PB Arms licence

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PB Arms licence

Post by mavshot » Sat Nov 10, 2018 1:15 am

Hello again folks,
I have a NPB licence. I am going to apply for a PB licence. My question is will my present NPB licence be converted to PB or would I get to keep both licences?


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Re: PB Arms licence

Post by sumbriavikramaditya » Sat Nov 10, 2018 2:18 pm

mavshot wrote:Hello again folks,
I have a NPB licence. I am going to apply for a PB licence. My question is will my present NPB licence be converted to PB or would I get to keep both licences?

I believe you will get a separate license for PB. But their are more learned members of this forum who can shed light over this topic. I believe there must be some topic on this forum which has discussed this topic already.

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Re: PB Arms licence

Post by Vineet » Sat Nov 10, 2018 5:58 pm

Arms act clearly says that one can not own more than three weapons. Therefore you can keep two weapons on npb and one on pb or two on pb and one npb or all three pb. Total no. of weapons combining both the licenses should not exceed three. You can own fourth weapon a .22 rifle if you are a member of rifle club.

Your npb license will not be converted. You will have to apply for fresh pb licence.
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Re: PB Arms licence

Post by sumbriavikramaditya » Sun Nov 11, 2018 2:32 pm

Vineet wrote:Arms act clearly says that one can not own more than three weapons. Therefore you can keep two weapons on npb and one on pb or two on pb and one npb or all three pb. Total no. of weapons combining both the licenses should not exceed three. You can own fourth weapon a .22 rifle if you are a member of rifle club.

Your npb license will not be converted. You will have to apply for fresh pb licence.
Vineet ji, for PB license who is the Licensing Authority?


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Re: PB Arms licence

Post by Vineet » Sun Nov 11, 2018 3:18 pm

District arms branch (District Magistrate) will recommend your file to State home department (chief secretary or additional chief secretary of your state) and he will recommend your file to center home department (chief secretary of India or additional chief secretary) from where your pb license will be issued.

Its almost impossible to get PB arms license unless you are a VVIP.

Some years back, the power to issue PB license was with state home department. Many PB licenses were issued in those days.

Personally I don't see too much advantage of a PB license. With a PB license you can own 9mm handgun whereas calibers like 45 acp, 357 magnum, 7.62 tokarev, 38 super, 38 special etc all are npb.

In rifles PB license is some what better as one can own semiauto rifles like mp 5 but the question is the availability of semi auto rifles in India.
Vineet Armoury
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Re: PB Arms licence

Post by mavshot » Wed Nov 14, 2018 8:00 am

Vineet wrote:Arms act clearly says that one can not own more than three weapons. Therefore you can keep two weapons on npb and one on pb or two on pb and one npb or all three pb. Total no. of weapons combining both the licenses should not exceed three. You can own fourth weapon a .22 rifle if you are a member of rifle club.

Your npb license will not be converted. You will have to apply for fresh pb licence.
That raises another question. Can't one have a NPB weapon on a PB licence? Thereby one wouldn't need 2 licenses.


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Re: PB Arms licence

Post by sumbriavikramaditya » Wed Nov 14, 2018 10:49 am

mavshot wrote: That raises another question. Can't one have a NPB weapon on a PB licence? Thereby one wouldn't need 2 licenses.

There is no set standard. Some States issue 3 weapons on one license and some States issue different license for each weapon. But as the Vineet explained, the number of weapons is always 3.


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Re: PB Arms licence

Post by mundaire » Wed Nov 14, 2018 12:26 pm

mavshot wrote:
Vineet wrote:Arms act clearly says that one can not own more than three weapons. Therefore you can keep two weapons on npb and one on pb or two on pb and one npb or all three pb. Total no. of weapons combining both the licenses should not exceed three. You can own fourth weapon a .22 rifle if you are a member of rifle club.

Your npb license will not be converted. You will have to apply for fresh pb licence.
That raises another question. Can't one have a NPB weapon on a PB licence? Thereby one wouldn't need 2 licenses.


Since the "PB" license is issued by Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), Government of India, they are the only ones who can add additional firearms / make any other modifications to that license. Your local licensing authority may only renew it when due for the same.

Therefore, while theoretically you can have all your firearms endorsed on that very booklet, you will need to apply to MHA for the same.

Practically speaking, the PB firearm will be endorsed on the booklet issued by MHA and your other "NPB" firearms would be endorsed on the booklet issued by your local licensing authority.

NOTE: The UIN number endorsed on both booklets would be the same.

Speaking from personal experience.

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Re: PB Arms licence

Post by Jkdatta66 » Wed Nov 14, 2018 7:00 pm

PB licence is issued by ministry of home affairs government of India on the recommendation of the state government.It is very difficult for any one who is not a VIP, officer in defence, police,para military,MP,MLA or from all India or central services to get a PB licence.
The procedure for getting a PB licence will commence with filing of fresh application,the NPB licence if not required will have to be cancelled by filing an application for the same.
PB fire arms can only be entered in the PB licence booklet and NPB in separate booklet for the same although the UIN for both will be the same.max three firearms can be held by a licencee.

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Re: PB Arms licence

Post by sfcabhishek » Thu Feb 14, 2019 10:33 am

Sorry, it may have been answered but wasn't able to find it.
Was just curious as from where would one buy a PB weapon even if he has a license to that extent ?
IOF ? Police/Customs Auction ?
And sorry to waste your time just to satisfy my curiosity :P

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Re: PB Arms licence

Post by Vineet » Thu Feb 14, 2019 3:14 pm

There are arms dealers having license to purchase/sell PB arms. You can buy from them.

Now days its almost impossible to get PB license but in 1970's and 80's it was not that difficult. In those days PB licenses were issued by State and not Central Government.
Vineet Armoury
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Re: PB Arms licence

Post by OneWildlifer » Fri Sep 13, 2019 5:19 am

Can you point me towards Dealers having license to sell PB Arms in South India? Thanks

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