The best clay gun there

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The best clay gun there

Post by Vikram » Wed Aug 15, 2007 11:42 pm

The other day, I was checking(read fondling and ogling) a few guns at The Gunshop,Rugby. I handled a Blaser F3 and a Kreighof K-80.Both superbly made and very well balanced. It just brought me to my mind that eternal question.Which is the best clays gun. Some say that whichever you shoot best.But, I find that a bit incomplete. If one were to pic a gun as the best from the following makes and models

Kreighof K-80,Blaser F3, Perazzi MX2000,Beretta DT-10,Browning B25,Perugini and Visni, Kemen etc etc etc.What do you think is the ultimate clay gun?
I like all the guns I look at.But, at this moment the Blaser F3 Sporting clays looks superb to me. Please share with us your opinions and ideas.Thanks.

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Post by HSharief » Thu Aug 16, 2007 12:14 am

Hi Vikram,

I'm sure you've heard this before. This same comparison would apply to cars, like the Ford, Chevy, Honda, Toyota, Nissan and the Lincoln, Caddy, Accura, Lexus, Infiniti. Then there is the Porche, Ferrari, Astin. They're all cars and they'll all get you from A to B. They all have different designs and work differently and have different features but basically do the same job but a little differently. One's Vroom-Vroom appeals to some but not to others and back. The analogies can go on.

I think the guns are also similar. Most guns will work fine for most sports and will outlive the owner and his/her kids if taken care of properly (can't say that for cars though ;)).

I personally shoot the Beretta 682 as I liked how it Vroom-Vroomed. Given a choice, I'd go with the K-80 as I like its Vroom-Vroom too. Plus I think it'll be easier to shoot more than one sport more easily with the K-80 as the stocks and barrels can be more easily interchanged on that one. Same with the 682. IMHO, staying with the good established brands like Perazzi, Beretta, Kreighoff a good idea, nothing wrong with the rest, it just gives me more confidence. Internationally, you'll find that these three are the most used in numbers. I don't remember hearing/reading somewhere that someone shooting a H&H or Perugini or Boss or Kemen won some tourney, but we all learn something new everyday. ;)

Best of luck.

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Post by Vikram » Thu Aug 16, 2007 1:29 am

Sharief, thanks for the detailed reply. I appreciate what you are trying to say. I just want to know in terms of design,form,functionality,craftsmanship,reliability etc, which one come top.I understand that the differences can be very minute and/or highly subjective.But, there must be some criterion against which these guns could be tested and graded.That is what I'm interested in.Thanks again.

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Post by HSharief » Thu Aug 16, 2007 4:32 am

Vikram";p="25079 wrote: design,form,functionality,craftsmanship,reliability etc, which one come top.I understand that the differences can be very minute and/or highly subjective.But, there must be some criterion against which these guns could be tested and graded.

Thanks for clarifying. I don't think I am qualified (I know I'm not ;)) to grade the qualities you mention so I'll defer to more experienced members. But, I'll give you my take and I'd like to add a few criteria to yours

metal used, wood used, wood to metal fit/finish, lock-up type (design), barrel quality, chokes available (fixed/removable) trigger quality, trigger adjustability, trigger types, springs used (leaf/coil), variety like avail for trap, sporting, skeet, game etc, service in the area where you live, cost of spares/repair/PM, popularity/usage, appeal to shooters (warm fuzzy).

I'm sure there are other criteria that should be considered too and some of these will vary depending on the model chosen within the same brand.

OK, IMHO, only Perazzi and Beretta will satisfy all or most of these criteria. Don't know much about availability and usage of Krieghoff in other parts of the world but I think it'll be a close third. If "I" had to choose ONE, I'd choose Beretta ;) The company, thru its various units has guns for practically every budget and application and I think available almost all parts of the world. Others opinions maybe different.

For The ONE Shotgun, I'd still choose a Beretta 682. #2 and 3 will be Kreighoff K80 and then Perazzi MX.

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Re: The best clay gun there

Post by Sakobav » Thu Aug 16, 2007 7:25 am

Is this the one you have? ... s_main.htm


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Re: The best clay gun there

Post by Grumpy » Thu Aug 16, 2007 3:44 pm

I know what you mean Vikram - The best clay gun that I`ve even handled - in terms of build quality, handling and general performance - is the gun pictured below.
So what is it ?

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Re: The best clay gun there

Post by Grumpy » Thu Aug 16, 2007 3:46 pm

Absolutely beautiful - and if I could afford one I`d buy it like a shot ( sic !!! )

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Re: The best clay gun there

Post by Grumpy » Thu Aug 16, 2007 6:52 pm

Best value for money is the Beretta 682......
I reckon that I`ve tried just about everything of any consequence but the gun shown above wins my vote.
Second place would probably be a Beretta SO......but the ASE runs it pretty close. The ASE is better than any DT10 because of being hand finished and assembled so it `feels` better.
The Perugini & Visinis are really nice as well.
Heres another picture of the mystery gun:

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Re: The best clay gun there

Post by Grumpy » Thu Aug 16, 2007 6:58 pm

Probably the only thing that would change my mind would be if the manufacturer of this gun was to build a competition version.......but he doesn`t, only game guns.

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Post by HSharief » Thu Aug 16, 2007 8:43 pm

ngrewal";p="25087 wrote: Sharief
Is this the one you have? ... s_main.htm
Mine is an older 682 Gold. Doesn't have the "E" in the model name. It is a Trap version with 32" O/U barrels with the older Mobil choke tubes, has a stepped high rib and a monte carlo stock. I added a 34" top single barrel to shoot ATA. I'm looking to add skeet/sporting barrels and stock.

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Re: The best clay gun there

Post by Vikram » Thu Aug 16, 2007 9:44 pm


That is a FAMARS by Abbiattico& Salvinelly of Italy.

I had their catalogue posted to India a longtime back.Amazing guns to look at even in pictures.Any reasons for you ranking them on top?Ahead of Berettas,Perazzis etc?Thanks.

Sharief, thanks for adding those other criterion .

Last edited by Vikram on Fri Aug 17, 2007 12:14 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The best clay gun there

Post by Grumpy » Thu Aug 16, 2007 9:44 pm

I reckon there`s a good case for saying that the older 682s - Berettas generally - are better than the new ones. The quality control nowadays can be a little `iffy` sometimes. Keeping track of all the Berretta model variations is just about impossible but only some of the current 682s carry the `E`suffix.

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Re: The best clay gun there

Post by Grumpy » Thu Aug 16, 2007 9:51 pm

Absolutely right Vikram. Abbiatico & Salvinelli Excalibur Sporting.

"Any reasons for you ranking them on top?Ahead of Berettas,Perazzis etc?"

Why would I place it at the top of the list ?
Because it`s beautifully made, beautifully finished, utilises beautiful materials and handles very well. It`s the dogs nuts. Very expensive unfortunately.

So what`s the other gun ?

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Re: The best clay gun there

Post by Vikram » Thu Aug 16, 2007 10:37 pm

Oops, I did not check the second gun.It was a bit of a struggle.But, the round action is a give away.The Dickson & McNaughton still do not produce an U/O.Then who else?It's David McKay Brown.

What a beautiful gun,what a beautiful gun.

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Re: The best clay gun there

Post by Grumpy » Thu Aug 16, 2007 10:54 pm

Well done Vikram - two out of two !

- You ought to quit now before you lose your 100% record - retire as undefeated champion !

The David McKay Brown round action O/U is the only gun that I really covet - but at around £47,000 ( inc VAT ) in the specification I`d want it`ll have to stay something to covet.
What a shame ! :D

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