Legend WW2 and cold war!
TT and Makarov
1 Construction like AK, all steel no plastic, fantastic weapon reliability
2 Have modern version this pistol

3 Very very low price

4 2 modification 8 rounds and 12 rounds
8 round mod

12 round mod

TT or Tulskii Tokarev - pistol legendary like colt 1911
1 Very high power cartridge 7,62x25 - effective range 50 m
2 Very low price

3 Real legend - making with original russian documents - no bullshit clone

If interesting other models russian pistols or other weapon like shotgun or rifle - no problem write me, discuss this!
What i may offer for civil indian gun market ?
In Russia have 4-5 gun company who can do "gun kit spare parts or blanks" for assembling this pistols in India, including "transfer technology" for program "Make in India"
I can act as a consultant intermediary
If i consultant - intermediary my role:
1 Find partner
2 Hold preliminary negotiations
3 Organize your fly in Russia to negotiate and sign a preliminary cooperation agreement
4 After first negotiate ,agree to sign a supply agreement
4 Arrange production "gun kit spare parts or blanks" for indian gun laws
5 check delivery
This offer only for serious companies ,with a clear business reputation!
After start production i may invest money in this business also
If you company no website, no copy license and other documents, no recommendations from Chamber of Commerce - dont spend my time
For contact please PM me