Be sure that next 500 shots you are going to hit everywhere except centreAnupam Goswami wrote:Today my Artemis was delivered. It was shipped in a plywood box which was nailed shut. The barrel and stock were separate and required only three screws to attach.76109AAA-E0F7-4EBE-8C19-22B551819E6F.jpeg
The picture doesn’t do it justice. It really is beautiful.
A container of wadcutter pellets came free with the rifle. I haven’t tried them yet.1047B180-BA92-47C3-B40C-614B53C0B797.jpeg
I had asked for some pointed pellets and Mr. Jha sent these United shots superpointed.769BBD36-E424-4CD5-B8E6-ADAF032CB884.jpeg
I shot three hundred of these pellets today in batches of thirty shots each. These pellets, though cheap, are not consistent in size and symmetry. Some fit tight in the breech while some were loose. Similarly, some pellets were skewed. But they cost only ₹160 per pack of 500 pellets.
This is my first spread of thirty shots. These shots were taken from a distance of 40 feet, off hand, while seated on a chair. If you count, there are less than thirty holes. That is because some shots were so wayward that they didn’t even hit the paper. By the way, I printed this target myself. The bull’s eye is one inch in diameter. The pellet catcher I made a few days ago, held well. None of the shots managed to pass through.
Midway through the third batch of thirty shots, I noticed that the screw on the front right side of the stock has become loose. I tightened it. The screws aren’t tempered and one can strip them if excess torque is applied. By this time, I also started experimenting with various stances. I attempted artillery hold and tried various postures. But throughout the afternoon, I couldn’t find any comfortable and stable stance. My leading hand(left) kept shaking minutely. Even though, at one point, I managed to put four pellets in the bull’s eye, I must say that my shots had no control and my stance lacked stability.
By the time I was done with my tenth batch of thirty shots, it was getting dark and my leading shoulder was sore. And my last spread of today was no better than my first one. I feel it is going to be a long journey from spreads to close groups.

After that you will find this gun interesting.