Straight politics, which DOES NOT have ANYTHING to do with guns, shooting OR wildlife conservation IS generally discouraged here. WHY? Well, the thing is - and this is open to debate - all of us are here due to our shared interests. And most of us have our own political affiliations outside of these shared interests... We would rather not have the one encroach on the other and enter into needless debates alienating our fellow enthusiasts who do share our love for guns/ shooting/ the outdoors!
Back to the discussion at hand -
a) The vast majority of our polity and bureaucracy is corrupt... as are our police forces - no arguments there!
b) There are islands of integrity amongst the mess AND these are very visible (if nothing else due to their rarity) and appreciated.
c) Most of us have saluted the national anthem all our lives - without even knowing the meaning of the words.... I know I have! But that should not detract from the shiver of national pride that one instantly feels travelling down one's spine the minute the first strains of the anthem hit one's ears. I don't know about the rest here, but it is an awesome feeling for me each time... It never ceases to remind me of the beauty of this country and all the reasons why I love being Indian.
d) Change is in our own hands - there is an old saying -"a people get the leaders they deserve"...
e) What is amazing is that some persons who could only be best addressed by the pictorial depiction of Castor and Pollux (Google for the painting of the same name by that madman Salvador Dali