A friend called me up last night for a solution to his shooting woes.
He has a .244 H&H Mag. that was made by Holland for his grandfather. So, it's an old rifle but most probably in very good condition, i.e. the barrel hasn't been shot out. I have yet to see it.
He finds that the groups shift approximately 8" to the left or right of zero after about 6 to 8 continuous shots. This is happening with both factory and reloaded ammo.
His reloaded ammo matches the factory ammo's muzzle velocity of 3300 to 3400 ft./sec. and he is using 100 grain bullets over 61 grains of IMR 4350.
I have heard of groups opening up when the barrels get hot but nothing about a shift in zero. Please correct me on this if it is otherwise.
When he noticed this problem, he mounted a scope thinking that it was probably the sights that had developed a fault. However, the problem still persists.
He has checked the scope mounts for shift and assures me there is none.
I also had him check the stock screws and crown and he reported back saying that there was no problem here either.
I have asked him to check if the barrel is free floating and he will get back to me on this.
When talking to him, I asked him if he cleaned the bore before switching rounds. He hadn't. All his bullets are copper jacketed. Would cleaning the bore have an effect and more to the point, how many shots would it take a centre-fire to group from a freshly cleaned bore? I am assuming none to a couple but would like to hear from the centre-fire shooters.
I may be range testing this rifle sometime during the week but until then this is all I have to go on.
If you know of a similar problem and a solution to it, I'd like to know what it is.
Mack The Knife