About .45 bore webleyscott 1911 pistol

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About .45 bore webleyscott 1911 pistol

Post by Virk1virk » Sat May 09, 2020 9:51 am

Hello there gentlemen I wanted to konw that o new rules in 2016 .i wanted to buy webleyscott 1911 .45 pistol . webleyscott has came to india .i am enclosing there products brochure for indian market. :D

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Re: About .45 bore webleyscott 1911 pistol

Post by Vineet » Sun May 10, 2020 8:58 am

Original Webley has stopped manufacturing of revolvers from last 55 years. An Indian company named Sial pvt Ltd has got arms manufacturing license and they will be manufacturing under the name of Webley now.

How much royalty they paid to original Webley for using their name, I don't know but not much as original Webley is out of business since 1963.

How good or bad will the quality of Indian Webley be, is the thing to watch. I don't expect it to be very good as the products will be made in India and we have seen quality of Sheikh arms pistol which is not at all good.
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Re: About .45 bore webleyscott 1911 pistol

Post by winnie_the_pooh » Sun May 10, 2020 10:16 am

Indian manufacturers can produce good products. Every manufacturer with some brand recognition has a vested interest in seeing to it that their name is not besmirched by a shoddy product. So do not lose heart so easily. Let's wait and watch.

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Re: About .45 bore webleyscott 1911 pistol

Post by partheus » Sun May 10, 2020 11:18 am

Yes, you can totally buy a 45 if you have a valid arms license. I don't think it's a completely Indian project. I spoke with Mr John Bright who co-owns Webley when they announced their products. There is feedback from the original owners that's going into the setup.

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Re: About .45 bore webleyscott 1911 pistol

Post by Vineet » Sun May 10, 2020 11:54 am

I think it will take 2-3 years time for Indian Webley to make available .45 pistol for general public.
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Re: About .45 bore webleyscott 1911 pistol

Post by sourabhsangale » Sun May 10, 2020 12:19 pm

Yes . You are right and quality of all india made weapons will be good nothing to worry about that .
Dealer will underestimate the product as i guess no one will buy old stuff which is laying with them .

All imported stuff which is old than 30-40 years and cost any foolish amount.

I spoke to 2/3 dealers are all saying quality will not he good , how can they say without seeing the weapon. All the weapon are RfI tested .government will not give permission if they do not pass fitness test .

Dealers are just not happy because no one will buy okd stuff lying with them .

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Re: About .45 bore webleyscott 1911 pistol

Post by russianshooter3 » Sun May 10, 2020 12:32 pm

Vineet wrote:
Sun May 10, 2020 8:58 am
Original Webley has stopped manufacturing of revolvers from last 55 years. An Indian company named Sial pvt Ltd has got arms manufacturing license and they will be manufacturing under the name of Webley now.

How much royalty they paid to original Webley for using their name, I don't know but not much as original Webley is out of business since 1963.

How good or bad will the quality of Indian Webley be, is the thing to watch. I don't expect it to be very good as the products will be made in India and we have seen quality of Sheikh arms pistol which is not at all good.
Sial pvt Ltd revolver true name this :D - Sial revolver ROTFL

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Re: About .45 bore webleyscott 1911 pistol

Post by russianshooter3 » Sun May 10, 2020 12:58 pm

sourabhsangale wrote:
Sun May 10, 2020 12:19 pm
Yes . You are right and quality of all india made weapons will be good nothing to worry about that .
Dealer will underestimate the product as i guess no one will buy old stuff which is laying with them .

All imported stuff which is old than 30-40 years and cost any foolish amount.

I spoke to 2/3 dealers are all saying quality will not he good , how can they say without seeing the weapon. All the weapon are RfI tested .government will not give permission if they do not pass fitness test .

Dealers are just not happy because no one will buy okd stuff lying with them .
Because gun dealer see quality Sheikh arms weapon....

