Seriously disgusting .22 Lr rifle Riflescope issues

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Seriously disgusting .22 Lr rifle Riflescope issues

Post by SrirupDutta » Mon Jan 28, 2019 10:26 pm

Hello guys off late i am having a strange problem with my iof 22lr rifle. I mounted a new riflescope with 6 -24 ×42 in it with two piece high mount of hieght 21.5 mm hieght.
Problem is whenever i am aiming something at 25yards or 50 yards the bullet is hitting at 10 inches lower than the aiming point.
After i have maxed out on the elevation turret upwards still then the difference is 6 inches than the point of aim.
I am really disturbed at this and the funny part is the telescope is working dot correct in my PCP AIR RIFLE AND MY DIANA AIR RILFES.
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Re: Seriously disgusting .22 Lr rifle Riflescope issues

Post by sumbriavikramaditya » Tue Jan 29, 2019 12:51 am


This is interesting. I would be a learning experience from this issue.

At what distance have you zeroed the scope? The problem is not with scope as you are saying it is working fine with your Air Rifles.

Please check if there is any issues between the barrel and the front stock. OFB do not make free floating barrel stocks (my .30-06 rifle do not have it) but there could be some debris that might cause barrel to perform in abnormal manner.

Recoil could not be an issue as .22 LR has very less of that. But please check if recoil is moving the Scope Ring bases. Even some air rifles have this issue. You can use better quality rings.

Which cartridges are you using? Brand? Weight of bullet?

Try using a ballistic calculator to determine the performance of your bullet.

Try these points. As per my knowledge, I have tried. There are more learned and experienced members here they can also shed some light.

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Re: Seriously disgusting .22 Lr rifle Riflescope issues

Post by Chengy » Tue Jan 29, 2019 3:05 pm

Mount the rifle firmly on a stand and remove the bolt. Look through the barrel and adjust the bullseye of the target in the centre. Now look through the scope and if the bullseye is off center, adjust the scope to bring it in the cross hairs. If you now fix the bolt and fire the rifle and you should be in the circle at 25 yards. If not, there is a problem in the muzzle crowning or the ammunition. If you cannot adjust the scope, then maybe you would require offsets for the mounts

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Re: Seriously disgusting .22 Lr rifle Riflescope issues

Post by AgentDoubleS » Tue Jan 29, 2019 6:20 pm

It could be an issue with how you’ve mounted the scope. The look through the barrel method works well while mounting it. Check Mack the Knife’s thread on the forum on how to mount a scope and follow it to the t - don’t deviate from it. If that doesn’t work - google “shimming a rifle scope” which is quite a common solution to this issue. E.g putting a coke can layer between the mounting ring and the dovetail. However, before you shim it make sure you’ve done everything else correctly.

This is quite a common challenge when mounting rifle scopes, nothing to be overly concerned about. I had the issue with my IOF 3006, and had to sort it by changing the scope ring which were the root cause.


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Re: Seriously disgusting .22 Lr rifle Riflescope issues

Post by mundaire » Tue Jan 29, 2019 7:13 pm

Are you using the same mounts/ rings while mounting it on the PCP/ Diana air rifles?

(a) If not, then the problem is likely with these rings. Solution, either change the rings or shim one of them to correct the variation in elevation.

(b) If yes, then it is likely that there is a minor difference in elevation between the rear dovetail and forward dovetail on your .22 rifle. Solution, shim one of the the rings to correct the variation in elevation.

Since it is shooting low - put the shim under the rear base to raise the point of impact. You are not really moving the point of impact up, you are moving the point of aim down to where the barrel is sending the projectile.

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Re: Seriously disgusting .22 Lr rifle Riflescope issues

Post by SrirupDutta » Wed Jan 30, 2019 9:41 am

problem is if i change my rings to lower one it will get struck with the rear iron sight of the rifle. shall i remove it??
also will shimming work in the rear base?? dont it destroys the tube in the long run?

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Re: Seriously disgusting .22 Lr rifle Riflescope issues

Post by sumbriavikramaditya » Wed Jan 30, 2019 8:59 pm

SrirupDutta wrote:problem is if i change my rings to lower one it will get struck with the rear iron sight of the rifle. shall i remove it??
also will shimming work in the rear base?? dont it destroys the tube in the long run?
I searched google for 'how to shim your scope' I got this video,

It demonstrates the purpose of Shimming with Soda Can. But it also says that shimming is for emergency but not for everyday use.


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Re: Seriously disgusting .22 Lr rifle Riflescope issues

Post by sumbriavikramaditya » Thu Jan 31, 2019 1:03 pm

SrirupDutta wrote:Hello guys off late i am having a strange problem with my iof 22lr rifle. I mounted a new riflescope with 6 -24 ×42 in it with two piece high mount of hieght 21.5 mm hieght.
Problem is whenever i am aiming something at 25yards or 50 yards the bullet is hitting at 10 inches lower than the aiming point.
After i have maxed out on the elevation turret upwards still then the difference is 6 inches than the point of aim.
I am really disturbed at this and the funny part is the telescope is working dot correct in my PCP AIR RIFLE AND MY DIANA AIR RILFES.

Please let us know if your issue gets resolved or not. And which remedy you used to resolve it. It will help us learning more about this situation.


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Re: Seriously disgusting .22 Lr rifle Riflescope issues

Post by snIPer » Thu Jan 31, 2019 1:49 pm

If you dont want to shim, get a droop compensator mount.
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