SHEIKH ARMS

Post by eljefe » Sat Jul 25, 2020 6:13 pm

Biren wrote:
Sun Jul 19, 2020 2:31 pm
GurnaniM wrote:
Sat Jul 18, 2020 12:39 am
factory visit and shooting review on youtube.

Its a poorly made video which left many questions rather answers.

Handsome looking pistol.
The blogger has absolutely no idea what to test in a handgun, and more importantly, he doesn’t know or care for universal tenets of gun safety. All guns are loaded until you check and prove them otherwise.
He has a handgun with a mag inserted, slide racked forward and people walking in front. At one stage he passes his hand in front of the muzzle.
Sheikh Arms could easily put up an earthen bund and use it as Target backstop. That Wall is no surface to test expansion, penetration or accuracy.
Ideal test would have been off a Ransom Rest at 10 & 25 m.

What questions can you ask him , Biren ?😂
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Re: New .32 Pistol Launched by SHEIKH ARMS

Post by eljefe » Sat Jul 25, 2020 6:25 pm

sourabhsangale wrote:
Sun Jul 19, 2020 12:47 pm
Vineet ji you are right . 2-3 times there was a jam in full video .
If you get one in hand please post about it so that members can decide whether to buy or not .
Most times those jams are directly attributable to the ammo quality. However , the extraction/ejection will need to be checked with 4-5 types of ammo to confirm whether it’s the ammo or the gun fault.

Sheikh Arms should not allow blokes like that to ‘test fire’ and review their product.
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Re: New .32 Pistol Launched by SHEIKH ARMS

Post by mundaire » Sat Jul 25, 2020 10:07 pm

You're right eljefe, some places the video was truly cringeworthy in terms of gun safety!

The problem with testing with non IOF 32 ACP ammo would be the cost, last I heard imported 32 ACP rounds were selling for 400 to 600 rupees a piece! :shock:
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Re: New .32 Pistol Launched by SHEIKH ARMS

Post by pistolero » Sat Jul 25, 2020 10:40 pm

I dont know whether to laugh or to cry. So we have a visit to a supposed factory, where not a single piece of manufacturing equipment was shown. Not even raw material or semi finished product. A banner was stuck on the wall, showing the name of the factory.

Sheikh Arms should advise, the origin of their Drills and how do they make the frames & slides for their pistols, so that prospective buyers know what are they getting into. '

The reviewer is very enthu, and I respect his enthusiasm, he obviously has had no formal training in handling firearms, and these kind of lopsided reviews are to be expected in the future as well where "experts" will review firearms. Given the relatively nascent nature of the industry, and the inexperience of the reviewers, it has to be forgiven. It is the onus of the manufacturer to ensure basic safety & handling training is provided, as most reviewers will be novices at best.

At the prices that Raptor is being sold at, I sure he can cough up the price of imported Ammo. The outdoor range, the lesser said the better.

The reviewer put in a lot of miles just to shoot a few rounds, just goes to show you, how much pent up demand is there.

The actual review leaves me with a lot of new questions. Would have loved to see some proof marks on those barrels.

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Re: New .32 Pistol Launched by SHEIKH ARMS

Post by timmy » Sun Jul 26, 2020 5:39 am

Agreed -- a 200 or 500 round test would be useful.

One question that needs answering is the heat treatment: Otherwise, the pistol isn't going to stand up well to very much firing.
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Re: New .32 Pistol Launched by SHEIKH ARMS

Post by pistolero » Sun Jul 26, 2020 2:16 pm

timmy wrote:
Sun Jul 26, 2020 5:39 am
Agreed -- a 200 or 500 round test would be useful.

One question that needs answering is the heat treatment: Otherwise, the pistol isn't going to stand up well to very much firing.
I agree Heat Treat and Stress Relief of the components is very important, but we have not seen any details of ANY manufacturing equipment, nor have I seen any info on their process, so their quality is very subjective. The reviewer is excited because it looks good, but what is the steel, the equipment, the process... well we dont know..but it looks good..better than IOF, hence and therefore it must be cutting edge :twisted: :twisted: :lol: :lol: ROTFL ROTFL ROTFL
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Re: New .32 Pistol Launched by SHEIKH ARMS

Post by eljefe » Sun Jul 26, 2020 4:41 pm

pistolero wrote:
Sat Jul 25, 2020 10:40 pm
I dont know whether to laugh or to cry. So we have a visit to a supposed factory, where not a single piece of manufacturing equipment was shown. Not even raw material or semi finished product. A banner was stuck on the wall, showing the name of the factory.

Sheikh Arms should advise, the origin of their Drills and how do they make the frames & slides for their pistols, so that prospective buyers know what are they getting into. '

The reviewer is very enthu, and I respect his enthusiasm, he obviously has had no formal training in handling firearms, and these kind of lopsided reviews are to be expected in the future as well where "experts" will review firearms. Given the relatively nascent nature of the industry, and the inexperience of the reviewers, it has to be forgiven. It is the onus of the manufacturer to ensure basic safety & handling training is provided, as most reviewers will be novices at best.

At the prices that Raptor is being sold at, I sure he can cough up the price of imported Ammo. The outdoor range, the lesser said the better.

The reviewer put in a lot of miles just to shoot a few rounds, just goes to show you, how much pent up demand is there.

The actual review leaves me with a lot of new questions. Would have loved to see some proof marks on those barrels.

And I was only giving a ‘ first look ‘ opinion of the vid as posted on YouTube...

Enthusiasm aside, if he wangled his way in to do a review and give the firm publicity, and share it on a public platform, it is vicarious responsibility to show some elements of
A. SAFE gun handling
B. Technical aspects of the manufacturing process.

Going by the comments on his blog, he has many ‘wah ‘wah’ from the viewers. And I fully agree, for a gun starved populace,subjected to the bedpan mechanic quality of the IOF products for decades it is manna from heaven!
And I fear, you’re right. In the future , many such ‘experts’ will flock to the new handgun manufacturers to review their products.
Let’s hope we’re not subject to Future 42M cinderblock wall penetration and effective range tests.
I wonder if this chap will be allowed to ‘review ‘ a Glock ?
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Re: New .32 Pistol Launched by SHEIKH ARMS

Post by pistolero » Sun Jul 26, 2020 11:32 pm


I did not see his channel, I did however visit it now and what a revelation! I had no idea, India had so many You Tube Gun Expert's :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: New .32 Pistol Launched by SHEIKH ARMS

Post by rahulbdelhi » Mon Jul 27, 2020 5:33 pm

In the video I noticed a couple of issues with the gun:
1. The guy struggles to engage the thumb safety and it doesn't bulge. He gives up.
2. The trigger seems too tight. The guy almost uses his first finger-joint to pull the trigger. 1911 triggers are supposed to be super smooth.

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