Basic i dont understand business conception this company
Start produce 100 years old revolver in 2020 ! For what?
On indian civil market have many original webley and many bullshit IOF clone
With this Webley revolver only + 1 clone on market
Construction Webley revolver have many problem - this is not an extremely reliable revolver, like Colt or SW

Think starting this model its more "tradition" on indian civil gun market ,like jaguar auto on Indian market - ultra premium product
In other world jaguar auto last 20-30 years its - "bucketful with bolts" for very high price :D

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Re: About .45 bore webleyscott 1911 pistol

Post by Vineet » Sun May 10, 2020 1:29 pm

sourabhsangale wrote:
Sun May 10, 2020 12:19 pm
Yes . You are right and quality of all india made weapons will be good nothing to worry about that.
So why quality of Sheikh Arms pistol is not good. Why is their 14 shot pistol priced for 3.50 lacs.
sourabhsangale wrote:
Sun May 10, 2020 12:19 pm
Dealer will underestimate the product as i guess no one will buy old stuff which is laying with them .
Dealers also know that new products are coming so they will also buy old products accordingly.
sourabhsangale wrote:
Sun May 10, 2020 12:19 pm
All the weapon are RfI tested .government will not give permission if they do not pass fitness test .
RFI testing doesn't guarantee good quality. Ashani is RFI tested and we all know about its quality.
sourabhsangale wrote:
Sun May 10, 2020 12:19 pm
I spoke to 2/3 dealers are all saying quality will not he good , how can they say without seeing the weapon.
Because very heavy investment is required to setup factory for good quality weapons. There must be videos on YouTube of Glock, Sig etc. factories. Just watch the heavy machinery required.
sourabhsangale wrote:
Sun May 10, 2020 12:19 pm
Dealers are just not happy because no one will buy okd stuff lying with them .
Dealers will also benefit if good quality weapons come because their sale will go up.
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Re: About .45 bore webleyscott 1911 pistol

Post by sourabhsangale » Sun May 10, 2020 1:40 pm

Yes sir , you are right sales will speak for itself let’s see how it goes .

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Re: About .45 bore webleyscott 1911 pistol

Post by partheus » Sun May 10, 2020 1:57 pm

Relax guys, Sheikh arms, Webley and Scott etc are all new or rebooted enterprises. Regardless of manufacturing prowess that currently exists, there's going to be a learning curve. Literally every company has had to go through it. Look at where Colt is currently, they actually managed to royally screw up the Python relaunch!

Give the new guys time. Their product quality will improve and prices will eventually come down. The fact that we're finally going to get made in India weapons by the private sector now is all that counts imho.

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Re: About .45 bore webleyscott 1911 pistol

Post by russianshooter3 » Sun May 10, 2020 2:49 pm

partheus wrote:
Sun May 10, 2020 1:57 pm
Relax guys, Sheikh arms, Webley and Scott etc are all new or rebooted enterprises. Regardless of manufacturing prowess that currently exists, there's going to be a learning curve. Literally every company has had to go through it. Look at where Colt is currently, they actually managed to royally screw up the Python relaunch!

Give the new guys time. Their product quality will improve and prices will eventually come down. The fact that we're finally going to get made in India weapons by the private sector now is all that counts imho.
For example in 2014 i and my business partner planning start selling on CIVIL russian market some IOF product including
Clone FN FAL - in present no in production
Clone Suppressed Sterling submachine gun - in present no in production
Clone Lee Enfield (also name 0.315 sporting rifle)
Original Excalibur (other name Insas)
and i think 1-2 mil ammo to this shit
all this weapon needed to convert in semi auto (for russian laws), its very easy need remove 2-3 details and ok, other parametres like barrel length, total length no need convert and correct

This weapon would be bought by many collectors in Russia

IOF answer - He not convert because its very dangerous assault rifle and dont sell civil
I answer - ok we have all license to buy all of this,need only convert in semi and go
IOF answer - we dont convert because its need change many parametres and this be price +1500 USD for rifle

IF In 2014 i start import in Russia Excalibur or other IOF bullshit ,price for Excalibur starting with 5500 USD per rifle in retail
For example custom AR-15 (USA made) its price 3000 USD on retail in Russia

Who buy this shit like Excalibur for this money? if in store have new original AK for 300 USD

For example Norinco sell all staff on russian market
Sell all including converted M4 and QBZ-95

And doing exclusive product too, special for russian market
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Re: About .45 bore webleyscott 1911 pistol

Post by partheus » Sun May 10, 2020 3:04 pm

russianshooter3 wrote:
Sun May 10, 2020 2:49 pm
partheus wrote:
Sun May 10, 2020 1:57 pm
Relax guys, Sheikh arms, Webley and Scott etc are all new or rebooted enterprises. Regardless of manufacturing prowess that currently exists, there's going to be a learning curve. Literally every company has had to go through it. Look at where Colt is currently, they actually managed to royally screw up the Python relaunch!

Give the new guys time. Their product quality will improve and prices will eventually come down. The fact that we're finally going to get made in India weapons by the private sector now is all that counts imho.
For example in 2014 i and my business partner planning start selling on CIVIL russian market some IOF product including
Clone FN FAL - in present no in production
Clone Suppressed Sterling submachine gun - in present no in production
Clone Lee Enfield (also name 0.315 sporting rifle)
Original Excalibur (other name Insas)
and i think 1-2 mil ammo to this shit
all this weapon needed to convert in semi auto (for russian laws), its very easy need remove 2-3 details and ok, other parametres like barrel length, total length no need convert and correct

This weapon would be bought by many collectors in Russia

IOF answer - He not convert because its very dangerous assault rifle and dont sell civil
I answer - ok we have all license to buy all of this,need only convert in semi and go
IOF answer - we dont convert because its need change many parametres and this be price +1500 USD for rifle

IF In 2014 i import in Russia Excalibur or other IOF bullshit ,price for Excalibur starting with 5500 USD per rifle in retail
For example custom AR-15 (USA made) its price 3000 USD on retail in Russia

Who buy this shit like Excalibur for this money? if in store have new original AK for 300 USD
You tried to do business with the IOF? You're brave alright. Jokes aside, why do you think they can say stuff like that? It's because they don't have any competition and because they are paid to just show up. That's why everyone here wants govt job, they just need to work bare minimum to get to a paycheck.

See, huge demand in Russia is irrelevant to the IOF babu you spoke to because at the end of the day, he/she would get the exact same salary regardless of how many orders you place. In fact, they might even try and avoid it as it will mean working harder to fulfill your orders for no extra financial incentive. This is precisely why govt sector productivity rates are so low and corruption is so high. The kickbacks they demand are essentially to compensate for the increased productivity needed to cater to increased demand. Not saying it's justified, but they certainly are underpaid. Besides, the civilian arm of the IOF is kind of irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. They are primarily into making arms and ammunition for the armed forces, which they are also lagging on.

Hence why the private sector taking over firearms manufacturing is such a big deal.

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Re: About .45 bore webleyscott 1911 pistol

Post by russianshooter3 » Sun May 10, 2020 3:18 pm

Sir i have business with many strange and difficult company IOF its real IMPRESSIVE
China Norinco,Turkish,Pakistan POF sell our product on russian civil market fine
Norinco and POF its govt too!
What problem with IOF?
Last edited by russianshooter3 on Sun May 10, 2020 3:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: About .45 bore webleyscott 1911 pistol

Post by partheus » Sun May 10, 2020 3:27 pm

My observation is they are underpaid, unappreciated, unmotivated and have no market pressure to perform better. They don't represent the govt fraternity completely, though. Re- govt owned weapons manufacturers in other countries - obviously not every PSU is going to be a bad performer just because they are a PSU. There are some great govt sector enterprises in India too that are doing just fine. ONGC, HPCL and LIC are some examples. It's just that the IOF isn't one of them.

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